
Moral Absolutes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "moral-absolutes" Showing 1-5 of 5
Ashim Shanker
“Their quarry had been cornered in his defenses and their bloodlust was such that they were likely to pay top Julep to watch him escape, so that he might be brutalized and killed before their very eyes, as this was much more gratifying to them than simply watching justice be enacted. They, too, understood that societal constructs for justice were moderate gratification, at best, as they were empty and subject to contradictions and compromises steeped in moral relativism and an unconditional dependence upon overblown semantics that made the law a mockery of itself. As for the ideologies that these hollow systems of jurisprudence sought to define and uphold: these could easily be subjugated through a meticulous analysis of the trivial components of one statute or another. The rule of law had failed them. What the people wanted, in its stead, was rather simple: moral absolutes. Good versus evil. And evil was not to be simply prevailed over. Evil was to be dominated and effectively eliminated, because as long as it was able to while away the time somewhere—in some sweaty prison cell, far away, staring out the barred window with a wry smile, as it plotted its next offensive on the Common Good, a sense of wholeness could not be achieved.”
Ashim Shanker, Don't Forget to Breathe

“Evolution self-destructs morality”
Royal Raj S

J.K. Pendragon
“...there were no good guys, just people trying, and sometimes failing, to do the right thing. Maybe there were no bad guys either.”
J.K. Pendragon, Junior Hero Blues

“My adherence to postmodernism made me hate absolutes. The police embodied absolutes; they enforced the idea of absolute good and evil. Their purpose was to curb murder, rape, theft, drug pedaling, and abuse. They wanted humankind to do and be better, and they were willing to give their time and risk their safety to ensure we would be. They weren’t selfish, they weren’t savage beasts, they were simply trying to keep society from unraveling itself. I wasn’t proving society wrong by ousting moral absolutes, I was sucking from the bosom of its most seductive teachings.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

“There are such things as objective, concrete standards and ideals which dwell outside of and beyond myself. Whether I ignored or embraced them did not change the fact that they existed. I could build my life on them or I could continue doing endless mental gymnastics trying to excuse evil for good, all the while pretending neither existed.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose