Inner Voice Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inner-voice" Showing 61-90 of 235
Glennon Doyle
“I understand now that no one else in the world knows what I should do. The experts don't know, the ministers, the therapists, the magazines, the authors, my parents, my friends, they don't know. Not even the folks who love me the most. Because no one has ever lived or will live this life I am attempting to live. Every life is an unprecendented experiment. This life is mine alone. So I have stopped asking people for directions to places they've never been. There is no map. We are all pioneers.”
Glennon Doyle, Get Untamed: The Journal

“When morality stops you from doing something wrong, you feel ashamed and weak. Shame works like a nutrient for the demons lurking in your mind. It makes them stronger and stronger.

When your own inner voice stops you from doing a wrong, you feel good and strong. Demons become weaker and weaker. You have to set aside the heap of morals to find the inner voice buried underneath.”

Amy Masterman
“When you savor life with your senses, every moment feels rich and meaningful. Think about how satisfying it feels to inhale the fresh scent of mown grass or slowly run your hand across a velvet pillow. These sensations are physically pleasurable, but they also provide opportunities for you to sync with your internal wisdom to help you create your ideal life.”
Amy Masterman, Sacred Sensual Living: 40 Words for Praying with All Your Senses

Michael Bassey Johnson
“In solitude, listen to your heart, for at that moment, it speaks nothing but the truth.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

C. JoyBell C.
“When you feel a child inside of you springing to life, that's how you know you're where you should be.”
C. JoyBell C.

Anastasia Bitkova
“The hardest battles are the ones that are happening inside us. Especially when we don't know which side we are on.”
Anastasia Bitkova

Diana-Maria Georgescu
“People expect you to follow their "rules", to fit in, to be like the others, and when you consciously choose not to and you follow your inner voice, you don't belong there anymore.”
Diana-Maria Georgescu, THE UNSTOPPABLE THIRST : El Camino de Santiago de Compostela An Alchemic Path Towards The Inner Self

Diana-Maria Georgescu
“When you pay attention to your inner voice, even if doesn't sound rational, you may live some of the most important experiences of your life.”
Diana-Maria Georgescu, THE UNSTOPPABLE THIRST : El Camino de Santiago de Compostela An Alchemic Path Towards The Inner Self

“Your inward thoughts influence your outer world experiences. Be kind in there, someone's listening.”
Tiffany Stoffer

Deeksha Arora
“Honor your inner voices”
Deeksha Arora

“I don't worry about how other people perceive me. I figure out what I want, and I work very hard to make it happen. Simple recipe. I didn't achieve any goals by having it given to me on a silver platter, through fibbing or exaggeration, nor through favours. When you work hard, the universe almost always brings people to you - synergy. The universe will reflect the energy you give it. Stop worrying about what other people think of you, or worrying about the limit(s) they have, in their heads, about your potential. The universe will bring you into your purpose organically. Nothing out of force tastes as good as what you have worked your ass off to achieve, and for which the universe synergistically opens up for you, and brings into your world. As well it is not about proving other people wrong; first and foremost prove your own negative inner voice wrong. The inner voice that internalized the negative energies of others. Sometimes we are our own biggest hurdle. And as a subsequent outcome of rewiring your inner voice, you'll leave others speechless at contesting their limitations of you...seeing the supernova you are.”
Cheyanne Ratnam

Kris Franken
“Your inner voice is subtle, positive, consistent, and peaceful; it springs to life when you pay attention to it, when you show gratitude and trust what's coming through.”
Kris Franken, The Call of Intuition: How to Recognize & Honor Your Intuition, Instinct & Insight

Anne Frank
“Let me out, where there's fresh air and laughter!" a voice within me cries.”
Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

Rachel Hollis
“There is a big difference between wanting someone's opinion and needing their approval. The latter typically comes disguised as the former. We ask for an opinion because we are feeling unsure about something, and often, if we can find someone to agree, we somehow justify the idea as good or bad.”
Rachel Hollis, Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals

Richelle E. Goodrich
“To mute all other voices but one’s own, to live true to that voice—that is being bold.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

Jessica Marie Baumgartner
“Deep, rhythmic breathing focuses the mind and keeps a person in control of their emotions.”
Jessica Marie Baumgartner, The Magic of Nature: Meditations & Spells to Find Your Inner Voice

Jessica Marie Baumgartner
“Listening to the warnings our instincts send out helps a person to know when to advertise all of their secrets, and when to whisper them quietly in the back of the mind.”
Jessica Marie Baumgartner, The Magic of Nature: Meditations & Spells to Find Your Inner Voice

Laekan Zea Kemp
“What's the voice telling you now?" Chloe says.
I pluck the thought like a poison berry and force it to my lips. "That I can't do this."
Chloe tightens her grip on me. "And what do you say back?"
Another thought blooms on my lips, the taste this time somewhere between bitter and sweet. "That I will.”
Laekan Zea Kemp, Somewhere Between Bitter and Sweet

Rupi Kaur
“you might have done
the external work
but your mind is starving
for internal attention
- listen”
Rupi Kaur, Home Body

“They said it was a mystery until someone acquired the necessary knowledge and experience to make it an open book. They said it was impossible until someone defied the odds and did it. Our world is filled with many imitators and few initiators because we listen more to others than to the gentle inner voice urging us to believe the impossible and do the unthinkable. Ultimately, breaking the glass ceiling is about who you are listening to.”
Abiodun Fijabi

Santosh    Kumar
“Everything will be clear, when you are listening through the inner voice, the God's voice.”
Santosh Kumar (San)

“Live a life with inner voice that can definitely gives you inner happiness, joy and right attitude to run the situation.”
Pranita P Deshpande, Quotations & Stories: Thoughts

Niloy Shouvic Roy
“What If Life Is A Cage,
And Freedom Is Death?”
Niloy Shouvic Roy

Gift Gugu Mona
“Your inner healing will only happen when you ignore the background noise and focus on your inner voice.”
Gift Gugu Mona

Charles Fernyhough
“Thoughts can make history, but they usually don’t.”
Charles Fernyhough, The Voices Within

The voice meant well, but should fuck off.
“The voice meant well, but should fuck off.”
Mick Herron, Joe Country

“تا وقتی که زبان ندای درونت را نفهمی، به جایی نمی رسی”
متین برتیمار (Matin Bertimar), سه حرف

Darcy Luoma
“My most persistent trash talker is Little Miss Perfect Pants. She always chimes in when I’m going to do something hard or new. You don’t know how to run a business—you don’t have an MBA. You’ve never swum across a lake before.
Before I was introduced to her and named her, I accepted these thoughts as truth. I thought I wasn’t good enough. I thought I’d be embarrassed. I allowed those voices to prevent me from feeling confident or taking risks. Over time I realized that she didn’t want me to look stupid or to fail. When I saw that for what it was, I understood this was my own fear about being unprepared. So, I signed up for an open-water swim class. I hired a business coach to help me launch my business. I took the next step to get me where I wanted to be.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success