
Kate And Rohan Quotes

Quotes tagged as "kate-and-rohan" Showing 1-30 of 43
Gaelen Foley
“Surrender to me," he breathed against her lips.
She pulled him closer, held him tightly, and obeyed him; her high, wrenching moans intoxicated him, a frantic, soft soprano by his ear. He buried his face in her silky hair, battling himself to hold off just a moment longer until she had taken her full pleasure of him.
Spasms of profound climax racked her lithe body, and the sweet convulsions of her core drove him entirely mad.
She overcame him. How he had the presence of mind to withdraw from her body, he had no idea, for he was already falling into ecstasy, but he refused to risk getting her with child in the midst of all the danger she already had to deal with.
Waves of pleasure rocked him. His explosive release drenched her quivering stomach and her spread thighs with his seed.
He did not care. He had never been one to bother with tedious inhibitions. He let his growls and groans of pleasure fill the searing space between them. All the while, he gripped her hips, only wishing to God he could have filled her body instead.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“Look at me," she ordered softly as she leaned her head against the wall behind her.
Slowly, he obeyed. Lifting his lashes, he gazed into her eyes. "Keep looking at me, Rohan." She held his stare as he continued making love to her. "I love you. God, I love you, past all reason." She felt him trembling with emotion, but she needed him to know here and now that this was not a liaison with just anyone.
This time, he was with someone who loved him beyond the point of all reckoning. A woman who'd fight for him, who, she feared, would even die for him, gladly, if it came down to it. "Yes," she breathed as she petted him, soothing away his grief. "Give it all to me, darling. I can take it. I know who you are."
She saw the torment and the heavy haze of pleasure in his eyes, still holding his stormy gaze as he reached his climax.
He held her in a crushing embrace, looking helplessly into her eyes as he filled her body with the life-giving liquid of his seed. His massive thrusts in release caressed her core so deeply that she, too, achieved her climax, succumbing to the mind-melting wonder of their total union.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“The water rippled as she moved closer, draping her arms around his neck in steamy affection. "How ever shall we while away the hours until then, my husband?"
He laughed softly, wickedly, but he soon carried her over to the bed. Moving under the covers, fully naked, their bodies still warm and damp from the bath, Rohan laid her down with endless kisses full of tender passion. As he made slow, deep, gentle love to her, he kept whispering, "I love you," and it was so worth the wait to hear him say it at last.
Kate was in heaven, his strength covering her, his vulnerability safe in her hands. She yielded herself to him gladly, giving him all she was. As he urged her body toward completion, her heart was so full of helpless love for him that she wept with release.
They lay together afterwards, spoon fashion, in spent, glowing silence. Rohan was behind her, his arm draped over her waist, his palm resting on the mattress. She slid her hand atop his, idly comparing the size of their hands.
His was so much larger than hers, and yet, for all his power and strength, she knew he needed her in a way that was more than physical.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“Her touch was so soft it made him ache. He closed his eyes as his control slipped; tilting his head, he pressed a fervent kiss into her palm.
He heard her breathe his name, then her delicate hand turned his face forward again; without warning, she moved forward onto her knees and pressed an urgent but virginal kiss to his lips.
His heart slammed in his chest.
Wonderstruck by her unexpected move, he sat in trembling stillness, chaining himself back, only returning her kiss gently as his pulse pounded. God knew, he barely dared breathe for fear of scaring her away.
His restraint emboldened her. She moved closer, kissing him again, and again. Her lips stroking his were supple, satin, sweet.
He shuddered with the need to unleash his passion, but still, he held himself back, just as she paused with the air of a woman stopping herself with great effort.
"I'm sorry." Her breathless whisper inflamed his senses as she drew back a small space. "You looked like you--- needed that."
"I did. I do." He nodded and drew her back to him.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“Then he felt her lips glide slowly down the side of his face until they reached his waiting mouth. Passion raced through their hands and lips as they kissed with an intensity that told him she had dreamed of this as much as he had. She clutched at his waistcoat; his hands clasped her waist, in turn, as though with a will of their own. He couldn't fight it anymore.
When he pulled her astride his lap, she did not protest. His heartbeat slammed as she lifted her arms around his neck and went on kissing him endlessly.
He felt the softness of her lush breasts against his chest and reveled in the intoxicating glide of her sweet tongue caressing his. He could not believe she was doing it, but could not bear for her to stop.
Want raged in his blood, swelling his member to full arousal as she knelt across his lap. He knew the moment she discovered it there, waiting for her, throbbing between her legs; he felt the fiery thrill of her excitement in response. Her fingers dug into his shoulders.
He absorbed in delight her sharp intake of breath when the gentle pressure of his hands on her hips guided her needy core against the hardened ridge of flesh straining the placket of his trousers.
She moaned against his mouth as she began rocking slowly against him. Instinctually, her body knew what to do with him. Rohan began unfastening the back of her dress before he even noticed what he was doing. He didn't care anymore. He could not contain himself. Every atom of his being had to feel her bare, silken back beneath his hands.
A moment later, her loosened bodice crumpled down about her elbows. He ran his hands hungrily up and down her naked back, then he took her now-exposed breasts in both of his hands. She did not protest but welcomed his touch with a dreamy smile. At the back of his mind, he wondered what the hell he was doing.
She kissed him again, and tugged away the length of black cord binding his hair as she did so. She drove him slightly mad raking her fingers through his hair. Breathing heavily, he dragged his mouth away from hers and lowered his head to taste the milky throat that had tormented him for so long.
She sighed with pleasure as he sucked and kissed her neck. She hugged his head and, beneath her skirts, spread her legs wider to sit more firmly on his lap.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“Kate cradled his face between her hands, drinking him in with her mouth while her beauty and her sheer, sweet innocence enveloped him in an almost holy fire.
As his hands began to wander over all the soft enticements of her body, she undulated under his palms in seductive invitation. Her breasts swelled beneath his roaming touch. He chafed her erect nipples with his thumbs, but soon could not resist their tautened allure. He dragged his lips away from hers and moved lower to pay homage.
He sampled each with a deep, slow, savoring kiss. Her chest heaved as she lay back on her elbows, watching him, and enjoying his attentions. With her breast in his mouth, his hand was free to discover and to claim new territory.
And he had a very clear idea of where he wanted to go. His hand inched down her stomach, teasing her as he neared her mound of Venus. His fingers drew playful circles at the bottom of her belly; he made sure she was dying for his touch before he deigned to give it to her. When she groaned with kittenish frustration, her hips rising impatiently to meet his cupped hand, he introduced himself to her mound with a deft caress.
Ah, but when his fingertips pressed deeper, he nearly lost his mind. She was dripping for him, anointing his hand with her yearning nectar. She let out an urgent sigh of pleasure and dropped her head back as he began to finger her. His pulse slammed in his arteries, for she was as ready for love as any woman he had ever bedded, her breathless motions urging on his explorations. So wet. It was at about that moment that her unexpected wantonness enslaved him, heart and mind, body and soul.
Her silken moans transported him to a throbbing frenzy. He had never wanted anyone with such a deep and elemental need.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“Goaded on by climbing lust, he laid her on her back again and maneuvered himself gently atop her, taking care not to crush her with his weight. He slid his arm around her, cradled her lovely head in his hands, and gazed at her for a heartbeat. "I'm going to take you now."
"Mm, yes, Rohan, please." She writhed beneath him. He lowered his head and consumed her mouth with kisses as he entered her. Inch by inch, pressing in, he gave her what they so desperately yearned for. She welcomed him, though he could feel her feverish uncertainty.
He moved slowly, throbbing inside her. He was only about halfway in, pleasuring her with small motions, caressing her tight inner walls. Her breasts heaved against his chest as she grew accustomed to his incursion, warily accepting it; he sensed the moment she had need of more.
He gave it to her, riding in more deeply, resolute in his taking. She licked her lips, opening to him, but still he held himself back. He moved slowly until her head thrashed back and forth on his pillow and her body squirmed beneath him in quivering frustration.
