
Nightside Quotes

Quotes tagged as "nightside" Showing 1-3 of 3
Simon R. Green
“See, phrenology is this old Victorian science, which claimed you could determine the dominant traits of a man's personality by studying the bumps on his head. The size and position of these bumps indicated different personality traits. See? Now, /retro-phrenology/ says, why not change a man's personality by hitting him on the head with a hammer, till you raise just the right bumps in the right places!"
"One of us needs a lot more drinks," said Alex. "That's starting to make sense.”
Simon R. Green, Something from the Nightside

Simon R. Green
“This is Nightside," said Deadboy. "We do ten impossible things before breakfast, just fora cheap thrill. Abandon all taboos, ye who enter here.”
Simon R. Green, Mean Streets

Simon R. Green
“His razor flashed once, briefly, and the zealot cried out in agony as he was instantly and expertly circumsized.
"You can go now," said Razor Eddie, and the zealot ran, howling all the way down the Street. And everyone who'd been watching went about their business again.
"Well," I said, trying to keep it light. "At least he's not a complete prick anymore.”
Simon R Green