Jews Quotes

Quotes tagged as "jews" Showing 211-240 of 336
Malcolm X
“But let’s not forget the Jew. Anybody that gives even a just criticism of the Jew is instantly labeled anti-Semite. The Jew cries louder than anybody else if anybody criticizes him. You can tell the truth about any minority in America, but make a true observation about the Jew, and if it doesn’t 't pat him on the back, then he uses his grip on the news media to label you anti-Semite.”
Malcolm X

Suad Amiry
“When it comes to Jews, you have a two-thousand-year memory, but when it comes to us Palestinians, you have a sixty-year amnesia.”
Suad Amiry, Golda Slept Here

Eustace Clarence Mullins
“Get the
Jews out of banking and they cannot control the economic life
of the community. Get the Jews out of education and they cannot
pervert the minds of the young to their subversive doctrines.
Get the Jews out of government and they cannot betray the
Eustace Mullins, Mullins' New History of the Jews
tags: jews

Joseph Heller
“Some Promised Land. The honey was there, but the milk we brought in with our goats. To people in California, God gives a magnificent coastline, a movie industry, and Beverly Hills. To us He gives sand. To Cannes He gives a plush film festival. We get the PLO. Our winters are rainy, our summers hot. To people who didn't know how to wind a wristwatch He gives underground oceans of oil. To us He gives hernia, piles, and anti-Semitism.”
Joseph Heller, God Knows

Amos Oz
“io, mio caro, non credo nell'amore universale. L'amore esiste in dosi modiche. Si possono amare forse cinque fra uomini e donne, dieci magari, talvolta financo quindici. E anche questo solo assai di rado. Ma se uno arriva e mi dice che ama tutto il Terzo mondo, o ama l'America Latina, o ama il sesso femminile, quello non è amore ma retorica. Pura demagogia. Slogan. Non siamo nati per amare più di una manciata di persone.”
Amos Oz, Judas

Ivo Andrić
“The streets were empty, the courtyards and gardens as if dead. In the Turkish houses depression and confusion reigned, in the Christian houses caution and distrust. But everywhere and for everyone there was fear. The entering Austrians feared an ambush. The Turks feared the Austrians. The Serbs feared both Austrians and Turks. The Jews feared everything and everyone since, especially in times of war, everyone was stronger than they.”
Ivo Andrić, The Bridge on the Drina

Joel C. Rosenberg
“yet what choice did he have? Nothing about this war was fair. Nothing about being Jewish was fair, The only question that counted was whether he wanted to live or not, and he did.”
Joel C. Rosenberg The Auschwitz Escape

Markus Zusak
“The suffering faces of depleted men and women reached across to them, pleading not so much for help-they were beyond that-but for an explanation. Just something to subdue this confusion.”
Markus Zusak, The Book Thief
tags: jews, nazis

Suad Amiry
“It is because you were not allowed to be a normal city with normal people, so much so that you become an abnormal place with abnormal people- Arabs and Jews alike.”
Suad Amiry, Golda Slept Here

Joel C. Rosenberg
“the world must never know the things we do here,colonel. Never. Do i make myself clear?”
Joel C. Rosenberg The Auschwitz Escape

Joel C. Rosenberg
“you will remember this number. you will memorize it. you will answer when it is called. you have no name any longer. just a number. any prisoner who forgets his number or doesn't respond when his number is called will be shot. do you understand?”
Joel C. Rosenberg The Auschwitz Escape

Jack Lewis Baillot
“My name's not Jerry,” he grumbled, raising his head.
“I know, but it's the only way I can get your attention, kid.”
“What did you want?” Japhet muttered.
“I said, do you have a girl?”
Japhet squinted at him and rubbed his nose.
“A girl?” he asked.
“Yeah. You do know what a girl is, don't you? Female version of the male? Whole lot prettier. Sweet temperament. Heard they're great for marrying. Thought a handsome, half starved and nearly dead Jew like you would have one of those by now.”
Jack Lewis Baillot, Brothers-in-Arms

Jack Lewis Baillot
“How were they shot down?” Seth scoffed.
“They were probably shot down with guns.”
Jack Lewis Baillot

“All civilizations we know about have left a record of their history in material things. We know them through tablets or ruins dug up by archaeologists. But we know of the Jews in ancient times mostly from the ideas they taught and the impact which these ideas had upon other people and other civilizations. There are few Jewish tablets to tell of battles and few Jewish ruins to tell of former splendor. The paradox is that those people who left only monuments behind as a record of their existence have vanished with time, whereas the Jews, who left ideas, have survived.”
Max I. Dimont

