
Jared Quotes

Quotes tagged as "jared" Showing 1-30 of 52
Stephenie Meyer
“I decided as long as I'm going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly.”
Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

Stephenie Meyer
“And then we jerked to a stop. Jared was blocking the exit. "Have you lost your mind, Ian?" he asked, shocked and outraged. "What are you doing to her?"
"Did you know about this?" Ian shouted back, shoving me toward Jared and shaking me at him.
"You're going to hurt her!"
"Do you know what she's planning?" Ian roared.
Jared stared at Ian, his face suddenly closed off. He didn't answer. That was answer enough for Ian.
Ian's fist struck Jared so fast that I missed the blow - I just felt the lurch in his body and saw Jared reel back into the dark hall.
"Ian, stop," I begged.
"You stop," he growled back at me.
He yanked me through the arch into the tunnel, then pulled me north. I had to almost run to keep up with his longer stride.
"O´Shea!" Jared shouted after us.
"I'm going to hurt her?" Ian roared back over his shoulder, not breaking pace. "I am? You hypocritical swine!"
There was nothing but silence and blackness behind us now. I stumbled in the dark, trying to keep up.
He jerked me along faster, and my breath caught in a moan, almost like a cry of pain.
The sound made Ian stumble to a stop. His breathing was hoarse in the darkness.
"Ian, Ian, I..." I chocked, unable to finish. I didn't know what to say, picturing his furious face.
His arms caught me abruptly, yanking my feet out from under me and then catching my shoulders before I could fall. He started running forward again, carrying me now. His hands were not rough and angry like before; he cradled me against his chest.”
Stephenie Meyer, The Host

Stephenie Meyer
“Um," Doc said in a mild voice, "medically speaking, I'm not sure that was the most helpful thing for his condition."
"But I feel better," Jared answered, sullen.
Doc smiled the tiniest smile. "Well, maybe a few more minutes of unconsciousness won't kill him.”
Stephenie Meyer, The Host

Jamie McGuire
“What can I say to you that I haven't already said? What can I give you that I haven't already given? Is there anything of me that isn't yours already? My body, my mind, my heart, even my soul. Everything that is me belonged to you long before this, and it shall be yours long after this. I will follow you anywhere and everywhere you lead. I will keep you and anyone created with our love safe from all harm. From this day on, I choose you, my beloved, to be my wife. To live with you and laugh with you; to stand by your side, and sleep in your arms; to bring out the best in you always, and, for you, to be the most that I can. I promise to laugh with you in good times, to struggle with you in bad; to wipe your tears with my hands; to comfort you with my words; to mirror you with my soul; and savor every moment, happy or sad, until the end of our lives and beyond.”
Jamie McGuire, Eden

Sarah Rees Brennan
“Jared had his back to the wall, which Kami thought was a reflex when he was uncomfortable. She wanted to shield him. “He was doing some—Zen jogging,” she claimed.
Jared flicked her an incredulous glance. “Yes,” he said slowly. “Zen jogging. I wasn’t wearing that many clothes because—that’s part of the process. You’re meant to commune with the elements. Normally, I wouldn’t have worn my jeans, but I put them on because I know the English are a modest people.”
Sarah Rees Brennan, Unspoken

Joana Marcús
“-No todos podemos ser don-nada-me-altera, cariño.

-Tú me alteras”
Joana Marcus, La última nota

Sarah Rees Brennan
“My current verdict would be: Crazy Eyes. Nice Ass."
"I think I want that on my tombstone.”
Sarah Rees Brennan, Unspoken

Joana Marcús
“- ¿Contando el mes de pausa cuando terminó el verano?- pregunto.

-Pretendamos que eso no pasó.

-Entonces ocho meses.

-Ocho meses- murmura, asintiendo con la cabeza- He tenido una relación más duradera contigo que con mi psicólogo.

-Qué romántico eres siempre. Me dejas completamente desarmada.”
Joana Marcus, La última nota

Sarah Rees Brennan
“He punched me in the face," Ash said, who understandably did not seem to find the situation humorous at all. "And then he yelled at me for sleeping with our personal trainer!"
"I was told breakup scenes were a good way to distract people," Jared said with beautiful simplicity.
"Ash looked so surprised," Holly said. "He had no idea what was going on. He said, 'I didn't sleep with our personal trainer! We don't even have a personal trainer!'"
Angela and Holly giggled. Ash held the back of his hand to his bleeding mouth and glared.
Jared was still grinning like a maniac. "In that case," he told Ash solemnly, "I will consider taking you back.”
Sarah Rees Brennan, Unspoken

Sarah Rees Brennan
“If you weren’t there, how do you know someone pushed her?” Sergeant Kenn asked.
“Well …,” said Jared.
“And what were you doing, running through a strange town at night?”
“I was jogging?” Jared offered.
“Without your shirt or your shoes?”
“Uh,” said Jared.”
Sarah Rees Brennan, Unspoken
tags: jared

Penelope Douglas
“The first thing that came to mind was an angel. Her hair flowing and shiny. Her legs dangling, long and smooth. She looked perfect where she was, like a painting.
And then I remembered that Satan was also an angel.”
Penelope Douglas, Until You

