Forbidden Quotes

Quotes tagged as "forbidden" Showing 91-120 of 122
“I always am in a role, lovely – for you, for them – even for myself. Yeah... Even when I’m alone, I am still in a role – and I myself am the most exacting audience I have ever had.”
Simona Panova, Nightmarish Sacrifice

“On top of the abuse and neglect, denial heaps more hurt upon the child by requiring the child to alienate herself from reality and her own experience. In troubled families, abuse and neglect are permitted; it's the talking about them that is forbidden.”
Marcia Sirota

Kelly Oram
“There’s nothing sweeter than that which is forbidden.”
Kelly Oram

Airicka Phoenix
“Because I loved you!" she shouted. "Because I didn't want to let you go! Because I didn't want to lose you!" She hadn't realized she was crying until her voice hitched and she felt the tears on her cheeks. She swiped at them impatiently. "I have never fought for anything in my life because I never had anything worth fighting for, but I was going to fight for you.”
Airicka Phoenix, Touching Eternity

Airicka Phoenix
“I know.” The two words ghosted against the skin of her neck, sending goose bumps down her spine. “But I want to touch you. I want to put my hands all over you. I want to kiss every inch of you and taste you as you come apart in my arms. I want to feel you wrapped around me with nothing but my name on your lips and the sheets a tangled mess beneath us. I want…” He exhaled heavily into her ear. “I want. I want. I want!”
Airicka Phoenix, Octavian's Undoing

Emily Arden
“Fate was cruel to play this trick on her, although if she were honest she knew she only had herself to blame. She had taken the chance and now she had to pay the price.”
Emily Arden

“The unknown grayish mystifying forest was benumbed into frost-covered cold, and the tremendous pines towering above the dark marshy soil resembled a gathering of severe mute brothers from a forbidden ancient order worshiping forgotten gods no one had ever heard of outside of the world of secret occult visions.”
Simona Panova, Nightmarish Sacrifice

Chloe Thurlow
“Naked I felt as if my soul was exposed, my thoughts could be read. In the mask I felt protected. I eased the elastic strap over my head, adjusted the fascia to my cheekbones and glanced again at the mirror. The acid in my tummy had gone. Masked I am me. Masked I can do anything.”
Chloe Thurlow, Sophie's Secret

R.M. Romarney
“Blue Planet Phenomenon.

she’s from the pink planet called Constellation
he’s from the dark planet beyond
under a constant monitor
no love a interplanetary phenomenon

he’s an interstellar
she’s studying astronomy
what they have seen sets in motion their biology
they will meet on the blue planet
they should know better
it’s death if they get together

interplanetary love is forbidden
their passion keep it hidden
they should know better
but they must be together
to the blue planet
love velocity interstellar

crossing Earth’s longitudes
hiding their love in the new years eve multitudes
they should know better
their love still not allowed
under another planets blanketing cloud

Planet Earth in unified love
new years eve blue planet phenomenon
she will fall pregnant
their baby conceived at a time of human unity
their unborn baby and united humanity
become one in harmony

interstellar before they’re discovered
too late their love uncovered
they should know better
it’s death for forbidden love together

trial on dark planet
they will all die today
“kill them now”
judgment say

they plea for their unborn baby’s mercy
a reprieve
child leniency
only for their baby clemency

“bring on the birth” authorities say
a unpredicted baby delivery
conceived in a time of human unity
a love descendant of humanity

interstellar love racing
interplanetary embracing
human love emanating
from their newborn baby
blanketing pink planet with love
blanketing dark planet with love

two planets authority depleting
two planets a love meeting
now love not forbidden
love never to be hidden
interstellar love plea
she and he with their baby to go free

By R.M.Romarney.”
R.M. Romarney

Brynna Gabrielson
“...but maybe it's just the genetic code of a teenager. If your parents forbid something, you have to want it.”
Brynna Gabrielson, Starkissed

Airicka Phoenix
“Do it, Octavian” She ghosted the tips of her fingers along the hem of his shirt. “Touch me.”

He growled low in his throat, his forehead dropping another inch toward her shoulder, his hair tickling the side of her face. “Be my angel, Riley, not my siren. Don’t tempt me.”

Moistening her lips with a sweep of her tongue, Riley glided her fingers over his belt, tracing the strip of leather to the silver buckle in the center. She felt rather than heard his deep inhalation and the tremor that raked his powerful body. Driven by his surrender, she used two fingers to walk over the square carvings etched into his abdomen, biting her lip to stop the grin that pulled when he groaned.

“I want to be both for you, Octavian,” she whispered, letting her lips brush the curve of his shoulder.”
Airicka Phoenix, Octavian's Undoing

Arundhati Roy
“Only that once again they broke the Love Laws. That lay down who should be loved. And how. And how much.”
Arundhati Roy, The God of Small Things

Kassandra Cross
“He had a sadness in his eyes that Carrie recognised as regret.”
Kassandra Cross, Carrie's First Time

Airicka Phoenix
“A month ago I was a semi average teenager with a paranoid mom and a whole highway to call home. Yeah, I hated it, hated the running and the motels and the always being alone, but I had Mom. I had a reasonably clear view of myself and the person I was. Then I became a girl with powers beyond my control, a past I wish I never learned about and a future I wasn’t sure I was ready for.”
Airicka Phoenix, Touching Fire

Ella Frank
“It was time to free him from my burdens.”
ella frank, Veiled Innocence

Josh Stern
“I used to be into ‘forbidden fruit’, but I’ve moved on to‘verboten vegetables”
Josh Stern, And That’s Why I’m Single

E.L.R.  Jones
“I am glad to have found and have knowledge of a love that could transcend time even if it was Forbidden.”
E.L.R. Jones, Forbidden: A Prince's Most Coveted Possession

Emily Arden
“He felt torn. He wanted her to feel safe with him, but he also wanted her to feel the sort of heady excitement that any young girl should feel when they fall in love. He wanted to give her everything she craved, and he was not quite sure he could do it.”
Emily Arden

Kassandra Cross
“I’m a virgin Mr Cohen,” Carrie said, “I’ve never been with a man before.”
Kassandra Cross, Carrie's First Time

Emily Arden
“You may not mean to, but you do seem to look down your nose at many of us mere mortals muddling along down here. I feel as though you think everyone should be better than they are. I certainly think you expect me to behave like some sort of perfect princess. But I’m just an ordinary girl who wants to grow up and find out where I belong in the world.”
Emily Arden, Lover by Moonlight

“Just because it’s forbidden doesn’t mean it’s good for you.”
George Hammond

“The first time any man's freedom is trodden.

With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied – chains us all, irrevocably.”
Jeri Taylor

Israelmore Ayivor
“You may hit the bar, you may cross the forbidden line, you may cause many fouls, but when you stay on, you will definitely get your goals being the winning goals...”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Paul Russell
“To speak a language that was as intimate and free as certain dreams, saying darkly, thrillingly, My cock inside of you. Your come in my mouth ... He focused on the boy’s slim, tight hips; with the tip of his tongue he tasted an asshole’s bitter, forbidden mystery.”
Paul Russell, The Coming Storm

Kürşat Başar
“Çünkü herşey yasaklanabilir ama hayaller yasaklanamaz.
Ne kocalar karılarına, ne anne babalar çocuklarına, ne devlet yurttaşlarına böyle bir yasak koyabilir.”
Kürşat Başar, Yaz

E.L.R.  Jones
“Philippe to his mother "do stop chasing after a carriage that has a runaway mare.”
E.L.R. Jones, Forbidden: A Prince's Most Coveted Possession

Emily Arden
“How could she admit that it wasn’t the cold that had made her shiver, but forbidden thoughts of her stepbrother?”
Emily Arden, Lover by Moonlight

“I would cut myself a thousand times if it meant seeing you again" - Christian Jones”
Angela Karaky, Forbidden