Daniel Torday
“We might be able to see God's body in the Kabbalah's ten Sefirot, but it was 1986, barely forty years since our grandparents' generation sat desperate and fated in their East European neighborhoods. Never again, our teachers incanted to us Monday after Monday, Wednesday after Wednesday. But when I picture myself in those rooms in the basement of our shul, even now I can only hear the incantation's reciprocal: It will happen again. Beware. Be always aware.”
Daniel Torday, The Last Flight of Poxl West

John William Tuohy
“Explaining the Jews in a Catholic school when you’re Irish is like having to explain your country’s foreign policy while on a vacation in France. You don’t know what you’re talking about and no matter what you say, they’re not going to like it anyway.”
John William Tuohy, No Time to Say Goodbye: A Memoir of a Life in Foster Care

John William Tuohy
“As interesting as that was, it didn’t inspire me. What did was that here was a Jew who was tough with his fists, a Jew who fought back. The only Jews I had ever heard of surrendered or were beaten by the Romans, the Egyptians, or the Nazis. You name it, it seemed like everyone on earth at some point had taken their turn slapping the Jews around. But not Benny Leonard. I figured you’d have to kill Benny Leonard before he surrendered.”
John William Tuohy

Matt  Walsh
“Jews and Asians are only 7 percent of the total population, and between them they dominate in fields like medicine and engineering, not to mention entrepreneurship and academics. They rarely end up in prison or gangs (this is especially true of Jews). And while they are historically poor and persecuted, they have not allowed themselves to stay in that position. Take their story and compare it to black Americans and how can we explain the canyon that separates them? I’m sure the Jesse Jacksons of the world would sooner become Holocaust deniers than admit to the real answer: Family. Education. Ambition.
Whenever the plight of the minority in America is discussed, you’ll notice that Jews and Asians are left out of the conversation. In fact, many school systems are now trying to figure out how to get LESS of them in advanced placement courses and prestigious colleges. They’ve become too successful, apparently. But it’s not just their success that the race mongers hate, it’s HOW they accomplished it. Their men don’t father dozens of out-of-wedlock babies with dozens of women. Their households insist on discipline and academic success. They work hard, they are driven. Asians may now be at the point where they actually enjoy preferential bias. If I’m an employer and an Asian walks in to apply for a job, I’m going to assume he’s an achiever. That’s not a stereotype, that’s called a reputation. And they’ve freaking earned it.
Family. Education. Ambition. These three things really are a recipe for success. If you don’t believe me, ask the next Asian or Jew you meet. And then make sure to take care of your co-pay on the way out.”
Matt Walsh

“The Book of Life was created as a tool for humans to use to grow in wisdom, knowledge, and power.”
Stacy Snapp-Killian aka StacyK

Jack Lewis Baillot
“The Germans don't want us, or did you not get that when they started dragging people into the streets and killing them? We can't be Jews and Germans, not any more. You have to get that through your thick head, Japhet Buchanan. You're a Jew and only a Jew.”
Jack Lewis Baillot, Brothers-in-Arms

Leo Tolstoy
“The Jew — is the symbol of eternity. … He is the one who for so long had guarded the prophetic message and transmitted it to all mankind. A people such as this can never disappear. The Jew is eternal. He is the embodiment of eternity.”
Leo Tolstoy
tags: jews

Eustace Clarence Mullins
“From the Byzantines, Pound derived his non-violent formula for controlling the Jews. "The answer to the Jewish problem is simple," he said. "Keep them out of banking, out of education, out of government.”
Eustace Mullins
tags: jews