He drove in harder, quickened his pace. She arched, clawing at his trembling hips, a whispered curse torn wildly from her. He could bear no more self-denial. As she lay trembling beneath him, he braced himself on his hands above her, gazed fiercely into her eyes, and thrust again, taking her completely.
This time he drove in to the hilt, and a small cry of pain escaped her; he instantly regretted it. But when he started to pull back, she clung to him, her arms around his sweat-dampened waist.
He swallowed hard, for a quick glance down at the juncture of their joined bodies had revealed a scarlet streak of her blood.
Dear God. He had not expected the rush of emotion he now felt as it truly struck him that he had just deflowered her. She was the most beautiful, most astonishing creature he had ever met. And she had willingly given him her virginity.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“With her left thigh draped over his right hip, he pleasured her at a more leisurely pace. She closed her eyes and let him love her.
Before long, however, he had stoked her fire until it blazed again. She pressed him onto his back and, looking intrigued with the possibilities, sat astride him; he never left her body. Victorious atop him, she appeared to savor this position---and her newfound power over him.
There was no denying it. At the moment, he was hers, body and soul, whether she knew it or not. Whether he was quite ready for that or not. He was sure as hell not ready to admit it.
"Rohan," she murmured, "why haven't we been doing this all the time that I've been here?"
He gave her a licentious half smile. "I was trying to convince you that I was a gentleman," he replied, his low tone roughened by desire.
She smiled at his irreverent answer and dragged her dainty fingers down his chest. "What would I want with a gentleman when I could have a Beast?”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“Oh... Rohan," Kate purred after a dazzled silence.
He dragged his glazed eyes open and looked at her glowing face by the flickering illumination from the distant fireplace. He reassured her of his affections with a dazed smile and a gentle kiss. A breathless laugh escaped her while his lips still lingered over hers.
When he looked at her again in question, she bit her lower lip, as though to keep herself from saying something she feared might sound silly.
"What is it?" he teased barely audibly, cuddling her nose against his own, while his long hair hung down and veiled the private space where they stared into each other's eyes. He never wanted this moment to end.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“The next morning was the second time Kate awoke in Rohan's bed since her arrival at the castle. But unlike that first bewildering day, this time, when she opened her eyes to the morning sunlight flooding his chamber, he was the first lovely thing she saw, right there beside her.
In no hurry to arise, they stayed peacefully abed together. She passed a dreamy spell stroking her drowsing lover's bare back in tender affection.
What a long, majestic line it was that flowed from the bulky ridge of his shoulder down to the sleek, lean curve of his lower back. Of course, he had more scars on him than one body ought to bear, she thought, but he was not inclined to answer her mild inquiries about them.
"What happened here?" she murmured, tracing what appeared to be a saber scar along his rib cage.
Lying on his stomach, his face resting on his folded arms, he feigned an in-between state of sleepy inattention, though he was clearly enjoying her touch. "Hm?"
She saw through his evasion but forgave him with a knowing smile. Whatever trouble he had been in, it hadn't killed him. That was all that mattered. She leaned closer and kissed all his old hurts.
Her light kisses soon followed the same path her admiring hands had taken, until at length, he rolled onto his backhand showed her the regal evidence of her effect on him. He drew her closer, wanting to make love again, but she was still sore from her first time and softly pleaded his forbearance.
With a husky chuckle at her reluctant denial, he stole a kiss, gave her a ruefully doting look, then arose in all his magnificent naked glory to order a bath for both of them.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“He hit me, you know," she announced abruptly.
Rohan turned and stared at her with sudden, great stillness. "What?"
"Oops," she said mildly. "I wasn't going to tell you that."
"O'Banyon. Hit. You."
She shrugged.
"In the face?" he demanded.
"He slapped me because I was fighting him."
"I see." Rohan stared straight ahead, every muscle tensed. He suddenly looked very much like an expert assassin. "Well, he won't do that again."
"What are you going to do?"
One lifted eyebrow said it all.
