Forbidden Quotes

Quotes tagged as "forbidden" Showing 31-60 of 122
“Forbidden things have a secret charm”

Nenia Campbell
“We all have doors inside us that should never be opened. God help us all when we find the keys to unlock them.”
Nenia Campbell

Franz Kafka
“If it had been possible to build the Tower of Babel without ascending it, the work would have been permitted.

(Wenn es möglich gewesen wäre, den Turm von Babel zu erbauern ohne ihn zu erklettern, es wäre erlaubt worden.)”
Franz Kafka, Parables and Paradoxes

Evie East
“She holds a nation’s fate within her shaking hands. She wears a crown that never should’ve been hers.
A golden lie.
A dirty halo.”
Evie East, Dirty Halo

Tabitha Suzuma
“I cannot bear the thought of this being just one moment in time, over almost before it started, already retreating into the past. I must hold onto it with all my might.”
Tabitha Suzuma, Forbidden

Henry James
“The charm turned on them a face that was cold in its beauty, that was full of a poetry never to be theirs, that spoke, with an ironic smile, of a possible but forbidden life. It all rolled afresh over Milly: 'Oh, the impossible romance—!' The romance for her, yet once more, would be to sit there for ever, through all her time, as in a fortress; and the idea became an image of never going down, of remaining aloft in the divine, dustless air, where she would hear but the plash of the water against stone. The great floor on which they moved was at an altitude, and this prompted the rueful fancy. 'Ah, not to go down—never, never to go down!' she strangely sighed to her friend.”
Henry James, The Wings of the Dove

“He knows that there is something wrong, forbidden in what he is about to do, but he cannot help himself, for he is a fanatic. He is driven by a dark desire. To see, to feel, to discover is all. His is a passion, not a romance.”
Richard Selzer, Mortal Lessons: Notes on the Art of Surgery

Alka Dimri Saklani
“The shore knows that the waves belong to the ocean, yet it welcomes the waves with an open arm, whether it comes with a gentle rush or crash against it. I was the shore; you were like the waves.”
Alka Dimri Saklani, As Night Falls

“He would have gone days without food or water just to be inside her again. To possess something so wonderful and forbidden. Any torture, any punishment, any sacrifice would have been worth the cost of pleasuring them both until they couldn’t move.”
Cristiane Serruya, Not A Book

Emily Dickinson
“Forbidden fruit a flavor has
That lawful orchards mocks ;
How luscious lies the pea within
The pod that Duty locks !”
Emily Dickinson

Nenia Campbell
“Phineas Riordan was exactly what came to mind when someone imagined a cruel prince from a fairytale: the kind that ruined maidens instead of saving them.”
Nenia Campbell, Dragon Queen

Laini Taylor
“Forbid a man from something and he craves it like his soul's salvation, all the more so when that something is the source of incomparable riches.”
Laini Taylor, Strange the Dreamer

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“You never plant trees whose leaves are merely locks when your mind becomes a forbidden paradise of independent thought.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

Shannon Hale
“The doings of the quarry had always seemed some bright, forbidden secret. Now it was her secret, and holding it to herself felt warm and delicious, like drinking the last cup of honeyed tea.”
Shannon Hale, Princess Academy

Asa Don Brown
“Life is way too short to be bogged down by challenges we may face.”
asa don brown

“If you're Different, Be Proud,
And Say it Out Loud:
If we're all the same,
life would be a boring game.
Science would remain hidden,
And the unknown forbidden.”

“Do not desire a forbidden fruit.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“They are mine. I am theirs. We are three parts of a soul that have been separated for too long (Anellah Vaintera, Of War and Realms)”
Dakota Monroe

Giovanna Roma
“Stringerla mi regalerà una parentesi di pace in un mondo di privazioni.”
Giovanna Roma, Il colore del caos

Noor Al-Shanti
“The city had fallen, his parents had died, no shred of their old lives would be left by the shape-shifters, but there were still lords galloping around on horses that could uphold the old rules. The destruction and desperation had afforded Alistair a few moments of freedom to practice magic, but now he would go back to the life of poverty and misery and powerlessness that he had been born to.”
Noor Al-Shanti, A Kingly Sword

Grace Curley
“It was moon hour when the burning lovers tired, and encased themselves beneath each other’s warmth. Their lips spoke of forbidden promises and butchered daydreams, yearning for the sun and days, and nights stuck in a cage made for monsters.”
Grace Curley, The Light that Binds Us

Steven Magee
“I venture into research areas that corporate controlled scientists are forbidden from.”
Steven Magee

Liz Braswell
“I only gave my word to stay. Nothing else," Belle repeated firmly.
Nothing would stop her from satisfying her curiosity about the mist interesting thing that had ever happened to her.”
Liz Braswell, As Old as Time

Salman Rushdie
“What the Swots had studied deeply was the art of forbidding things, and in a very short time they had forbidden painting, sculpture, music, theatre, film, journalism, hashish, voting, elections, individualism, disagreement, pleasure, happiness, pool tables, clean-shaven chins (on men), women’s faces, women’s bodies, women’s education, women’s sports, women’s rights. They would have liked to have forbidden women altogether but even they could see that that was not entirely feasible, so they contented themselves with making women’s lives as unpleasant as possible.”
Salman Rushdie, Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights

“But what I want more is to rip the heads off every one of these bastards for being in your presence...they do not even deserve the concept of you.”
Dakota Monroe

“She is art. And I'm her selfish aesthete; craving to keep her hidden from those who don't deserve to witness her ethereal beauty (Casmir Vaintera, Of Gods and Pain)”
Dakota Monroe

“But what I want more is to rip the heads off every one of these bastards for being in your presence... they do not even deserve the concept of you (Emrys Vaintera, Of Bonds and Daggers)”
Dakota Monroe

Jane Washington
“I could have had her right there, in front of everyone. She would have welcomed it.”

“But you didn’t.”

“It wouldn’t have been fair.”

“To who?” My voice was tight with confusion.

“Her. I wouldn’t be thinking about her.”

“What would you be thinking about?”

He groaned, his eyes closing momentarily. He breathed deeply, his exhale carrying another rough sound. “Not what. Who.”
Jane Washington, A City of Whispers

L.J. Shen
“I wanted to get wet and let the tide wash over me without dipping a toe in the ocean. I wanted what was forbidden, and wrong, and fucking crazy. I wanted my partner’s daughter, who was nearly half my age.”
L.J. Shen, Scandalous

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi
“There is a sea not far from us. It is invisible, but it is not hidden. It is forbidden to speak of it. Yet it is a sin and a sign of ingratitude not to.”
Rumi (Jalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi)