
No Show Quotes

Quotes tagged as "no-show" Showing 1-3 of 3
“Imagine hiring a plumber who shows up, looks at your fucked plumbing, then announces, 'I shall return thousands, millions or billions of years from now and then I will fix all the plumbing and everything will be perfect. Trust me. Honest, Guv.' What would you do? Put up with your fucked plumbing and pray every day to the Plumber Messiah who never comes and never fixes any plumbing, or hire a different plumber who actually does his fucking job and fixes your broken plumbing? The idea of a Messiah who shows up and is so clueless and inept that he can’t think of anything better than committing 'suicide by Romans' is like the darkest comedy sketch ever. Jesus Christ is not a plumber who fixes the plumbing. This is a plumber who shows up and wrecks the plumbing, then promises to come back, but never does.”
David Sinclair

Steven Magee
“There is a fraud going on in the airlines regarding bumping passengers from their flights. A passenger that is bumped from their flight is entitled to compensation. If the airline documents that bumping as a ‘No Show’, the passenger is not entitled to compensation. Incorrectly recording passengers as ‘No Show’ saves the airline money and keeps its bumping numbers artificially low.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I was denied boarding by a budget airline and was told I would receive a full refund. That never happened. I filed a claim with my credit card company for the refund. When they looked into it, they discovered that the airline had documented me as a ‘No Show’! Incorrectly documenting passengers as ‘No Show’ prevents the airline from having to compensate bumped passengers. It is one of the illegal activities the airlines engage in with their customers.”
Steven Magee