Mistake Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mistake" Showing 451-471 of 472
R.K. Lilley
“Life is funny like that, making us pay for the same stupid mistakes even after we've learned from them thoroughly.”
R.K. Lilley, Grounded

Ralph Nader
“Your best teacher is your last mistake.”
Ralph Nader

Chelsea M. Cameron
“Loving you was the best mistake I ever made.”
Chelsea M. Cameron, My Favorite Mistake

Albert Camus
“February 13, 1936
I ask of people more than they can give me. It is useless to maintain the contrary. But what a mistake and what despair. And myself perhaps...

Seek contacts. All contacts. If I want to write about men, should I stop talking about the countryside? If the sky or light attract me, shall I forget the eyes or voices of those I love? Each time I am given the elements of a friendship, the fragments of an emotion, never the emotion or the friendship itself.”
Albert Camus, Notebooks 1935-1942

Laura Wiess
“My biggest mistake is in believing there are limits to how bad it can get.”
Laura Wiess Such a Pretty Girl

Jacquelyn Frank
“The biggest mistake you can ever make it to compare yourself to others. - Gideon”
Jacquelyn Frank, Adam

Magica Quartet
“Junko: That sort of thing happens all the time. You get drunk on your own "correctness," and the more stubborn you get, the further happiness flies away from you. It's a bitter pill to swallow.

Madoka: I wonder if there's any way I can help...

Junko: Even good advice from others won't bring any clear solutions to someone in that frame of mind. ...Even so, you want to find a solution? Then go ahead and screw up. If she's being too correct, then somebody should make mistakes for her.

Madoka: I should screw up...?

Junko: Yep! Tell a really bad lie. Run away in the face of something scary. She may not understand what you're trying to do at first, but there are times when you realize in hindsight that a mistake was the right thing to do... During those times when you're just stuck for an answer, making a mistake is one method of unsticking yourself. Madoka, you've grown up to be a good kid. You don't tell lies, and you don't do bad things. You're a girl who works hard at what she thinks is right. You get an "A" as a child. So before you become an adult, you have to start practicing falling down. You see, we adults have our pride and responsibilities, so it becomes harder and harder to make mistakes.”
Magica Quartet, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Vol. 2

M.F. Moonzajer
“Don’t forgive people until they understand their mistakes.”
M.F. Moonzajer

Andrea Lochen
“It’s easy to point out someone else’s mistake, harder to recognize your own. Especially because most people—except the lucky few like ourselves—are forced to live with their mistakes. So they learn to justify their mistakes, build on them, until they can look back and convince themselves that their mistake was inevitable all along, a good choice, in fact. An unwed teenage mother can look back at her unexpected pregnancy fondly six years down the road once the child’s out of her hair and in school all day. She wouldn’t dare go back and fix that mistake because it’s become part of her life.”
Andrea Lochen, The Repeat Year

Keira Kroft
“You know what a mistake is, right?"
"Like when Mommy yells at me and then says she is sorry later.”
Keira Kroft, Glow in the Dark

Emma Cameron
“I'm just
the reason they married.
Mum says
I was a surprise.
Dad says
I was an accident.
Truth is ...
I am their mistake.”
Emma Cameron, Cinnamon Rain

Rachelle Ayala
“God does not make mistakes. What He says He will do, He will.”
Rachelle Ayala, Michal's Window

“Regret for not learning; not for the mistakes you did.”

M.F. Moonzajer
“Your kindness is your weakness, you appreciate their mistakes.”
M.F. Moonzajer

Lois Lowry
“I brug you two [gifts] . . . I gots the little here in my pockie.' He dug one hand deep into his pocket and pulled out a handful of nuts and a dead grasshopper. 'Nope. Be the other side.' (Matt)”
Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue

Hiroko Sakai
“The mercy of forgiveness is brought from the strength to accept any situation given and faced. Spiritual independence and humbleness toward life makes life like a flowing river of release. What happens will happen anyways, and everybody can make mistakes. The important thing is to learn how to make a better future from the mistake.”
Hiroko Sakai

Hiroko Sakai
“Maybe I might be repeating the same mistake again... But don't you think it is far better to regret what I have done than what I have not done yet...?”
Hiroko Sakai

M.F. Moonzajer
“It is neutral if you go under spell in your first love; but if it happens for a second time you have mistaken love with something else.”
M.F. Moonzajer

M.F. Moonzajer
“Well, I have learned nothing from my mistakes what the fuck is next?”
M.F. Moonzajer

M.F. Moonzajer
“We always make the mistake we are scared of it.”
M.F. Moonzajer

“Niekuomet netikėkite, kad mums pražudo didelės klaidos. Tai padaro mažos klaidelės.”
Adrian Mathews, The Apothecary’s House

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