Narcissists Quotes

Quotes tagged as "narcissists" Showing 31-60 of 86
Mateo Sol
“When we meet and fall into the gravitational pull of a narcissist, we are entering a significant life lesson that involves learning how to create boundaries, self-respect, and resilience. Through trial and error (and a lot of pain), our connection with narcissists teaches us the necessary lessons we need to become mature empaths.”
Mateo Sol, Awakened Empath: The Ultimate Guide to Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Healing

Robin Sacredfire
“Most people seem to get bored easily when having an easy life, and need to feed on drama and conflicts to feel alive. They are like vampires and zombies, that feed on the anger of others. The flesh and blood is replaced here by life energy. Now, the main point here is that toxic women and toxic men do make us sick. And life goes nowhere around such decadent souls. Alone, we have choices. With a mentally sick person in our life, you can’t make plans for the future. It's impossible to make long-term plans when teaming with people that are too obsessed with conflicts and selfish needs. And hopefully, there will come a time when such individuals are segregated from society and put in mental hospitals. Until that moment comes, we can only avoid them and label them toxic personalities.”
Robin Sacredfire

Sanjo Jendayi
“Since social media arrived social skills have declined. Fake became real and narcissists thrive!”
Sanjo Jendayi

“Intuition - When shit just doesn't add up and you are confused about something, that is your intuition pointing out for for you to stop, look and listen because something is wrong.”
Tracy Malone

“When confronted by a narcissist's lies - do not engage simply say 'that is one way to look at it' and walk away.”
Tracy Malone

“Because you are so nice, beautiful and you have no boundaries, you are narc-bait.”
Tracy Malone

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Most of the narcissists are geniuses and masters of Psychology. But they are using their knowledge to eradicate, rather than to help humanity.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo, Treatise Upon The Misconceptions of Narcissism

Alice  Little
“Speaking to narcissists and imagining having a normal human interaction is called delusion."
Alice Little, Narcissistic Abuse Truths”
Alice Little

Alice  Little
“Kindness from a narcissist is called an illusion."
Alice Little”
Alice Little, The Little Book of Narcissist Quotes

“You want to see me happy at the cost of my happiness?
That's not love my dear, it's cruelty, it's selfishness, it's narcissism, it's anything but love”
Mehnaz Ansari

“Intuition - Once you have had a narcissist in your life, you must develop your intuition and learn to listen to it and act accordingly.”
Tracy Malone

“Narcissists hate to get rained on because it ruins the mask.”
Tracy Malone

“Narcissists are lower than bullies, maybe pond scum! Lower...the fungus that feeds on the pond scum. Bullying is slow painful brain fuckery.”
Tracy Malone

“Boundaries are guidelines, rules and limits we all must set to protect our time, heart, finances, etc. Without strong defined boundaries we expose ourselves to being abused by narcissists.”
Tracy Malone

“Have you always felt unseen, ignored, or unloved? Congratulations! You're the perfect prey for narcissists who feed off of blind worship and internal sadness. You'll never convince the target of your obsession that your love is what Sade was singing about on that one album. But oh, you will try. And in doing so, you will damage your self esteem. And then, once you will wake up from the stupid spell you put on yourself, you can rail against those narcissists, but it won't affect them. So it's better just to skip ahead to the part where you admit that you're the one who bought the ticket to their show. Choose to want to figure out why you do these things and how to stop. In the end, it's all you can do.”
Karen Kilgariff, Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered: The Definitive How-To Guide

Chuck Palahniuk
“The deal with dating conceited men like him was that she'd hoped some of his excess self-esteem would rub off. Women always secretly hoped this: that dating a narcissist would give them confidence by osmosis. It never worked.”
Chuck Palahniuk, The Invention of Sound

“I think future generations are going to look back at our time period and call this the Age of Narcissism.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, The Ugly Truth About Self-Publishing: Not another cookie-cutter contemporary romance

“People have always been vain. Can you imagine what it was like when some guy invented the first mirror? Maidens probably spent all day and night just staring at their own reflection in the dim candle light of their drafty castle tower, back when the first mirrors were cutting edge technology.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, The Ugly Truth About Self-Publishing: Not another cookie-cutter contemporary romance

Tamara Kučan
“Maštam da je moje srce veliko onoliko koliko prašta. Laž. Srce je slomljeno kad dođe dotle da mora da oprosti.”
Tamara Kučan, Bivirgata

“She used all of her skills to charm me. I now know this was narcissistic charm and just a tactic of abuse.”
Tracy Malone

“Don't ever talk badly about the narcissist in front of your kids. Understand the narcissist will talk badly to your kids about you. Children will learn to trust no one and be messed up forever if you don't keep them grounded. Put kids first to protect them.”
Tracy Malone

“You know that unforgivable lie they tell about you. You may struggle with this one because you know, they know the truth. You are a good parent, but the lie must be implanted for them to win. It's a strategy and they don't care what it does to you or the kids because they have no empathy. It comes down to, they simply do not care about anyone but themselves. They must win.”
Tracy A. Malone

“If you hold onto hurt and anger with a narcissist, the children will have no normal parent. The narcissistic parent will use them as puppets, lovebomb and abandon them. You are their only hope.”
Tracy Malone

“Have you always felt unseen, ignored, or unloved? Congratulations! You're the perfect prey for narcissists who feed off of blind worship and internal sadness. You'll never convince the target of your obsession that your love is what Sade was singing about on that one album. But oh, you will try. And in doing so, you will damage your self esteem. And then, once you wake up from the stupid spell you put on yourself, you can rail against those narcissists, but it won't affect them. So it's better just to skip ahead to the part where you admit that you're the one who bought the ticket to their show. Choose to want to figure out why you do these things and how to stop. In the end, it's all you can do.”
Karen Kilgariff, Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered: The Definitive How-To Guide

Jacqueline Servantess
“Concerning the narcissist- after having been so seemingly incredibly loving and gentle, compassionate and caring- it would be like a light switch had suddenly been turned off and “all of a sudden” they simply did not care. They turned into a cold person, someone without love, compassion, empathy or regard for the subject’s feelings what so ever. It’s like they suddenly and literally stopped being human.”
Jacqueline Servantess, The Other Woman: Based On A True Story • Helping To Protect Young Women From Narcissist Married Men

Carlos Wallace
“Some people, in an attempt to mask their shortcomings dig lies so deep, they end up drowning in a sea of their own delusions!”
Carlos Wallace, Life Is Not Complicated-You Are: Turning Your Biggest Disappointments into Your Greatest Blessings

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“I raised the mystics up to the ladder of knowledge, in order to illustrate that one cannot be a narcissist when you are being praised by others.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo, Treatise Upon The Misconceptions of Narcissism

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“The refraining of freedom of speech from the governmental system can cause its citizens to turn into narcissists in their free time.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo, Treatise Upon The Misconceptions of Narcissism

Stewart Stafford
“The Janus Symbiosis by Stewart Stafford

Ambition's fruition never matches,
The reach of the expanding ego,
Then its imperious Siamese twin,
Savagely seeks sanguine satiation.

Who shall be the meat for the feast?
What shall the slaughter method be?
A blood sport for the VIP Narcissus,
Spitting bones through a rictus grin.

Sycophants surround the Janus figure,
Wheat and chaff to the scythe's blade,
Starving out any vestiges of moral fibre,
Lumps on the humps of the all-powerful.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved”
Stewart Stafford

Milan Kundera
“...Narsisist, kendini beğenmişle aynı şey değildir. Kendini beğenmiş biri başkalarını hor görür. Onları küçümser. Narsisist ise başkalarına fazla değer biçer; çünkü her insanın gözünde kendi görüntüsünü görür ve o görüntüyü güzelleştirmek ister.”
Milan Kundera