Male Quotes

Quotes tagged as "male" Showing 181-210 of 314
Nathan  Hill
“He’s like the most dangerous species of American there is: heterosexual white male who didn’t get what he wanted.”
Nathan Hill, The Nix

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The difference between a ‘man’ and a ‘father’ is that the former shares his genes, but latter gives his life.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Anupama Garg
“A woman will always be insecure if she attaches her identity and sense of worth to the amount of male attention she gets.”
Anupama Garg

Dan       Brown
“The male ego had spent two millennia running unchecked by its female counterpart. The Priory of Sion believed that it was this obliteration of the sacred feminine in modern life that had caused what the Hopi Native Americans called koyanisquatsi - "life out of balance" - an unstable situation marked by testosterone-fueled wars, a plethora of misogynistic societies, and a growing disrespect for Mother Earth.”
Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code

Becky Wade
“He was serious and introverted, with a dry sense of humor you’d never be treated to unless you’d gained his hard-won friendship—or happened to be standing next to him when he murmured something funny under his breath”
Becky Wade, True to You

Terence McKenna
“Monotheism exhibits what is essentially a pathological personality pattern projected onto the ideal of God: the pattern of the paranoid, possessive, power-obsessed male ego. This God is not someone you would care to invite to a garden party. Also interesting is that the Western ideal is the only formulation of deity that has no relationship with woman at any point in the theological myth. In ancient Babylon Anu was paired with his consort Inanna; Grecian religion assigned Zeus a wife, many consorts, and daughters. These heavenly pairings are typical. Only the god of Western civilization has no mother, no sister, no female consort, and no daughter.”
Terence McKenna, Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge

B. Tiana Lorena
“Ho visto qualcosa di diverso in te! Sei intrappolata in questa guerra che non ti appartiene, c'è un conflitto tra tua mente e il tuo cuore, una sfida tra bene e il male. La voce della tua natura ha un potere immenso sulla tua vita, e ti fa sentire completamente diversa dagli altri. Il tuo carattere ribelle,il tuo istinto,il tuo cuore, ti dicono di vivere per te stessa ed essere te stessa. Ti è stato insegnato a vivere una vita che non hai scelto!-Innocent Demons(Legami di Sangue#1) di B.Tiana Lorena”
B. Tiana Lorena, Innocent Demons (Legami di sangue #1).

Théun Mares
“The mark of the true male is courage, but to have courage the man must take heart.”
Théun Mares, Cry of the Eagle: The Toltec Teachings Volume 2

“If all of human knowledge is like a library that we can borrow from or add to, then when men don't put these kinds of stories [(their abuse from others)] on the shelves, nobody can borrow them--we all miss out.”
Oliver Thorn

Yukio Mishima
“Il dolore genuino può maturare soltanto a grado a grado. Somiglia strettamente alla tubercolosi, in quanto il male è già progredito e ha raggiunto lo stadio critico prima che il paziente si sia reso conto dei suoi sintomi.”
Yukio Mishima, Confessions of a Mask

Jeffrey Stepakoff
“His clean skin had a sweet earthy scent, like ripe roasted breadfruit, or warm oiled saddle leather. It was an evocative fragrance that rambled through her blood, at once comforting and licentious.”
Jeffrey Stepakoff, The Orchard

Bri Lee
“It wasn't just him in the same way it wasn't just me. It was because I was sick of men like him. Because I'd seen them all, each as unoriginal in their selfishness as the next.”
Bri Lee, Eggshell Skull

“If you say we are the same. Why do you then want to be treated differently and special ?

If you say you are different. Why do you want to change me to be like you ?”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Steven Magee
“It is important to remember that blatant harassment of male workers by toxic female managers is also prevalent in the USA.”
Steven Magee

Théun Mares
“The female is not concerned with rational implications, and can therefore cover a huge expanse of the unknown rapidly, but superficially. The female therefore works horizontally. The male, on the other hand, perforce has to fathom out the implications of everything encountered, and as a result moves slower than the female, but at a much greater depth. Therefore the male works vertically. However, both breadth and depth are required in mapping out the unknown, and to this effect male and female need each other's specialised abilities. This mutual need is the basis of intelligent co-operation.”
Théun Mares, Cry of the Eagle: The Toltec Teachings Volume 2

Théun Mares
“The nature of the female is that she brings forth from out of her own depths fragments of the unknown which it is the duty of the male to make practical upon the physical plane, because it is he who has the ability to reason out what the female has intuited. To this effect the male must also apply his feeling to that which the female brings him, so that he can follow her, and in so doing, fathom the practicability of her gift. In this way male and female together map out the unknown.”
Théun Mares, Cry of the Eagle: The Toltec Teachings Volume 2

