
Messaging And Optics Quotes

Quotes tagged as "messaging-and-optics" Showing 1-30 of 36
Loren Weisman
“Being so easily convinced,
so quickly with information
that is so scripted and so empty,
may be one of the reasons
why conversions, connections and growth
have been so hard and so slow.”
loren weisman

Loren Weisman
“Are they as clean as they claim? Or are they only presenting a very neat and falsely polished front?”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Perceptions, comparisons, compliance and connotations of the messaging and optics of a brand can matter a great deal. Take the time to choose a sound foundation for the name, the content and the tone wisely for a secure and stable performance.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“To me, artificial Intelligence like ChatGPT used by those with wisdom, knowledge & experience can authentically enhance the distribution of intelligence & information in a positive way.

Though when used by deceptive, unexperienced & greedy fools... it can be a dangerous tool.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Refer and review like your reputation depends on it and is attached to it.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“AI can only fool the fool who wants to be fooled.
While AI can help to create an expert persona, product and presence… those that vet, double check and look for substantiated proof will find out the truth or see red flags and issues revealing questionable AI use and abuse.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“It seems we have come to a time that when many are presented with objective truth and substantiated facts regarding anything that offends them or makes them uncomfortable;
they find it easier to deny, ignore or disregard what is true for what they want or need the truth to be.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“If you choose to use someone else’s authority, knowledge or expertise to amplify your popularity, likes and views, give credit where credit is due.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Consider taking the time to search out the facts instead of quickly settling for the fiction when it comes to the claims that are being shared with you.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“In the end, authoritative pricing with a stewarding approach considers every business not as a template but strictly as an individual business.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Consider that when you state only what you can prove and differentiate your opinions from facts, it allows you to stand on a stronger foundation over those stating whatever they want with no care for the truth.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Consider the perceptions, views and assumptions of your message instead of only sharing in a linear way to force your brand and marketing with only your intention.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Expand the authority, validity and integrity of your argument or view.

Consider making a true defense for your belief from a foundation of sound, proven and vetted resources. Instead of weak claims pointing at empty and unsubstantiated hype statements.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Give your audience a change to experience the content first before you ask them to like, share and subscribe.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Consider being more of a prudent detective when it comes to the statements and content online that is shared with you online.

Search for the objective truth in what they share.
Examine… Vet… Discern… every claim.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Consider providing an emailing frequency option when it comes to signing up for your mailing list can help to grow and sustain your mailing lists.”
loren weisman

Loren Weisman
“Consider choosing the “here is how” over the “I know you can” types.

Consider connecting with those that have the authority and ability to show, educate, and help you create what you want….

Instead of those that only focus on vague directions, hearsay instructions, empty motivation and scripted hype.”
loren weisman

Loren Weisman
“Do your morals, honor, and ethics only come across in your words? Or do they also show up in your works, your actions and your deeds?”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Instead of claiming to be the answer, consider stating that you may be an answer.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Watch out for the 1x expert. They had 1 successful experience… but now claim to have the expertise, answers and ability to help everyone else become successful.

This can be a dangerous path to go down and a dangerous person to work with. While their intentions might be true, their experience and expertise is limited.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Differentiate your opinions from facts.

Honor your audience with messaging that clearly defines when you are sharing truth and when you are sharing an opinion.”
loren weisman

Loren Weisman
“Premature promotion and distribution before professional protection and organization can lead to loss of control, ownership and profits.

Create the sound foundation before you start building the floors above it.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“I do not disconnect because I disagree with someone on something, some view or some opinion.
If I disconnect, it is because of how they chose to disagree.”
loren weisman

Loren Weisman
“Expect more than just the studies have shown marketing claims.
Dig deeper to see if there is any true validity and authority… or if it is just another hype claim.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Keep an eye out for the healpreneurs that may have healed themselves, but perhaps are not ready, equipped or experienced enough to help others heal; much less charge for it.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“In humility, subjectivity and in the ability to see a series of elements from a distance; it may help you to focus your messaging in order to create a much stronger of an impact.

In some cases, when you are too close to your branding, messaging, marketing and your content, you may not be able to see the full picture or for that matter, the picture others are seeing.

Consider looking at how you are being perceived over focusing only on the intention of how you want to be seen.”
loren weisman

Loren Weisman
“Are you humble enough to state something as an opinion and educated enough to deliver a substantiated defense as well as sound reasoning why it should be considered to be a fact?”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Assuming without asking, claiming without proving, concluding without knowing can reveal the true heart of a pretty false person.”
loren weisman

Loren Weisman
“Consider standing in honor and transparency whether behind closed doors or if those doors are open to the world at large.”
Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman
“Consider looking into that person or company that might be stock full of the tools to fool and pitch themselves in a way that is far from the truth.”
Loren Weisman

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