"Oh, it didn't hurt that much! I'm fine. There's no need for anything excessive."
"Stay out of it, Kate," he said politely, then he shook open the note with cool and steady hands.
She looked askance at him in curious satisfaction.
She could almost taste the justice that she had hungered for constantly since her abduction. But now that she knew it was all but guaranteed, somehow, it didn't matter so much anymore. Just knowing that Rohan was willing to champion her was enough.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“I'll be back before you miss me."
"I doubt that," she murmured with a doting smile, then he leaned down and kissed her good-bye.
Kate slid her arms around his neck and made sure to give him a kiss intended to bring him home soon. Neither of them paid any mind to the guards and servants passing here and there; Rohan wrapped his arms around her waist and claimed her lips with unabashed passion, his warm, clever mouth slanting over hers.
She was breathless when he slowly ended it.
"Hurry back," she whispered. "I'll be waiting for you."
"Mmm." He ran his hands down the sides of her waist as he held her in a smoldering gaze.
Kate gave him a knowing half smile.
As he reluctantly released her from his embrace, she trailed a mischievous fingertip down his chest as he pulled away. "Perhaps I'll go exploring and see if I can't find my way to your bedchamber."
"Damn, you make it hard to leave." With a lusty glance at her wetted lips, he gave her a wink”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“He found too many real traits to admire in her character--- courage, independence. With all of the needy, clinging ladies waiting for him back in London, he particularly liked her sturdy self-reliance. Gerald Fox's daughter was as sharp as a tack and yet quite down-to-earth.
She did not weary him with mindless prattle; did not simper, grovel, or pry; did not even seem to know how to toady to a man of his consequence. She did not play the coquette, either--- a tactic he had enjoyed from women but had never trusted. Instead, she spoke her mind almost as plainly as a man, and as a result, her conversation actually held his interest.
Kate peppered her language with witty observations, occasionally made at his expense. He found her saucy impudence oddly refreshing, and instead of minding it, served it back to her. It was great fun to jest and needle each other in mutual irreverence, as they had that night at dinner; one thing they had in common was a willingness to mock their own foibles. Kate laughed at herself for a bluestocking, while he knew very well he was a superstitious fool.
But even all of this did not get to the heart of her effect on him.
Growing up out there on the moors, isolated from the world, she had an untouched quality about her that made him ache in ways he could not explain.
He was so drawn to her.
It made him rather uncomfortable. But that night at dinner when she had described her solitary mode of life at her cottage, he had realized that, unlike so many others, she, too, understood the degree of loneliness that he knew all too well.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“How was she not to be swayed by a man who had saved her life, who had pledged himself to her protection, talked to her like a true friend, and charmed her daily--- a big, beautiful man who had already given her an unforgettable taste of pleasure that first night in his bed?
Did he think her made of stone? God help her, but she wanted more. Last night, she had so needed to taste his mouth again, to caress his splendid chest and arms, desperate to get as close to him as she could.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“You will come back to the castle with me."
"I don't belong there. I don't belong anyplace."
"You belong with me," he replied without the slightest hesitation.
Her chin trembled as she held his gaze. "I-I'm not your responsibility."
"Yes, you are. You are mine. They gave you to me, remember? And I want to keep you. Come here," he ordered softly.
She lifted her arms and stepped into his embrace without another word.
He hugged her close, his heart pounding. "Listen to me. I don't want you to worry for one instant what will become of you, all right? I'll look after you. Whatever you need. You have my word, Kate. You're not alone, do you understand?" he whispered as he held her.
After a moment, he felt her nod against his chest.
"There's my brave girl," he murmured, brushing a kiss to her forehead.
It was at that moment that it dawned on him what he was going to do when they returned to the castle. The thought shocked him as it struck, igniting his heart, even as it filled him with an odd relief.
Of course.
She was already under his protection. By now, anyone outside the castle no doubt assumed she was already his mistress. They already wanted each other so badly. He saw no reason now not to offer her his carte blanche.
Yes. She must become more securely his.