Eustace Clarence Mullins
“The origin of the Jews is revealed by the origin of their tribal
name. The word "Jew" was unknown in ancient history. The
Jews were then known as Hebrews, and the word Hebrew tells us
all about this people that we need to know. The Encyclopaedia
Britannica defines Hebrew as originating in the Aramaic word,
Ibhray, but strangely enough, offers no indication as to what the
word means. Most references, such as Webster's International
Dictionary, 1952, give the accepted definition of Hebrew. Webster
says Hebrew derives from the Aramaic Ebri, which in turn
derives from the Hebrew word, Ibhri, lit. "one who is from across
the river. 1. A Member of one of a group of tribes in the northern
branch of the Semites, including Israelites."
That is plain enough. Hebrew means "one who is from across
the river." Rivers were often the boundaries of ancient nations,
and one from across the river meant, simply, an alien. In every
country of the ancient world, the Hebrews were known as aliens.
The word also, in popular usage, meant "one who should not be
trusted until he has identified himself." Hebrew in all ancient
literature was written as "Habiru". This word appears frequently
in the Bible and in Egyptian literature. In the Bible, Habiru is
used interchangeably with "sa-gaz", meaning "cutthroat". In all
of Egyptian literature, wherever the word Habiru appears, it is
written with the word "sa-gaz" written beside it. Thus the Egyptians
always wrote of the Jews as "the cutthroat bandits from
across the river". For five thousand years, the Egyptian scribes
identified the Jews in this manner. Significantly, they are not
referred to except by these two characters. The great Egyptian
scholar, C. J. Gadd, noted in his book, The Fall of Nineveh,
London, 1923,
"Habiru is written with an ideogram. . . sa-gaz. . . signifying
In the Bible, wherever the word Habiru, meaning the Hebrews,
appears, it is used to mean bandit or cutthroat. Thus, in Isaiah
1:23, "Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves,"
the word for thieves here is Habiru. Proverbs XXVIII:24 ,
"Whoso robbeth his father or his mother, and saith, 'It is no
transgression; the same is the companion of a destroyer," sa-gaz
is used here for destroyer, but the word destroyer also appears
sometimes in the Bible as Habiru. Hosea VI:9 , "And as troops of
robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the
way by consent; for they commit lewdness." The word for robbers
in this verse is Habiru.”
Eustace Mullins
tags: jews

Jack Lewis Baillot
“It was just Franz!”
“Just Franz?” Franz retorted, catching the last part as the window jerked free of the ice which held it to the window sill. “Since when did I become 'Just Franz'? I'm almost another member of your family!”
Japhet leaned on the frame, not caring when cold snow seeped into his sleeves. “That's when you became 'Just Franz',” he said. “Like Ruth is 'Just Ruth'. And you ruined my drawing. I hope you're happy.”
Jack Lewis Baillot, Brothers-in-Arms

Jack Lewis Baillot
“Caleb tossed him an explosive and Japhet lunged to catch it before it hit the ground. He glared but Caleb didn't notice. Instead, he started to whistle I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier as he made his way down the left side of the tracks, laying bombs at intervals.”
Jack Lewis Baillot, Brothers-in-Arms

Glen Hirshberg
“Need a fourth?' he asked, earning himself a set of strangely satisfying startled glances. The only way the moment might have been better would be if El had taught Marty the game. But that had been his grandfather, years and years ago. The white-haired man smiled. 'You know how to play?'

'I’d need a card.'

'Card?' Then understanding dawned on the white-haired man’s face. He shook his head. Again, he looked kind. 'Ah. Of course. Jew Mah Jongg. Entirely different game.'

His companions were nodding, too. The guy with the belt buckle said, 'Completely different. Very frustrating. So few ways to win. So many to lose.'

Yet again, Marty felt tears well in his eyes. His uncle’s absence seeping in. 'Yep,' he said. 'Sounds like a Jewish game, alright.'

Glen Hirshberg, The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Three

“According to legend , the Israelites were doomed to starvation but were saved by food called 'manna' in the form of coriander seed that came from the heavens. The manna fell during the night on dew, which encased and protected the seeds until morning when they could be gathered and ground into flour, which was used to bake a sweet bread. A double portion fell on Friday so that there was enough to bake bread for that day as well as for Saturday, the Sabbath, when no manna fell.”
Martin K. Gay, Encyclopedia of North American Eating & Drinking Traditions, Customs, and Rituals

Jack Lewis Baillot
“Are you murdering more eggs for breakfast?” Japhet raised his head as the sound of boiling water filled the small apartment.
“Don't insult my eggs, Buchanan.”
“You insulted my roasted chicken, Kappel, so I can insult your eggs all I want.”
Jack Lewis Baillot, Brothers-in-Arms

Paul Edward Gottfried
“What made such a plan seem workable was that for the early pluralists and their multicultural descendants society would have fewer and fewer traditional groups. The kind of pluralist society that Dewey and Kallen envisaged would go beyond rooted ethnic communities. It would become the evolving creation of “free” individual participants, setting goals under scientific direction and having their material interests monitored by a “conductor state.” The world as conceived by pluralists was there to be managed and to be made culturally safe for its framers: Eastern and Central European Jews fearful of traditional Gentile mores and the uprooted descendants of New England Calvinists looking for the New Jerusalem under scientific management.”
Paul Edward Gottfried, After Liberalism: Mass Democracy in the Managerial State.

Alan Kinross
“Patience is hard when your very soul cries for freedom.”
Alan Kinross, Longinus The Vampire: Babylon