Flu Quotes

Quotes tagged as "flu" Showing 121-150 of 203
Steven Magee
“The three golden rules of COVID-19: 1) Isolate. 2) Isolate. 3) Isolate.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“COVID-19 paranoia may save your life.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Have faith that whatever the outcome of COVID-19, your spirit will be okay.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I would not venture into government buildings during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Is COVID-19 your final destination?”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“President Trump has been gas-lighting the masses regarding COVID-19.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“If I were in an ‘Essential Job’, I would be considering resigning to protect my health from COVID-19.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I view everyone as a super-spreader.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“My fellow citizens, you are a potential COVID-19 bio-hazard to me.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“COVID-19 is connecting people to God.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“COVID-19 may dole out justice to corrupt politicians.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Have faith that COVID-19 will never kill your spirit.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“President Trump is a dangerous optimist.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“COVID-19 is influenza on steroids!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I would only go to a doctors office during COVID-19 if my life depended on it.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“You will see a lot of failed businesses before the COVID-19 pandemic is over.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I feel very misled by the USA government regarding COVID-19.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“By the time COVID-19 is over, the death toll will be comparable to war.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Be prepared to lose some relatives and friends during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Toilet paper has separated the masses into the haves and have nots.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“You would have to be desperate to apply for a job in a hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“COVID-19 is a tsunami of financial catastrophe.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The majority of COVID-19 deaths are males.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Are you a super-spreader?”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Some survivors of COVID-19 are being left with lifelong health issues.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Those with common sense will live in the rural tropics during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The governments response to COVID-19 revealed them to be a shady group of scallywags.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“If COVID-19 is like Spanish Flu, there will be a more severe resurgence in the Fall of 2020.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“President Trump’s financial market honeymoon is over.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Your government is dysfunctional.”
Steven Magee