It was not his way to keep any one particular mistress to service his needs. But if Kate were his, then he would not have to worry about her, even beyond all this business with O'Banyon. He would know exactly where she was, that she was fed, clothed, protected, and provided for.
Admittedly, it might come across as utterly ruthless of him to make such an offer at a time like this---as though he were coldly taking advantage of her at the moment of her greatest vulnerability. But he was not motivated by lust.
At least not entirely.
Obviously, he could not marry her---not with his curse, and her Promethean blood. But if Kate was his mistress, then he could watch over her, and if anyone ever tried to hurt her again, they would have to deal with him first.
Besides, he knew by now how her mind worked. If he were simply to make her a promise of financial help, she wouldn't take it. She was too proud. Hell, with her independent spirit, she would abhor any offer that she interpreted as charity. So, let her work for it.
God, he had dreamed of making love to her since that first night when Caleb Doyle had brought her to the castle for that very purpose.
Even now, she felt like heaven in his arms. If she was willing, he knew one sure way to comfort her when they got her back to the castle. He could make all her tears and sorrow melt away...
Cradling her in his embrace, Rohan pressed another possessive kiss to her brow.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“I already told you , Kate. You should just let me take care of you." He held her gaze with a seductive frankness in the gray depths of his eyes, and ever so slowly, his meaning began to dawn on her.
"You mean---even after we've dealt with O'Banyon?" she asked gingerly.
"Yes. Even after." His stare was locked on her. "Do you understand, Kate, what I am offering you?"
"I think so," she said faintly. It was certainly not marriage. Not that she expected that. Not from a duke, especially one who believed he was doomed by some old family curse to slay his future wife.
It was a surreal moment as she realized he was offering her his carte blanche.
She dropped her gaze, blushing fiercely, shocked by the offer, and by him.
It was only because of all that he had done so far to protect her that she immediately knew that, in reality, he was throwing her a lifeline. But it was breathtakingly ruthless of him to lay this devil's bargain at her feet when she had come to the end of her rope.
"You'll want for nothing," he murmured in a low, velvety voice.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“I can give you a very good life, Kate. London, Paris. Anywhere. All you need to do is fulfill the desire that I think you already feel. We both do."
Her heart was pounding, her cheeks flaming crimson.
Never in all her life did she think she, Kate Madsen, would receive an indecent proposition from a worldly, gorgeous, and fabulously wealthy duke.
At first, she was so embarrassed and confused she could not even look at him. She did not want him to see in her eyes that he already had her half-seduced, and had since the night of her arrival.
She swallowed hard. "Your Grace---I am a virgin."
"I realize that," he purred, "and it pleases me. You do not doubt that I can be gentle with you?"
"No---it's not that." She couldn't believe he was doing this to her, putting her in this position---and worse, that she didn't mind that much. Indeed, nothing sounded sweeter than for him to lay her down tonight and make all her problems go away in a luxurious night of pleasure.
But he was offering her far more than just one night.
The chance to keep him in her life for some period of time into the foreseeable future was a thrilling prospect. It was the proof she had been seeking that this hard, unyielding man did care for her, in his own way.
"What are your thoughts?" he asked.
Kate peeked at him shyly from under her lashes.
It wasn't marriage, which she believed she could probably find without too much trouble. Safe, boring, biddable men were easy enough to come by---but Rohan?
A fierce, wild creature like a wolf?
"Belong to me," he whispered, staring into her eyes.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“Now, my little present, be quiet and let me unwrap you."
She stared at him, his jest reminding her of how he had saved her life that day on the cliffs. "We're really going to do this?" she ventured softly. "You're serious, you want me for your mistress? You could have anyone."
His gaze strayed to her lips. "Kate, my sweet enchantress, I've dreamed of you from the moment you walked through my door." He leaned down and kissed her with a tenderness that amazed her as he gathered her into his arms. "Don't be nervous," he whispered, ending the kiss. "Trust me."
She nodded, lifting her face to offer her lips again.
He claimed her mouth, his expert kiss dizzying her senses. Her heart hammered as she lifted her arms around his neck; crossing her wrists behind his head, she stood in his embrace. As she leaned against him, the feel of his body pressed to hers ignited long-suppressed fires in her blood.
It would not do to think about this too much. But as he caressed her gently, skillfully, kissing her again and again, her ability to reason began dissolving, anyway, into sheer pleasure. The problems that had loomed so insolubly a short while ago now seemed to belong to someone else.
Sensuality stole over her, awakening her senses. He was everything. She loved the taste of his mouth, his soft lips stroking hers, his hard body under her hands. The scent of winter clung to his long, sable hair, and the soothing way he touched her made her toes curl, his large, warm hand cupping the back of her neck beneath the cascade of her hair.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“Her skin was hot now, though all that remained on her body was the long, white shirt and her thick wool stockings. He stripped her of the latter, one by one, then bent his head and pressed a worshipful kiss to her bare knee. He stayed like that for a long moment, his head bowed before her, his lips against her skin.
She petted his head, hesitantly at first, running her palm over his snow-dampened hair, as black as the night.
Then, gently, she molded her fingers against his roughened cheek and rugged jaw. He lifted his head and gazed at her with a passionate near adoration that took her breath away.
Without warning, she sat up and lifted the shirt off over her head, offering herself to him in virginal, tongue-tied silence.
Surely he knew she'd have done this for free.
Just like she knew he'd have protected her, expecting nothing in return. He breathed her name, heartily accepting her gift of herself. He rose to claim her lips once more, enfolding her in his arms.
She gloried in his mouth on hers and the smooth warmth of his hands caressing her bare back, her arms, her sides. She returned his kisses in wild, reckless abandon, burning for him now, touching him everywhere, relishing the sleek iron hardness of his broad shoulders, massive arms.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“Never had she found any man so utterly thrilling, especially like this; Rohan was more hungrily lustful for her and less civilized every moment. She urged him on, loving the fiery, untamed force of him, the hard, unyielding potency of the warrior. Losing herself in her want of him, she slipped her fingers inside the V of his loose white shirt, yearning for the chance to finally touch the gorgeous body she had so long craved.
She ran her palms over him, exploring. His muscled shoulders seemed carved of stone, but his smooth skin had the luxurious feel of kid leather. She moaned softly at the marvel of his heaving, sculpted chest.
He groaned in answer. "You're driving me mad. I want you now," he panted against her lips.
"Yes." Greedily, she peeled his shirt off him. But when he paused to lift it off over his head, she stared in dazed awe at his chisels abdomen. Oh,my.
Delights never ceased.
"Come here," he whispered in a low, raw, husky tone.
The order excited her terribly. At the moment, she did not at all mind him telling her what to do.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“Are you decent?"
"Depends who you ask."
"You are not naked. I'm crushed."
"It's chilly in here."
"I could stoke the fire."
"Believe me," she purred, "you do."
He grinned at her jest, but Kate refused to blush and sent him a sultry, sparkling look. Mistresses, after all, could say that sort of thing.
Then he swept into the room, bringing her breakfast on a tray like her very own cavaliere servente. "Hungry?"
"For what?" she shot back.
"My goodness," he drawled. "I've created a monster. I'm so pleased."
She laughed as he set the large tray on the bed, then sauntered over to her at the window nook. At once, he leaned down, captured her face between his hands, and gave her a long, luscious kiss after their short separation.
Though he had only been gone about twenty minutes, Kate had missed him desperately. She sighed with pleasure, caressing his arms, as Rohan slowly ended the kiss.
"Done being sore yet, by chance?" he whispered with a wicked gleam in his pale eyes.
"Very well, replenish your strength.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“She drew his warm, oversized robe closer around her body, suddenly feeling lost, not knowing how to act.
"Well, go get dressed," he ordered with a lordly little smile as he noticed her wavering. "How's a man to think with a luscious naked woman lying around? You, my dear, are far too distracting."
His smoldering gaze, so full of desire for her, thrilled Kate to the marrow. His glance alone could warm her blood on this cold winter's day.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“When he reached the music room, he leaned in the open doorway for a moment and smiled as he studied the alluring arrangement of his darling mistress reclining on the light green settee.
Dressed in a pink gown with striped satin skirts, Kate was idly thumbing through her mother's book, open on her lap. She had loosed her soft brown hair; it flowed over her shoulders in crimped waves from her earlier chignon.
"There you are," he greeted her with a glow of appreciation in his eyes. "And don't you look pretty as a picture.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
Of course, Papa had the right to remarry. He lost his wife. He was still a young man for a widower. It's only right that he should have wanted to wed again and have more children. No one wants to be alone.
What Gerald did not seem to realize, damn him, was how alone Kate had been all those years, growing up on the moors with no companions but the falcons and the wild ponies--- and of course, her books. In silent empathy, Rohan yearned to hold her though she had quickly masked her pain.
She seemed all right now; she really was the most resilient, brave, unselfish, and remarkable woman he had ever met. But if she was still hurting, she might not rebuff the offer of his body, the consolation of his lovemaking.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“Slowly, Kate ran her hand up his bare chest and felt the thunder of his heart. He closed his eyes, visibly savoring her touch.
Her mesmerized gaze followed her hand as she inched a caress over the muscled swells of his chest, and lower, to his chiseled abdomen.
She heard his ragged exhalation. Then he gripped her forearm with a touch that would brook no denial and drew her silently into his cabin.
She thought again of refusing as he closed the door, but when she saw his thoroughly determined stare, she knew there was no point. She knew that look. The warrior. He was going to have her, and heaven help her, she wanted wholeheartedly to give in.
God, had she no pride? She was wet for him before he even touched her, lifting her chin softly with his fingertips. She closed her eyes, parted her lips, and surrendered in his feverish seduction.
The next thing she knew, she was in his arms, pinned against the wall. They were kissing roughly. She raked him with her nails, he nipped her with his teeth. She clutched his hair as he left her lips to ravish the curve of her neck, his hands working feverishly to wrench aside the bodice of her gown.
He dropped to his knees with an animal moan and proceeded to suck on her nipples like he would pleasure her for an eternity. Kate thrust the tip of her pinky between her teeth to keep from crying out.
Rohan was shaking as he rose again, freeing his rigid member from the placket of his black trousers. She skimmed her fingertips along his silken length, but his need overtook him. In no mood to play, he lifted her striped satin skirts. His breath was harsh and rasping by her ear, panting in the darkness.
He picked her up and leaned her back against the wall; she wrapped her arms and legs around him and buried her blushing face against his neck as he penetrated her.
The soft groan of sheer relief that escaped him once he was buried to the hilt inside her was the stuff of a harlot's dreams. Oh, to have the power to make him moan like that. It was beyond intoxicating. Perhaps he could corrupt her so she would just take his gold and his body and be content without his love. She caressed his powerful arms, and whispered, "Yes, I know what you need."
There was barely room to move, but the cabin was just large enough for what they had to accomplish. His athletic body grew damp with sweat as he made glorious use of her, heaving her up and down as if she weighed nothing, impaling her fast and vigorously on his mighty shaft.
The second she whimpered in pain when he went too deep and hurt her, he instantly slowed and withdrew a little, letting her set her feet on the wooden rail of the cot built into the opposite bulkhead.
Kate shivered, poised between pleasure and pain.
She nodded, her eyes closed, all of her awareness absorbed in him completely.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“Flames burst into life all along the wall, following the channel's rectangular course around the vast room. The flames continued around the rest of the room, until the great torch over the archway burst into flames.
The torch formed the apex of an arch where two great statues were joined. Carved from black marble, the two figures framed the hall's entrance like great columns. On the left was a giant Prometheus, whose facial features looked suspiciously demonic. He was depicted handing the torch to a smaller, but still Herculean statue of a man.
Both figures grasped the handle of the torch, which continued to burn overhead as Kate and Rohan advanced slowly into the great chamber.
"I think we've found the Hall of Fire," she murmured.
