Lifelesson Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lifelesson" Showing 31-55 of 55
J.D. Salinger
“I have a feeling that you’re riding for some kind of terrible, terrible fall. . . . The whole arrangement’s designed for men who, at some time or other in their lives, were looking for something their own environment couldn’t supply them with. . . . So they gave up looking.”
J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye

Shree Shambav
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Eiji Yoshikawa
“Seorang samurai tidak bekerja sekadar untuk mengisi perut. Dia bukan budak makanan. Dia hidup untuk memenuhi panggilannya, untuk kewajiban dan pengabdian. Makanan hanyalah tambahan, sebuah berkah dari surga. Jangan menjadi laki-laki yang, karena terlalu sibuk mencari makan, menghabiskan hidupnya dalam kebimbangan.”
Eiji Yoshikawa, Taiko 1 - Tahun Temmon Kelima 1536

Eiji Yoshikawa
“Menurut satu aliran pemikiran, jika seseorang menguasai satu keterampilan, dia telah menguasai seluruh ilmu. Ilmu bela diri bukan jurus-jurus belaka-- ilmu bela diri menyangkut kematangan jiwa. Jika seseorang mengolah jiwanya dengan sungguh-sungguh, orang itu mampu menguasai segala sesuatu, termasuk seni belajar dan pemerintahan. Dia memandang dunia apa adanya, dan sanggup menilai orang.”
Eiji Yoshikawa, Taiko 1 - Tahun Temmon Kelima 1536

“I may a loser in many ways but not a quitter in any way.”
Irfa Rahat

Frank  Sonnenberg
“Treat feedback as a gift rather than as a slap in the face.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Soul Food: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Shree Shambav
“Hold on to forgiveness, for it frees your heart of resentment and opens the door to healing and peace.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Thomas Brussig
“Ich erzähle dir das deshalb, damit du heute schon weißt, daß alles seinen Preis hat. Wenn du eines Tages endlich weißt, was du willst, dann wirst du auch konsequent sein müssen. Und du wirst eben nicht nur hart arbeiten müssen - das sowieso -, sondern du wirst auch deine Katzen ersäufen müssen. Und ich kenne keinen, der etwas gilt, der darum herumgekommen ist. Jeder von denen hat mal seine sechs Katzen ersäuft.”
Thomas Brussig, Wasserfarben

“Podría contar mi vida uniendo casualidades.”
Julio Médem

Saskia de Coster
“Ontdoe je van wie je neerhaalt.”
Saskia de Coster, Eeuwige roem

Shree Shambav
“When you go down in flames, let it be a blaze that illuminates your path forward, guiding you towards a new beginning.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“Having the courage to stand up for what we believe in is our greatest glory, not winning every battle.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“The only way to fail is to stop trying. Continue to move forward and expand as you see how your perseverance yields amazing results.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“Glory resides in the hearts of those you inspire, not in fleeting moments of fame.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“The beauty of a journey lies in its never-ending motion. Continue to move forward while accepting the constantly shifting path in front of you.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“Embrace what life gives you, for even the unexpected can hold hidden blessings and opportunities.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“Don’t lose your heart when things are uncertain; instead, let it be the compass that guides you back to your truest self.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“The road to success is paved with determination, not with the footsteps of quitters.”
Shree Shambav, Twenty + One - 21 Short Stories - Series II

Shree Shambav
“Embrace the truth that joy does not happen to us; it reflects our mindset and choices.”
Shree Shambav, Journey of Soul - Karma

Shree Shambav
“Remember to pause and take in the beauty of the present moment in your pursuit of happiness.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“If you have joy in your heart, even the most mundane moments will become extraordinary.”
Shree Shambav, Journey of Soul - Karma

Shree Shambav
“If you can dream it, you have the innate ability to make it a reality in your life.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“You have the potential to create something truly wonderful when you fully commit yourself to what you love. Do not be afraid to dream big and follow your dreams.”
Shree Shambav, Twenty + One - 21 Short Stories - Series II

Shree Shambav
“Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others have discovered the secret to genuine happiness and fulfilment.”
Shree Shambav, Twenty + One - 21 Short Stories - Series II

Shree Shambav
“Life isn’t about finding yourself; it’s about creating yourself and embracing the journey of self-discovery.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

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