
Grimdark Humor Quotes

Quotes tagged as "grimdark-humor" Showing 1-10 of 10
Gourav Mohanty
“After all, love without self-sacrifice was just lust”
Gourav Mohanty, Sons of Darkness

Gourav Mohanty
“A thing of beauty is said to last forever, unless it begins to speak. Mati thanked the Storm God that her Lamb had not proposed marriage. Nothing ruins an affair more than an effort to make it last.”
Gourav Mohanty, Sons of Darkness

Gourav Mohanty
“...leaving no doubt he was the Chosen One. Chosen for what precisely, no one bothered to ask.”
Gourav Mohanty, Sons of Darkness

Gourav Mohanty
“You see, that's the thing with conquerors, they cannot stop conquering, for then they would have to start ruling, and my guess is Jarasandh isn't as good a ruler as he is a conqueror.”
Gourav Mohanty, Sons of Darkness

Gourav Mohanty
“But Asha was right. He should have felt victorious, elated even. And yet, despite his valiant efforts, he felt like a man who had finally opened the box of glory to find that it did not contain what was etched on the lid.”
Gourav Mohanty, Sons of Darkness

Gourav Mohanty
“The man had committed genocide. She knew she could trust him.”
Gourav Mohanty, Sons of Darkness

Joe Abercrombie
“Downside was frowning at the Shanka corpses, weighing his axe and wondering where to start. "Never thought o' myself as a man who fills sacks with heads."

"No one sets off in that direction," said Clover, puffing out his cheeks one more time. "But before you know it, there you bloody are.”
Joe Abercrombie, The Trouble with Peace

S. A. Matey
“Shank off, you faithless skiv!”
“Then say my name,” Taein said as he rose and adjusted his coat. “You know exactly who I am.”
“You’re the Unkillable Kid—” The mugger said through a froth of blood, his squirming growing weaker.
Taein picked him up by the lapels and drew the mugger’s face so close he could see the broken blood vessels in his eyes. “Say. My. Name.”
“Taein,” Big said, and he burst into tears.

And Taein he was, after all.
He was the prince of purloining, scourge of the streets, survivor against all natural odds, reckless to the point of delusion. He was Taein, survivor of the BlackBlades, the Unkillable Kid himself, (or unkillable as far as he knew, at least), and if a good thrashing was all that could beat back the numbness anymore, even just for a few adrenaline-soaked moments, so be it. It was better to feel anything other than his usual state of abysmal emptiness—even pain—because that emptiness haunted him like a starving child, dogging his heels every waking minute, leaching through his very bloodstream as a hard frost crawls along a windowpane. 
He was Taein—terror of thieves, conductor of chaos, sweetheart of spite—and if brushing hands with death was all that could shake him halfway to life anymore, so be it.”
S. A. Matey, Prince of Glass: Remastered

S. A. Matey
“What made Taein the Unkillable Kid was more than surviving the war that tore his realm apart and the hunt for his life that followed. It was more than almost starving to death in the wilds, it was more than the addictions that still hungered for his life. More than his time in the Blackblades, more than evading the Garrison, more than all the thrashings and scraps and botched brawls he’d ever gotten himself into. What made Taein the Unkillable Kid was the truth—that he literally could not die. 
And Taein knew that for a fact, because he had tried to die more times than he could count. ”
S. A. Matey

S. A. Matey
“When they were well out of her earshot, Taein swiveled back and glowered at Vince. “You’ve got to throw those away.”
Vince, bouncing awkwardly in the saddle as his draft kept time with Lorrin, looked aghast. “Taein, she gave us muffins.”
“She probably poisoned them, you imbecile,” Taein hissed. 
“Why would she do that?” Vince asked, fumbling to keep a hold of his reins and manage a pair of blueberry-dotted muffins at the same time. 
“Because she knows I’m the one that stole from her, years back!”
Vince paused before popping an entire muffin into his mouth. “You’re far too paranoid, Taein,” he said as he chewed. “These are blueberry muffins. Suit yourself, but I ain’t throwing these away even if they are poisoned.” 
“Well, don’t go blaming me when you keel over. You were duly warned.”
“Me, paying recompense for your poorly-executed crimes? When has that ever happened?” Vince chuckled.”
S. A. Matey, Prince of Glass: Remastered