
In Memoriam Quotes

Quotes tagged as "in-memoriam" Showing 1-12 of 12
Alfred Tennyson
“Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.”
Alfred Tennyson, In Memoriam

Patti Smith
“Edie Sedgwick (1943-1971)

I don't know how she did it. Fire
She was shaking all over. It took
her hours to put her make-up on.
But she did it. Even the false eye-lashes.
She ordered gin with triple
limes. Then a limosine. Everyone
knew she was the real heroine of
Blonde on Blonde.
oh it isn't fair
oh it isn't fair
how her ermine hair
turned men around
she was white on white
so blonde on blonde
and her long long legs
how I used to beg
to dance with her
but I never had
a chance with her
oh it isn't fair
how her ermine hair
used to swing so nice
used to cut the air
how all the men
used to dance with her
I never got a chance with her
though I really asked her
down deep
where you do
really dream
in the mind
reading love
I'd get
her move
and we'd
turn around
and she'd
turn around
and turn the head
of everyone in town
her shaking shaking
glittering bones
second blonde child
after brian jones
oh it isn't fair

how I dreamed of her
and she slept
and she slept
and I'll never dance
with her no never
she broke down
like a baby
like a baby girl
like a lady
with ermine hair
oh it isn't fair
and I'd like to see
her rise again
her white white bones
with baby brian jones
baby brian jones
like blushing
baby dolls”
Patti Smith, Seventh Heaven

Alfred Tennyson
“A beam in darkness: let it grow.”
Alfred Tennyson, In Memoriam

Alfred Tennyson
“My own dim life should teach me this,
That life shall live for evermore,
Else earth is darkness at the core,
And dust and ashes all that is;

This round of green, this orb of flame,
Fantastic beauty such as lurks
In some wild Poet, when he works
Without a conscience or an aim.

What then were God to such as I?
'Twere hardly worth my while to choose
Of things all mortal, or to use
A tattle patience ere I die;

'Twere best at once to sink to peace,
Like birds the charming serpent draws,
To drop head-foremost in the jaws
Of vacant darkness and to cease.”
Alfred Tennyson, In Memoriam

“I thought I saw you today, but that was just hope. I heard the sound of your voice in the last wave of an echo. And every day I wake knowing you are no
longer here, is another day I must try my best to live as though you are.”
Broms The Poet, Feast

Steven Wolff
“One year ago, just after Carrie Fisher's passing, I dedicated my Sci-fi Thriller The First Ones There to her. When you open the book, this is what it says... “Thank you for inspiring generations of women, young and old, that princesses can hold their own. Rest in Peace.”
Steven Wolff, The First Ones There: A Science Fiction Thriller

Kamand Kojouri

I try to envisage the passengers
seated in neat rows.
Everyone knows the real risk
is at take-off and landing,
but after an hour delay,
their plane was soaring. Relieved,
they whispered prayers, dreaming
of families and friends at arrival gates
clutching coffee cups and bouquets.
I like to think it was calm,
the plane blanketed by night’s caress.
Cellphones put away,
the cabin lights dimmed,
babies cooing in cots,
and refreshments on their way.
176 hearts beating in one narrow womb.
Closer to the heavens,
I know their journey was short—
earth angels for a while
who were returning home.”
Kamand Kojouri

“And though you are gone now forever, still you are now never gone…”
Broms The Poet

Trisha North

Even the bright ones lose their glow
Even the royal lose their throne
Even the dancer’s feet grow sore
I can see your spirit elevated
In a majestic leap toward the sky
I can understand now
Why we wish upon the stars at night
Sometimes the ones we love wait quiet
Sometimes we lose them in an instant
Sometimes we don’t understand the reason
I can see your mind reeling
Pictures scattered across the floor
It should comfort us
These memories
But right now I want to wage a war
Even the bright ones lose their glow”
Trisha North, To Those Who Die Awake

Alfred Tennyson
“But there is more than I can see,
And what I see I leave unsaid,
Nor speak it, knowing Death has made
His darkness beautiful with thee.”
Alfred Tennyson

“And the tide shrinks back into its womb
And I hope the empty shells and bones of your stories
Will litter and clutter the shores
And I hope that when I find them
I’ll remember how they danced
And the racket they made
When they were alive”
King Creosote

Steven Wolff
“One year ago, just after Carrie Fisher's passing, I dedicated my Sci-fi Thriller The First Ones There to her. When you open the book, this is what it says... “Thank you for inspiring generations of women,
young and old, that princesses can hold their own. Rest in Peace.”
Steven Wolff, The First Ones There: A Science Fiction Thriller