
Horrors Quotes

Quotes tagged as "horrors" Showing 1-25 of 25
Thomas Ligotti
“We are aberrations—beings born undead, neither one thing nor another, or two things at once … uncanny things that have nothing to do with the rest of creation, horrors that poison the world by sowing our madness everywhere we go, glutting daylight and darkness with incorporeal obscenities. From across an immeasurable divide, we brought the supernatural into all that is manifest. Like a faint haze it floats around us. We keep company with ghosts. Their graves are marked in our minds, and they will never be disinterred from the cemeteries of our remembrance. Our heartbeats are numbered, our steps counted. Even as we survive and reproduce, we know ourselves to be dying in a dark corner of infinity. Wherever we go, we know not what expects our arrival but only that it is there.”
Thomas Ligotti, The Conspiracy Against the Human Race

William S. Burroughs
“Fear of death is form of stasis horrors. The dead weight of time.”
William S. Burroughs, Everything Lost: The Latin American Notebook of William S. Burroughs

Pushpa Rana
“It is not the dead rather the ones who lives through war have seen the dreadful end of the war, you might have been victorious, unwounded but deep within you, you carry the mark of the war, you carry the memories of war, the time you have spend with your comrades, the times when you had to dug in to foxholes to avoid shelling, the times when you hate to see your comrade down on the ground, feeling of despair, atrocities of the war, missing families, home. They live through hell and often the most wounded, they live with the guilt, despair, of being in the war, they may be happy but deep down they are a different person. Not everyone is a hero. You live with the moments, time when you were unsuccessful, when your actions would have helped your comrades, when your actions get your comrades killed, you live with regret, joyous in the victory can never help you forget the time you have spent. You are victorious for the people you have lost, the decisions you have made, the courage you have shown but being victorious in the war has a price to pay, irrevocable.

You can't take a memory back from a person, even if you lose your memory your imagination haunts you as deep down your sub conscious mind you know who you are, who you were. Close you eyes and you can very well see your past, you cant change your past, time you have spent, you live through all and hence you are a hero not for the glorious war for the times you have faced. Decoration with medals is not going to give your life back. the more you know, more experiences doesn't make it easy rather make its worse. Arms and ammunition kills you once and free you from the misery but the experiences of war kills you everyday, makes you cherish the times everyday through the life. You may forgot that you cant walk anymore, you may forget you cant use your right hand, you may forgot the scars on your face but you can never forgot war. Life without war is never easy and only the ones how survived through it can understand. Soldiers are taught to fight but the actual combat starts after war which you are not even trained for. You rely on your weapon, leaders, comrades, god, luck in the war but here you rely on your self to beat the horrors,they have seen hell, heaven, they have felt the mixed emotions of hope, despair, courage, victory, defeat, scared.”
Pushpa Rana, Just the Way I Feel

Kazuo Ishiguro
“The horror of that image has never diminished, but it has long ceased to be a morbid matter; as with a wound on one's own body, it is possible to develop an intimacy with the most disturbing of things.”
Kazuo Ishiguro, A Pale View of Hills

Samuel R. Delany
“Those moments when we learn that mothers rage and fathers kill, that friends betray and authority is fallible, or that our own blank, innocent ignorance can destroy the pure, the good, and the loved are moments the very memory of which constitutes the beginning of a strategy to live in a world where such horrors exist.”
Samuel R. Delany, The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village

Daniel O'Malley
“With the sort of power these new processes granted them, the members of the brotherhood were in the perfect position to seize power. In any other country, a massive, bloody war would have ensued. Horrors would have stalked the land, unholy amalgamations of flesh would have fought on the fields, and the nights would have new, unspeakable terrors.
Fortunately, this is Belgium we're talking about.”
Daniel O'Malley, The Rook

Stevie O'Connor
“Sometimes at night I would look out and up at the glow rising up around me through the plastic and it would just make me shudder. It reminded me of larvae. We were like pale grubs in our eggs. When I got the horrors like that, I requested a little yellow pill from the dial-a-doc and flopped down into the fuzz along with everyone else.”
Stevie O'Connor, In A Mirror City

Robert G. Ingersoll
“No follower of Christ knew the shape of the earth. For many centuries this great Peasant of Palestine has been worshiped as God. Millions and millions have given their lives to his service. The wealth of the world was lavished on his shrines.

His name carried consolation to the diseased and dying. His name dispelled the darkness of death, and filled the dungeon with light. His name gave courage to the martyr, and in the midst of fire, with shriveling lips the sufferer uttered it again and again. The outcasts, the deserted, the fallen, felt that Christ was their friend, felt that he knew their sorrows and pitied their sufferings.

All this is true, and if it were all, how beautiful, how touching, how glorious it would be.

But it is not all. There is another side.

In his name millions and millions of men and women have been imprisoned, tortured and killed. In his name millions and millions have been enslaved. In his name the thinkers, the investigators, have been branded as criminals, and his followers have shed the blood of the wisest and best.

In his name the progress of many nations was stayed for a thousand years. In his gospel was found the dogma of eternal pain, and his words added an infinite horror to death. His gospel filled the world with hatred and revenge; made intellectual honesty a crime; made happiness here the road to hell, denounced love as base and bestial, canonized credulity, crowned bigotry and destroyed the liberty of man.

It would have been far better had the New Testament never been written – far better had the theological Christ never lived. Had the writers of the Testament been regarded as uninspired, had Christ been thought of only as a man, had the good been accepted and the absurd, the impossible, and the revengeful thrown away, mankind would have escaped the wars, the tortures, the scaffolds, the dungeons, the agony and tears, the crimes and sorrows of a thousand years.”
Robert G. Ingersoll

Robert E. Howard
“Damned be the dark ends of the earth where old horrors live again.”
Robert E. Howard, The Horror Stories of Robert E. Howard

John Green
“It can sometimes feel like loving the beauty that surrounds us is somehow disrespectful to the many horrors that also surround us. But mostly, I think I'm just scared that if I show the world my belly, it will devour me. And so I wear the armor of cynicism, and hide behind the great walls of irony, and only glimpse beauty with my back turned to it...”
John Green, The Anthropocene Reviewed: Essays on a Human-Centered Planet

Xiran Jay Zhao
“Despite the endless horrors that we've both been through, I really am grateful that we survived to meet each other.”
Xiran Jay Zhao, Iron Widow

Cormac McCarthy
“The horrors of the past lose their edge, and in the doing they blind us to a world careening toward a darkness beyond the bitterest speculation. It's sure to be interesting. When the onset of universal night is finally acknowledged as irreversible even the coldest cynic will be astonished at the celerity with which every rule and stricture shoring up this creaking edifice is abandoned and every aberrancy embraced. It should be quite a spectacle. However brief.”
Cormac McCarthy, The Passenger

Iris Murdoch
“All this had happened before, perhaps a million times, and because of this was doomed. There was no ordinary future any more, only this ecstatic tormented terrified present. The future had passed through the present like a sword. We were already, even eye to eye and lip to lip, deep in the horrors to come.”
Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince

Steve Emmett
“Did I never tell you Sassicaia makes me horny?”
Steve Emmett, Diavolino

“People who fell in love at first sight, rushed home to their parents to tell them the good news and subsequently married were, [Patricia Highsmith] thought, retarded. Rather, a more honest appraisal of the nature of love positions it nearer to the horrors of mental illness. How else could you explain the fact that so many people were prepared to sacrifice the safety and cosiness of their lives for the thrill of a new romance?”
Andrew Wilson, Patricia Highsmith, ζωή στο σκοτάδι

Henry Miller
“Kafka's long nightmares were but a preparation for the actual horrors we were to experience even to a greater degree.”
Henry Miller, Sextet: Six essays

Iris Murdoch
“Only let the scene end soon and without any horrors.”
Iris Murdoch, The Sacred and Profane Love Machine

Caleb Carr
“Flashes of silver and brilliantly colored scales caught the light of a few dim worklamps that were on, increasing the eerie impression that the fish were a terrified audience searching for a way out of this place of death and back to those deep, dark regions where men and their brutal ways were unknown.”
Caleb Carr, The Alienist

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I am terrified by the horrors that lurk all around me. But it would do me good to remember that those same horrors are terrified by the God who resides within me.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I suppose that our intent is good. But sadly, our wisdom is short. For to seek the feeble constraints of any sort of crafted legislation (despite how ingeniously crafted it might be) as a means of reigning in the horrors of our world is similar to an attempt to build a dam sufficient to hold back the whole of the ocean. And I would contend that that seems to be something of a fool’s errand born of our desire to bury our heads in the legislative sand rather than peer into the darkness of men’s hearts. For we must change the hearts of men if we are to alter their actions. And if we are to do that with any kind of effectiveness at all, we must start in the hardest place imaginable…and that is in the heart that lays inside of us.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

José Carlos Somoza
“In una notte di orrore, gli uomini hanno inventato l'arte.”
José Carlos Somoza, The Art of Murder

Sarah J. Maas
“Tamlin hadn't flinched- not a muscle. What horrors had he witnessed in his long life if this hadn't broken that distant expression, that control?”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Larry Niven
“Stomach to brain: Lurch!<\i> what a hell of an hour to be looking at people with their faces burnt off!
Get eyes to look somewhere else, and don't try to swallow that coffee!
Why don't you change jobs?

Larry Niven, A Tale of Known Space

Larry Niven
“Stomach to brain: Lurch! what a hell of an hour to be looking at people with their faces burnt off!
Get eyes to look somewhere else, and don't try to swallow that coffee!
Why don't you change jobs?”
Larry Niven

“You mistake tragedy for horror because no one likes true sadness.”
Dominic Riccitello