"It would appear so," he agreed with a sardonic nod.
"This was mentioned in the Journal. Lord, look at all this loot! O'Banyon was right."
Treasure abounded in the now-fully-illuminated Hall of Fire. Walking deeper into the chamber, they were surrounded by dazzling riches, mounds of gold, open chests full of glittering coins from bygone eras, jewels, crowns, scepters, swords of power, gold and silver cloth, a throne, ancient vases and jeweled cups, classical statues no doubt worth a fortune. There was even a chariot that looked like it might have belonged to the likes of Alexander the Great.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“I can do this, Rohan. You don't have to be so madly protective of me all the time, you know."
"Haven't you noticed protecting you is the whole reason for my existence these days?" he drawled. "You mean the world to me, Kate. No matter what you might think."
She smiled uncertainly at him. "Go on, then. I'll be all right down here. I promise."
He glanced toward the approach to the Wheel, down a short walkway flanked on both sides by shallow rectangular pools of burning oil.
"I'll see you up there in a moment," he assured her as he turned away. But separating from her in this strange place even for a moment was the most difficult thing he had done in a very long time.
"Go on. Impress me," she teased, seeing his hesitation.
He turned around and stared at her, and when she sent him a roguish wink, he was lost. I adore you.
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“Marry me," he said.
Her eyes widened. "What?" She nearly fell off the horse.
"Marry me, Kate," he repeated. He swallowed hard. "I need you in my life. Please. Say you'll be my duchess."
He took a step closer. "I know I said some boorish, stupid things that day in the music room. You were right. I was scared. I didn't know how it could be between us, but I see it now. And that night on your father's ship, I acted like a brute, telling you to prove your love by sleeping with me. It was wrong."
She shook her head. "You needed me."
"I did. I still do. I always will. I don't know what I'll do if you say no." He lowered his head. "I know you've reason to be wary. That I can be a thoroughgoing bastard sometimes. I've had too many women in the past, but, God, I don't want that anymore. And it is true, I, er, kill people now and then, but just to safeguard England. And if you can live with that---" He shook his head with a tempestuous fire in his eyes. "On my word, I will be true to you, and I will love you until the end of time."
Kate had lost the power of speech. Indeed, she could barely breathe. Tears rushed into her eyes.
Lord Byron himself could not have uttered more romantic sentiments.
"There can be no other for me, Kate, but you." The Beast walked over and stared hard into the depths of her eyes; sitting on the pony's back, she was on eye level with him for once, and the whole tumult of his soul was there in his eyes, discovering love for the first time, setting his heart free at last. "You... make me feel things I've never experienced before. You've been so patient, and I've been such a fool."
"No, you haven't," she breathed, wonder-struck by him. Was this just a dream?
"Stay with me always," he implored her in a confidential whisper. "And love me... as I love you."
"You---love me?" she echoed, her chin trembling in the most embarrassing fashion.
"With all my heart," he vowed in a soft but fierce tone, looking as deeply moved as she. He touched her hair, tucking a windblown lock of it behind her ear. "Kate, you and I were meant to be together. I'm still superstitious enough to know when I have found my destiny. It's you. You're the one who broke the curse.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“But instead of the hearty kiss she had expected, he caressed her lips with his own in tantalizing softness until she moaned. "Oh, I need you to make love to me."
"Before we're married?" he teased in a very naughty whisper. "Shocking, Miss Madsen."
"You really are a Beast."
"And you love me for it."
"Yes. With all my heart." She trembled with sheer happiness. He was impossible--- and she wouldn't have him any other way.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Gaelen Foley
“They both peered into the long, wooden box.
It was filled with ancient parchment scrolls, each tied with a ribbon. They exchanged a victorious look.
Rohan picked up the top scroll, but did not need to unfurl it to note the strange occult symbols, runes, and other Promethean markings. "This is it, all right."
"Unbelievable." Kate shook her head in amazed resentment that the Prometheans had had the audacity to put the dark, occult scribblings of a medieval sorcerer in this holy place.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

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