Olivia Quotes

Quotes tagged as "olivia" Showing 31-60 of 91
Alexandra Bracken
“Jude: But I thought Fancy was the Slip Kid?
Olivia: Fancy?
Ruby: He nicknamed Clancy.
Olivia: Fancy sort of suits him.”
Alexandra Bracken, Never Fade

Kelley Armstrong
“If you’d rather I didn’t stay—” I began.
“I invited you.”
“After sustaining a head injury. Which means you aren’t responsible for anything you said last night . . . except for the part where you forgave me for wrecking your car.”
“You were run off the road.”
“I still feel bad. It was a nice car.” I paused. “I’m also sorry about almost getting you killed.”
“She says, as an afterthought.”
“It was a really nice car.”
Kelley Armstrong, Deceptions

Kelley Armstrong
“Yes, you’re sleeping in my apartment,” I said. “On my sofa. It was an exciting night, but not that exciting. I’d really hope you’d remember if it had been.”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Kelley Armstrong
“That’s trouble. The pixies will sour your milk.”
“I thought it was hobgoblins who soured milk.”
“A dirty lie. Spread by the pixies, no doubt.”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Kelley Armstrong
“I’d say I needed to find myself, if that didn’t sound like I was heading into the Himalayas, taking only a backpack stuffed with angst and clean underwear.”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Kelley Armstrong
“. When the plague struck Chicago, the townspeople here erected the gargoyles, and nary a soul was lost to the Black Death.”
“The bubonic plague predates Chicago by about five hundred years.”
He lowered himself to the bench. “I know. I was very disappointed when I found out. Almost as bad as when I learned there were no fairies. The world is much more interesting with goblins and plagues.”
“Unless you catch the plague.”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Kelley Armstrong
“Don’t grumble,” I said. “Or I’ll bake you more cookies.”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Kelley Armstrong
“Don’t give me that look,” I told the cat. “You’ve caught one mouse since you’ve been here. And what do you get in return? Food, shelter, and a human servant to clean up your shit. You didn’t even warn me when someone was at the door.”
“Because his sixth sense tells him I can be trusted.”
“Then his sixth sense is broken.”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Kelley Armstrong
“Demon possession strains the boundaries of credulity, given the sheer number of times it seems to happen. One would really hope demons had better things to do with their time.”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Kelley Armstrong
“I wouldn’t call Gabriel Walsh if I was on fire.” She pursed her lips. “No, I might. To sue everyone responsible—from the person who lit the match to those who made my clothes. But I’d wait until the fire was out. Otherwise, he’d just stand there until I was burned enough for a sizable settlement.”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Kelley Armstrong
“I should have a gun.”
“And you think I can provide it?”
“Ask your biker gang buddies.”
“They prefer the term ‘motorcycle club.’”
“I’m sure they do.”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Kelley Armstrong
“I’ll keep it in my bedside drawer, in case I’m woken in the middle of the night and mistake the cat for an intruder. An honest accident.”
“You’re not shooting the cat. It would leave a mess.”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Kelley Armstrong
“He emphasized murderous as if clarifying that he’d certainly believed me capable of making enemies, just not to that degree. I could have taken offense at that, but in Gabriel’s world, if you aren’t making the occasional enemy, you aren’t trying hard enough.”
Kelley Armstrong, Visions

Kelley Armstrong
“A suitably sultry voice answered his office phone. I gave my name, and she checked to see if Mr. Walsh was in. Given that Grace said he was the only lawyer at his firm, one wouldn’t think she’d need to check”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Kelley Armstrong
“As he talked, I thought, “Maybe I’m wrong about the guy.” Put him with someone like Anna Gunderson, a nice woman who has suffered a great tragedy, and his empathetic side came out.
And then I realized he was faking it.”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Kelley Armstrong
“I'd seriously contemplated a real collar - a sparkly green one - if only because I was sure it would offend his dignity.”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Kelley Armstrong
“Cars like that shouldn’t be left in storage. It causes mechanical issues. With brakes and tires and engines and such.”
My smile returned. “You have no idea what you’re talking about, do you?”
“Not a word.”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Kelley Armstrong
“In the meantime, I’ll get a job. I’ll pay my own way.”
“A job?”
“Mmm, yeah. It’s that thing people do to make money.”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Kelley Armstrong
“My foggy brain slid away and—
And I was still dressed in only my bra and panties.
Well, at least it’s a nice set of bra and panties.
Yep, these were the thoughts going through my brain as I looked at a photo of a decapitated head on my bed.”
Kelley Armstrong, Visions

Kelley Armstrong
“I even pulled out the can of cat treats. Yes, I’d bought him treats. Give it another month and I’d be collecting his shed whiskers and claws like a proud momma preserving her baby’s first haircut and lost teeth.”
Kelley Armstrong, Visions

Kelley Armstrong
“Yours is more than business. Your opinion of him - and your continuing relationship with him - matters. My nephew is not accustomed to that, and he's struggling with it.”
Kelley Armstrong, Visions

Jessi Kirby
“She told me to pay attention to my attention.”
Jessi Kirby, The Secret History of Us

Jessica Pennington
“If someone rescues someone, the reader expects that one of three things will happen.

What are the three things?

Right. Well, they can become best friends, they can fall in love, or...they'll end up killing them.

Which of the three do you think happens for us?

We'll have to wait and see I guess. But I'm really hoping I don't kill you; I look horrible in orange.”
Jessica Pennington, When Summer Ends

Amy Tintera
“You told me once that you didn't really expect to make it out of the Lera castle alive,' Olivia said. 'So this is fitting, right? This is how it was always supposed to go.' She looked from Em to the soldiers and back again, a sad smile on her face. 'I don't think I ever really expected to make it out of this alive either.”
Amy Tintera, Allied

DelSheree Gladden
“I sit back up and try to banish such thoughts from my mind. They're stickier than I expect.”
DelSheree Gladden, Intangible

“My name is Olivia Braun. I am the only surviving relative to the leaders of Aeropia, a legacy I am not proud of, but one I must set straight before I walk into the next life.
I am not a child. Many have looked at me and thought that. Small and weak, so insignificant, they believed me a frail little girl. I wasn’t. I am a survivor. I’ve lived through more than you can imagine, in a world where two wrongs made a right and deciding which side of the line you stood on was as important as taking your next breath.”
Clone The Book of Eva D. L. Jackson

Paola Calvetti
“La infelicidad-susurraba la abuela como si me estuviese desvelando uno de sus secretos- es no tener bastantes deseos.”
Paola Calvetti, Olivia: Ovvero la lista dei sogni possibili

Kate Ellison
“For a second--a second that lasts infinite seconds--he turns his face away from the wind to meet my eye. He smiles, he smiles without worrying about the gap in his teeth, he smiles in a way that I know: he is free.”
Kate Ellison, Notes from Ghost Town

V.C. Andrews
“Boy!” she lashed out. “Move away from that window—this instant!”
“My name is not ‘boy.’ My name is Christopher. You can address me by my given name, or don’t address me at all—but never call me ‘boy’ again!”
V.C. Andrews

Maricla Pannocchia
“I guess I was just a child and did my best to play, despite the worry and sorrow in my family. I remember the way Mama Jan used to put the burqa on, as it was really heavy, so heavy that she may collapse under its weight. And one day I asked her if she needed help because the burqa seemed to be very heavy. She looked at me with very sad eyes and murmured that yes, wearing it was very heavy. I didn’t understand the meaning of her words back then, but I do now.”
Maricla Pannocchia, Letters from Afghanistan