
Networking Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "networking-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 82
Monroe Mann
“True networking does not mean meeting people; it means becoming the type of person other people want to meet.”
Monroe Mann

“The buyer is always tuned in to one radio station: WIIFM (What's In It For Me). The rest is filtered out as noise.”
Steve Woodruff, Clarity Wins: Get Heard. Get Referred.

Geoffrey Ocaya
“Don't be nice. Be loyal. Nice can be faked. Loyalty can not.”
Geoffrey Ocaya

“Nobody cares about you, your brand, or your company. You're irrelevant...until proven otherwise.”
Steve Woodruff, Clarity Wins: Get Heard. Get Referred.

Monroe Mann
“Guerrilla networking does not mean meeting people. It means becoming the type of person other people want to meet.”
Monroe Mann, Guerrilla Networking: A Proven Battle Plan to Attract the Very People You Want to Meet

Monroe Mann
“All of the great successful people in history all had one thing in common, and did that one thing very well, and consistently. What was it? Consciously or not, these people focused on becoming the the type of person other people wanted to meet. They did not go out trying to meet people.”
Monroe Mann

Monroe Mann
“Traditional Networking: "Trying to get media attention."
Guerrilla Networking: "Doing such cool things that the media are vying for your attention.”
Monroe Mann

Bernard Kelvin Clive
“Anyone/brand doing well in any field knows something and someone you don't know.”
Bernard Kelvin Clive

Nicky Verd
“It isn’t just what you know, it’s who you know.
It isn’t just what you do, it’s what others are willing to do for you. Your network is your net worth!”
Nicky Verd, Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted

“Level up your skills, sharpen your mindset, grow your network, then watch the universe bend to your will.”
Jeff Ocaya

“We live in an interconnected world of exploding information density where a million things are clamoring for our attention all the time”
Steve Woodruff, Clarity Wins: Get Heard. Get Referred.

“You need to have a differentiating message. If you are new, different, and proposing to solve a real pain or fulfill a cherished hope, you have a chance to be heard.”
Steve Woodruff, Clarity Wins: Get Heard. Get Referred.

Bernard Kelvin Clive
“Contacts doesn't equal connection. Having someone's contact number doesn't mean you have a relationship with the person. You must take time to court that friendship. Build Trust!”
Bernard Kelvin Clive

Monroe Mann
“Traditional Networking: "Coloring within the lines on the piece of paper."
Guerrilla Networking: "Turning the paper into an airplane.”
Monroe Mann

Kangoma Kindembo
“Live like oxygen you'll have no wall in all living matters.”
Kangoma Kindembo

Germany Kent
“Learn to be a successful networker and you will never be without pending opportunities.”
Germany Kent

“Put Relationship above Money. Life might seems short but it is a Long Journey. You will need People to complete the mission.”

Loren Weisman
“Change the narrative of networking by creating conversations to engage authentically over just racing to a finish line to collect names and trying to build up as much popularity to be seen by as many people as possible.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Connecting with a professional on a networking site will not always make them a professional connection for you.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Consider practicing some solid vetting and due diligence with those that spend most of their time spotlighting the number of people they are connected to instead of highlighting their authority, authenticity and expertise.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Are you network messaging or network marketing?

In these times, it seems people may be more enticed by an engaging message over the usual marketing pitches.”
Loren Weisman

Charlene Walters
“Networking is a deposit in the bank of your future and in your startup.
It won’t happen immediately, but if you do it right, you will continue to
receive its dividends for years. I, for one, can network with the best of them!
You can too.”
Charlene Walters, Launch Your Inner Entrepreneur: 10 Mindset Shifts for Women to Take Action, Unleash Creativity, and Achieve Financial Success

Geoffrey Ocaya
“Make sure you know someone somewhere, who knows someone somewhere. Somehow, you will need someone to get somewhere.”
Geoffrey Ocaya

Robert J. Braathe
“Networking isn't about lead generation - it's about generating life.”
Robert J. Braathe

“I'm old enough to remember when a social network was called a school playground. - Chris Geiger”
Chris Geiger

“Lately, I have been thinking about the importance of a great network as envisioned by the Almighty. The question in my mind is whether it is more viable to audit your network or expand it for more and better options or both.”

Raymond Arroyo
“Many believe effective networking is done face-to-face, building a rapport with someone by looking at them in the eye, leading to a solid connection and foundational trust.”
Raymond Arroyo

“At times, fate brings forth individuals on our journey who share an inexplicable connection with us—a connection that transcends our comprehension. These souls seem to mirror the contours of our own destiny, aligning with us through a mysterious force beyond our grasp.”
Donald Pillai

“Networking is more than just exchanging business cards and attending trade shows! It's about building genuine relationships, sharing knowledge, and creating a solid support system.”
Jason Langella

“The Power of Networking!!
The knack of weaving connections, where each thread strengthens the connection with opportunity and possibilities”
Brahmanand Savanth

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