
Frame Control Quotes

Quotes tagged as "frame-control" Showing 1-14 of 14
JetSet (Josh King Madrid, JetSetFly)
“When you persuade yourself that you “get to” do something rather than “have to,” you can find a silver lining. For instance, saying “I have to clean the house” implies cleaning is an unpleasant task. On the other hand, saying “I get to clean the house” reframes the labor as something you look forward to, emphasizing how important it is to have a place to live in the first place. A great strategy to change your perspective and enhance your mental health is to reframe the tasks you encounter in daily life with a positive outlook.”
Josh King Madrid, JetSet Life Hacks: 33 Life Hacks Millionaires, Athletes, Celebrities, & Geniuses Have In Common

“Precision of thought comes from a tranquil mindset. A presenter can have a competitive edge if they are unmoved by the jabs and provocations that are directed at them”
Josh King Madrid

“Your frame is a mental structure that determines how you see the universe. The viewpoint and fundamental meaning of a conversation are its frames.”
Josh King Madrid

“An individual's frame is influenced by their willpower, perseverance, endurance, skill set, emotional maturity, and self assurance. The fact that frame is self-reinforcing is among its most significant features.”
Josh King Madrid

“When referring to human connection, the term
"frame" describes the significance you assign to a given interaction and how you characterize what is happening.”
Josh King Madrid

“Mindfulness is essential to frame control. It's crucial to just pay attention to your surroundings, thoughts, feelings, and responses to the situation or encounter in which you find yourself.”
Josh King Madrid

“Our choices are affected by how information is framed. Depending on which qualities are emphasized, identical facts can be more or less appealing.”
Josh King Madrid

“When people were attempting to persuade others in the legendary Arena in ancient Greece, frame battles were frequently conducted. The delivery and techniques may have changed over time, but the fundamental ideas behind frame control have mostly remained the same.”
Josh King Madrid

“When we end up losing our frame in a discussion, it is typically due to a weak belief system.”
Josh King Madrid

“Our mind is capable of detecting even the smallest hand and finger movements, and if gestures and motions are employed successfully during an utterance or discussion, they can enhance the transmission of information.”
Josh King Madrid

“Probably one of the often overlooked framing components
is body language. The way a question is framed might depend on a variety of factors, including posture, mood, facial gestures, and grin.”
Josh King Madrid

“A frame is a psychological model you build for yourself to organize and carry out a strategy to attain a goal; to move from spot A to spot B while guarding against detours and resistance.”
Josh King Madrid

“The main questions in frames are "Who are you to the person you are conversing with?" and
"Who is the person to you?" Frames determine who you are to each other in group contexts, such as social circles and night games. Every reaction has an impact on the interaction's story or deeper significance. The interaction's "tone" is established by them. However, every reaction also shapes how the receiver is perceived by others; your acts will shape how the receiver sees you.”
Josh King Madrid