Albert Camus
“Il sole incessante, le ore dedicate al sonno delle vacanze non invitavano più come prima alle feste dell’acqua e della carne; suonavano vuote, invece, nella città chiusa e silenziosa; avevano perduto il metallico splendore delle stagioni felici. Il sole della peste stingeva tutti i colori e fugava ogni gioia.”
Albert Camus

Harriet Lerner
“When women equate requesting a behavioral change with trying to teach the proverbial pig to sing, we don’t strengthen our voice. Instead, we get sucked in by the latest research findings about how male and female brains are different, so men can’t really be expected to pick up their socks. It feels easier to give up and adapt to unfair circumstances, despite the enormous long-term toll of making such accommodations.”
Harriet Lerner, Ph.D.

Susanna Tamaro
“Mi ero sempre chiesta che cos’è l’amore, ma mai che cos’è la vita. Veniamo al mondo e siamo l’inno stesso della precarietà. Basta un virus appena un po’ arrogante, un colpo leggero sulla nuca per farci scivolare subito dall’altra parte.
Siamo un inno alla precarietà e un invito al male, a compierlo vicendevolmente gli uni sugli altri. Un invito che abbiamo accolto dal primo giorno in cui il mondo è stato creato. L’abbiamo accolto per obbedienza, per passione, per pigrizia, per distrazione. Ti uccido per vivere. Ti uccido per possedere. Ti uccido per liberarmi di te. Ti uccido perché amo il potere. Ti uccido perché non vali niente. Ti uccido perché voglio vendicarmi. Ti uccido perché uccidere mi dà piacere. Ti uccido perché mi dai fastidio. Ti uccido perché mi ricordi che anch’io posso essere ucciso.
Ogni cosa nel mondo ha il suo opposto. Il nord e il sud. L’alto e il basso. Il freddo e il caldo. Il maschio e la femmina. La luce e il buio. Il bene e il male. Ma allora, se davvero è così, perché è possibile dire: «Ti uccido» e non è possibile dire: «Ti restituisco la vita?». La vita è nata prima dell’uomo e nessun uomo è in grado, con la sua sola volontà, di creare la vita. «Muori!» possiamo gridare, ma non «Vivi!». Perché? Cosa si nasconde dietro questo mistero?”
Susanna Tamaro, Answer Me

“Unas eats their magic, swallows their spirits:
Their big ones are for his morning meal,
Their middle ones for his evening meal,
Their little ones for his night meal,
And the oldest males and females for his fuel

Utterances 273·274
Antechamber, East WaU
The kingfeeds on thegods”
Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms

Steve Sailer
“The progressive stack is basically a measure of how much you aren’t like, say, James Watt, the developer of the modern steam engine, the key invention of the Industrial Revolution. Watt was white, male, Protestant, straight, rich, mechanically skilled, and a scientific genius, so you’d better not be.”
Steve Sailer

Alice D'Arrigo
“Accidenti, basterebbe solo che il signor Marshall riacquistasse la ragione.
Ma come può un uomo morto tornare a vivere?”
Alice D'Arrigo

Elizabeth Harrower
“He thinks as long as he can get up and go to work, no one should complain. He doesn't realise what he's like.”
Elizabeth Harrower, The Watch Tower

Elizabeth Harrower
“He loved to be so concentrated on.”
Elizabeth Harrower, The Watch Tower

“Team male can never succumb to team female.”
Robert Black

Michelle Gable
“Jack loved Hollywood but could never sit through a full reel. Fifteen, twenty minutes in, he took to pacing, tapping, scratching doodles on a pad. Jack Kennedy was never at rest.”
Michelle Gable, The Summer I Met Jack

Philip Hensher
The Nude Male was published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson and was largely full of pictures of Greek vases, which hadn’t been considered rude since Queen Victoria died.”
Philip Hensher, The Emperor Waltz

“Men are called to start building their relationship with their feminine spirit in order to reverse the damage that has been caused to the masculine and feminine energy through patriarchy. The only way for us to do this, as men, is to start moving closer to the inner feminine part of our male personality.”
Lebo Grand

“Gays and Lesbians don't want to be accepted or to be accommodated. They want to take over and to rule the world. They want power so they can change everything and everyone to their own definition and standards. Now they are identifying the key points and taking over major platforms that influence their behavior and lifestyle to others. You can't disagree with them on anything .If you do. You are homophobic. They want to be treated the same , but special. They are on a mission to take over , to control and to change everything. They want to accept the things and people they are but they want to be accepted the way they are.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos