
Habits Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "habits-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 397
James Clear
“Professionals stick to the schedule;
amateurs let life get in the way.”
James Clear, Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

“Habits stay with you even when you don’t have the motivation.”
Neeraj Agnihotri, Procrasdemon - The Artist's Guide to Liberation from Procrastination

Dr Tracey Bond
“In every time of season change: it is #wise to slow down and examine what our ego, thought-habits, and spiritual-energy are communicating to others...our environments. Truth is these thoughts (attitudes that aren't situationally static) are producing real activity, outcomes that shape our existence. Consider the conception of our thoughts, and what they will give birth to beyond the physical...they have an incredible power, with or without our active will, to lift us, sink us or soar us. Consider how we as human beings can be subject to the law enforcement of living under our own thought legislation...Selah.”
Tracey Bond

Norman Vincent Peale
“Repetition of the same thought or physical action develops into a habit which, repeated frequently enough, becomes an automatic reflex.”
Norman Vincent Peale, Norman Vincent Peale: The Inspirational Writings

ستيفن آر. كوفي
“إذا زرعت فكرة حصدت عملًا ، و إذا زرعت عملًا حصدت عادة، و إذا زرعت عادة حصدت شخصية، و إذا زرعت شخصية حصدت مصيرًا ..”
ستيفن آر. كوفي, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

Sandhya Jane
“Good habits build strong characters; people with strong character create success.

- Sandhya Jane”
Sandhya Jane, Dincharya: The Power of Daily Regimen

James Clear
“becoming the best version of yourself requires you to continuously edit your beliefs”
James Clear, Atomic Habits

Steven Redhead
“The creation of positive thoughts should be a daily habit to squash any form of negativity or misfortune that could have the potential to happen.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is A Circus

“As soon as you realize that habits may be reformed, you have both the freedom and the obligation to do so”
Habits Doctor

“We are what we do over and over again. So, excellence is not a one-time thing, but a way of life”
Habits Doctor

“Starting something new requires a certain amount of motivation. What keeps you going is your habit of doing it.”
Habits Doctor

“By making and keeping good habits every day, you prove that you do have control over the most important parts of your life, even when things are crazy”
Habits Doctor

“The choices we make on a daily basis shape our future”
Habits Doctor

“We are what we do over and over again. So, excellence is not a one-time thing, but a way of changing our habits”
Habits Doctor

“Starting something new requires a certain amount of motivation. What keeps you going is your habit of doing it”
habits doctor

“If you want to attain greatness, start with small things. Excellence is a prevailing mindset”
Habits Doctor

“95% of your actions are habitual”
Habits Doctor

“Habits are a double-edged sword. Bad habits can cut you down just as easily as good habits can build you up, which is why understanding the details is crucial. You need to know how habits work and how to design them to your liking, so you can avoid the dangerous half of the blade.”

“Habits are a double-edged sword. Bad habits can cut you down just as easily as good habits can build you up, which is why understanding the details is crucial. You need to know how habits work and how to design them to your liking, so you can avoid the dangerous half of the blade.”
James Clear, Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

“In a way, we are no more than a bunch of habits.”
Kathirasan K, Mindfulness-Based Leadership: The Art of Being a Leader - Not Becoming One

Steven Redhead
“You become bound to the mundane through your daily rituals, habits, and rules.”
Steven Redhead, Life’s Events In Focus

“The curious mind finds endless design possibilities”
Wafiq Raza

Marion Bekoe
“Perfection may never be attained, constant repetition of good habits are the closest thing to perfection.”
Marion Bekoe

“Transforming habits is about finding familiarity in change, making the transition smoother and the journey more rewarding.”
Donald Pillai

Rod Judkins
“There are no good habits. All habits are bad because they make us mechanical. To be creative, we must be hyper-aware.”
Rod Judkins, Lie like an artist: Communicate successfully by focusing on essential truths

“Addiction to evil habits is a surrender to Satan's grip, a rebellion against God's love, and a sacrifice of one's life to the altar of destruction. When we succumb to addictive habits, we relinquish our freedom, our relationships, and our very souls to the enemy of our souls. But, there is hope in God's redeeming grace, which can set us free and restore us to a life of purpose and victory.”
Shaila Touchton

“Small changes lead to huge successes.”
Brian Reese

“Success is not an accident. It’s the result of our habits.”
Brian Reese

“You are what you actually do, not what you’re going to do.”
Brian Reese

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