
Machu Picchu Quotes

Quotes tagged as "machu-picchu" Showing 1-11 of 11
Michael Palin
“Night falls over Machu Picchu to the sound of Abba's 'Dancing Queen'.”
Michael Palin, Full Circle

Mark Adams
“Separating fact and fiction in Inca history is impossible, because virtually all the sources available are Spanish accounts of stories that had already been vetted by the Inca emperors to highlight their own heroic roles. Imagine a history of modern Iraq written by Dick Cheney and based on authorized biographies of Sadam Hussein published in Arabic, and you'll get some idea of what historians face.”
Mark Adams, Turn Right at Machu Picchu: Rediscovering the Lost City One Step at a Time

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Her insan Machu Picchu’da bir süre yaşamalı! Orada, evrene daha yakın olacaksın ve bu kaotik evrende ne kadar önemsiz olduğunun farkına varacaksın. Seni bu kozmosta büyütecek ve manidar yapacak olan tek güç bilimdir!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“La mejor edad para disfrutar de la vida es la que tienes ahora.”
Martín Balarezo García

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Todo hombre debe vivir en Machu Picchu durante algún tiempo! Allí, estarás más cerca del universo y te darás cuenta de lo trivial que eres en este cosmos caótico. La ciencia es el único poder que te hará más grande y significativo en este universo!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mark Adams
“Efrain shrugged. 'There's energy in everything, Mark. Remember, you can't everything in a book.”
Mark Adams

Ryan Gelpke
“Machu Picchu, oh the name alone evokes a sense of mystique, a whispered secret passed down through the ages. Here in the heart of the Andes, where the mountains kiss the heavens and the clouds weave their ethereal tapestry, lies this hidden sanctuary, a testament to the ingenuity of a forgotten civilisation.”
Ryan Gelpke, Peruvian Days

Ryan Gelpke
“The sacred Urubamba River snakes its way through the verdant tapestry, a lifeline that nurtures the land and the spirits that dwell within. In this sacred space, time becomes fluid, the boundaries between past and present dissolving. I find myself once again tracing the footsteps of the Inca, their energy palpable in every stone, every carved symbol that adorns the sacred structures.”
Ryan Gelpke, Peruvian Days

Ryan Gelpke
“I look back once again at Machu Picchu, a true testament to human resilience, a testament to the harmony between man and nature. It is a place where the earthly and the divine intertwine, where the mysteries of the cosmos are whispered through the stones. Here, one is humbled, transformed, and forever connected to the eternal dance of life.”
Ryan Gelpke, Peruvian Days

Ryan Gelpke
“Dieser Aspekt der menschlichen Geschichte amüsiert mich - Aufstieg und Fall, eine ewige Erzählung von Menschen, die täglich ihrem eigenen Hochmut erliegen.”
Ryan Gelpke, Tage in Peru (Peruanische Dualität)