
Masked Quotes

Quotes tagged as "masked" Showing 1-11 of 11
“And I wasn’t playing a role – I was trying to be myself.
But the harder I was striving, the more I was realizing that I had probably lost that ‘myself’ somewhere between two perfectly performed roles...”
Simona Panova, Nightmarish Sacrifice

Ljupka Cvetanova
“I've changed so many masks. None suits me.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

“Your true face... What kind of... face is it? I wonder... The face under the mask... Is that... your true face?”
Child on the Moon
tags: masked

“His character would be blamed, loathed, discussed, and adored – but somewhere there, behind his mask of a hero, Cardew would remain faceless.
Simona Panova, Nightmarish Sacrifice

Courtney M. Privett
“I’m not going to tell you to wear a mask to hide your sadness just because my own mask is on the edge of shattering.”
Courtney M. Privett, Emberstorm

“The poeticization of words

I was worried now,
I do not do it anymore, and the silence continues to ravage my soul
I was worried now,
I do not know and the silence of love continues to ravage my soul and my heart

drained of emotions and the lonely road never seems to end

the lightning of love continues to fail
and I stay with a heart full of burning scars
I see them in the crowd the mocking laughter

the bad jokers, the worthless people who are afraid
double-edged friends who stab, and slash

without thinking about the consequences

scars forming in the mind

filled with screaming voices

his stubborn voices will never leave me paralyzer

adding weight to the confusion of insecurity wearing

I was worried now,
I do not do it anymore, and the silence continues to ravage my soul
I was worried now,
I do not know and the silence continues to ravage my soul

the music call me night fall

to deliver me in synchronicity words memorize

restitution of my thinking I do not know to ask me

but why is my heart still so hollow?

and I can not find rest in any place

he told me one day everything will be better

but the weight of emotions enclose me agonize

and I have to stay hidden

because this world is without mercy

I was worried now,
I do not do it anymore, and the silence continues to ravage my soul
I was worried now,
I do not know and the silence of love continues to ravage my soul

and I'm tearing from the inside

my friends do not see it because a wall was built

and the trust beat hospitalizer

never got back from the fight lead lonely

in a slice surround with explosions of bad intent
and radiation of emotions

my last companion

the poeticization of words.

(Marty Bisson Milo)”
Marty Bisson milo

Mehmet Murat ildan
“People wake up in the morning; there are many masks in their rooms, and today they decide which mask to wear! Man has only one face, but a thousand masks!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

لطيفة الزيات
“و علا كلٍ فقد التزمت بوصية أخي ألا أنهار , وان تزايد علي مر الأيام ادراكي أنها تشكل عبئا ثقيلا. واصلت عمل ما ينبغي أن يعمل في أضيق حدود ممكنة بهذا المظهر المتماسك الخداع , تنفرج شقتاي و أتوهم بأني أبتسم, أتكلم و أتوهم أني أتواصل, أصدر أصواتا و أتوهم أني أضحك , أتحرك و أتوهم أني أتقدم , أقرأ و أتوهم أني أعي ما أقرأ, الى أن جاء اليوم الذي فقدت فيه الدلالات مدلولاتها و المسميات أسماءها , و بدأتأفقد القدرة علي التركيز , و بالتالي علي القراءة , و أتلعثم في الكلام , و من ذاكرتي تنمحي الأسماء و المسميات , لا كما لو كانت علي وشك أن تطفو و لا تطفو , بل كما لو لم تكن أبدا”
لطيفة الزيات, أوراق شخصية - حملة تفتيش

Steven Magee
“I never thought I would see the day the bank was staffed by an army of masked bandits!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Every day was like Halloween during the pandemic with everyone walking around like masked bandits!”
Steven Magee

Goldy Moldavsky
“This Masked Man saw her - watched her - and Saundra's first instinct was to point to the huddled, snively guys in the corner. "They're the ones you want!"
But the Masked Man barely glanced in their direction. He still wanted her. It was just her luck that so many guys wanted her tonight and none of it was going her way.”
Goldy Moldavsky, The Mary Shelley Club