Penelope Douglas
“I can’t change the past, Tate. I wish I could, because I’d go back and relive every day that I existed without you, and I’d make sure that you smiled.” My eyes burned with regret, and I saw the pools in her beautiful blues, too. “Every minute of my future belongs to you.”
Penelope Douglas, Until You

Stephenie Meyer
“Damn it! This chick runs with vampires!”
Stephenie Meyer, New Moon
tags: jared

Penelope Douglas
“I’ll do anything to be good for you, Tate.”
“Anything, baby,” I promised.
“Anything?” she laughed out, her eyes bright with happiness and love.
“Have you ever considered a nipple piercing?”
Penelope Douglas, Until You

Penelope Douglas
“I love you more than myself, more than my own family, for Christ’s sake. I don’t want to take another step in this world without you next to me,”
Penelope Douglas, Bully
tags: jared

Penelope Douglas
“The point is some people think they have a leading role when, really, they're just supporting cast.”
Penelope Douglas, Until You
tags: jared

Sarah Rees Brennan
“Well. Yes. Someone's trying to kill me. But you don't have to make such a big deal out of it.”
Sarah Rees Brennan, Unspoken

Joana Marcús
“- Sólo se tú misma.
- Pero cuando soy yo misma no le caigo bien a nadie.
- Pues yo me enamoré de ti.”
Joana Marcús, La última nota

Penelope Douglas
“She’d look at me, and I’d stop dead in my tracks, never wanting to leave that moment. Do you know what that’s like?” I scanned the audience. “Day in and day out, you’re thrilled to be alive and experience a million moments of love and happiness that constantly compete with each other. Every day was better than the last.”
Penelope Douglas, Until You

“Sure, scars can be painfull to look at, reminding you where you've been, but they also remind you of how far you've come.”

Martha Sweeney
“Got the itch? - Jared”
Martha Sweeney, Breathe In

Kami Garcia
“But you still fight. You still hope. Because there's a chance you might win. And even if you don't - you fight for the people you love, especially when they can't fight for themselves - Kennedy”
Kami Garcia, Unmarked

Katelin LaMontagne
“She snores, she talks too god damn much, and she tries to cuddle.” John visibly shivers at that, so I nod and continue to state my grievances. “She’s always in my room, even when I’ve told her to stay the fuck out on multiple occasions. If she’s not in my room, she’s dogging my every step, or in my freaking face and asking so many fucking questions. ‘Do we have enough food, Jared? What about ammo? Are you sure it’s safe? What will happen if the monsters got in?’ I just want to go to fucking sleep, and she wants pillow talk after some subpar post coition.”
Katelin LaMontagne, Surge

Katelin LaMontagne
“It’s like before when there was a huge pile up on the highway, as soon as you got to the point in the traffic jam that you could see the accident, your eyes were glued to the window and you nearly rear ended the guy in front of you so that you can catch a peek at the victims. Sick fucks that we are, we like to witness the suffering of others and say, 'sucks to be them.' We bob our heads to the radio as we open up our engines and tear down the now cleared highway, continuing on with our lives as if we didn’t just witness someone’s spine being scraped off the ground. Come on, you know you’ve done it. Everyone has, and right now is one of those moments.”
Katelin LaMontagne, Surge

Katelin LaMontagne
“Patience is a virtue," she replies.
"Why couldn't 'hurry the fuck up' be a virtue?”
Katelin LaMontagne, Surge

Katelin LaMontagne
“What’s wrong with you?” John asks suspiciously. I give him a ‘what chu talkin’ ‘bout Willis?’ look and he explains. “You just woke up.” I nod. “Walked into the kitchen.” Once again I nod, not seeing what the big deal is. “And didn’t rip apart the cabinets like a rabid squirrel looking like coffee.” I shrug at that, I didn’t even remember it. “What the fuck have you done with my best friend?”
Katelin LaMontagne, Surge

Katelin LaMontagne
“Time is precious and should be spent doing things that make you happy, not brushing those very moments aside. That’s when you really die, and I plan on living.”
Katelin LaMontagne, Surge
tags: jared, love

Katelin LaMontagne
“What’s wrong with you?” John asks suspiciously. I give him a ‘what chu talkin’ ‘bout Willis?’ look and he explains. “You just woke up.” I nod. “Walked into the kitchen.” Once again I nod, not seeing what the big deal is. “And didn’t rip apart the cabinets like a rabid squirrel looking for coffee.” I shrug at that, I didn’t even remember it. “What the fuck have you done with my best friend?”
katelin lamontagne

“Have fun, party hard, and tell her I love her.”

Chiara Panzuti
“Quello che Jared non sapeva, e che non volevo ammettere, era che io non avevo mai visto una lontra. Non dal vivo, almeno. Mi crogiolavo davanti ai documentari, con la voglia di portare mia sorella all'acquario, quando fosse nata. Le avrei indicato la vasca, sperando di ammirare le lontre che si tengono per mano, come avevo visto centinaia di volte in TV. E anche io l'avrei tenuta per mano, per non perderla, perché cosi fanno le lontre: non si perdono.”
Chiara Panzuti, Absence. L'altro volto del cielo

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