
Feeling Alive Quotes

Quotes tagged as "feeling-alive" Showing 1-30 of 49
Victoria Schwab
“Everyone thinks I have a death wish, you know? But I don't want to die - dying is easy. No, I want to live, but getting close to death is the only way to feel alive. And once you do, it makes you realize that everything you were actually doing before wasn't actually living. It was just making do. Call me crazy, but I think we do the best living when the stakes are high.”
V.E. Schwab, A Gathering of Shadows

Vera Nazarian
“Close your eyes and turn your face into the wind.

Feel it sweep along your skin in an invisible ocean of exultation.

Suddenly, you know you are alive.”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Richard Wright
“I didn't know I was really alive in this world until I felt things hard enough to kill for 'em...”
Richard Wright, Native Son

Ray Bradbury
“The grass whispered under his body. He put his arm down, feeling the sheath of fuzz on it, and, far away, below, his toes creaking in his shoes. The wind sighed over his shelled ears. The world slipped bright over the glassy round of his eyeballs like images sparked in a crystal sphere. Flowers were sun and fiery spots of sky strewn through the woodland. Birds flickered like skipped stones across the vast inverted pond of heaven. His breath raked over his teeth, going in ice, coming out fire. Insects shocked the air with electric clearness. Ten thousand individual hairs grew a millionth of an inch on his head. He heard the twin hearts beating in each ear, the third heart beating in his throat, the two hearts throbbing his wrists, the real heart pounding his chest. The million pores on his body opened.
I'm really alive! he thought. I never knew it before, or if I did I don't remember!”
Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine

Wes Adamson
“We talk a lot about the five senses: vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. I would add one more…imagination.”
Wes Adamson

John Keats
“But this is human life: the war, the deeds,
The disappointment, the anxiety,
Imagination’s struggles, far and nigh,
All human; bearing in themselves this good,
That they are still the air, the subtle food,
To make us feel existence.
-Keats, Endymion

This is the ‘goal’ of the soul path – to feel existence; not to overcome life’s struggles and anxieties, but to know life first hand, to exist fully in context. (Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul, p.260)”
John Keats

Bev Flynn
“People, like us
we feel... too deeply
consumed, in shadow
this game of chance.
Together, surviving
we unending dreamers.
People... like us.”
Bev Flynn, Pieces of Poet

Alaya Dawn Johnson
“In the dark, I seem to stretch. Without a body to witness, I grow and grow with my pleasure. I feel like a constellation, a concept hung on a scattering of stars.”
Alaya Dawn Johnson, The Summer Prince

Jojo Moyes
“Nell walks what feels like the length of Paris. She walks through the numbered arrondissements, meandering through a food market, gazing at the glossy produce, both familiar and not at the same time, accepting a plum at a stallholder's urging and then buying a small bag in lieu of breakfast and lunch. She sits on a bench by the Seine, watching the tourist boats go by, and eats three of the plums, thinking of how it felt to hold the tiller, to gaze onto the moonlit waters. She tucks the bag under her arm as if she does this all the time and takes the Metro to a brocante recommended in one of her guidebooks, allowing herself an hour to float among the stalls, picking up little objects that someone once loved, mentally calculating the English prices, and putting them down again. And as she walks, in a city of strangers, her nostrils filled with the scent of street food, her ears filled with an unfamiliar language, she feels something unexpected wash through her. She feels connected, alive.”
Jojo Moyes, Paris for One

“As a human being, one of my preferences has been the calm infusing the sun at sunset (...) surrounded by a fatuous and fleeting glow. As an exhausted warrior who returns from a long battle to his homeland.”
Efrat Cybulkiewicz

Mimi Novic
“You must always do what you feel is right
As you will have to live with your decisions for the rest of your life”
Mimi Novic

Mira Grant
“No, it's the best time for jokes,' said Olivia. She forced a weak smile. 'Jokes remind us that we're alive. And that your sense of humor is terrible.”
Mira Grant, Into the Drowning Deep

Amit Abraham
“Being alive is not a miracle, feeling alive is.”
Amit Abraham

“The key to feeling absolutely alive in your own skin lies in your ability to transform or channel your hardships and dark shadows into sensual energy.”
Lebo Grand

“Choices make us feel alive because in it we are exercising the capacity of life. [...] We feel alive when we encounter a choice and make a good one. We feel dead when we shirk from these choices, even if we're "comfortable" with our warm homes, cars, video games, pornography and serving-size packaged prefabricated foods.”
Brett Stevens, Nihilism: A Philosophy Based In Nothingness And Eternity

Dan Wells
“This was it. This was what I had never felt before--an emotional connection to another human being. I'd tried kindness, I'd tried love, I'd tried friendship. I'd tried talking and sharing and watching, and nothing had ever worked until now. Until fear. I felt her fear in every inch of my body like an electric hum, and I was alive for the first time. I needed more right then or the craving would eat me alive.”
Dan Wells, I Am Not a Serial Killer

Matt Padwick
“He was attracted to this edge of unknowing, of hope and fear, he instinctively knew that surfing it was precondition for growth and transformation. And for feeling alive. Waking up and going out into the world not knowing what each day would hold, taking life as it comes, relinquishing any illusion of control. That's fresh, that's a good morning!”
Matt Padwick, Transpose - a self-styled revolution

Victoria Schwab
“Everyone thinks I have a death wish, ya know. But I don't want to die. Dying is easy. No I want to live. But getting close to death is the only way to feel alive. And once you do it makes you realize that everything you were doing before wasn't actually living. It was just making due. Call me crazy, but I think we do the best living when the stakes are high.”
V.E. Schwab, A Gathering of Shadows

R.J. Intindola
“A single thought of her reminds me what it's like to feel alive and once again to have deep meaning in my life; A simple vision of her smile makes me feel special.”
R.J. Intindola

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Being alive does not necessarily lead to feeling alive.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“The cold was harsh and even painful. Yet it screamed that she was alive and it was a circumstance she must deal with to move ahead. A thousand generations earlier, she developed the attitude that one should never complain about being alive.”
Jerry Gill, Vic: Event

“Begin to feel instead of thinking, feel your body from head to toe, feel your heartbeat, feel the air going in and out of your body. Listen to the sounds from outside, smell the scents. Feel inhabiting your body, be present here and now.”
Caro Briones, The Extraterrestrial Girl

“Every arising in the morning, I'm thankful for the blessing to be alive, to breathe, to feel, to think, to enjoy, to love again.”
Ebelsain Villegas

“By teaching ourselves to stay connected to our sensuality, we start to install new neurological hardware that becomes a blueprint for the body to experience the richness, soulfulness, and beauty of being alive.”
Lebo Grand

“Renowned professor and mythologist Joseph Campbell said:

"People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning for life. I don't think that's what we're really seeking. I think that what we're seeking is an *experience of being alive*, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonance on our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.”
Scott Erickson, Say Yes: Discover the Surprising Life Beyond the Death of a Dream

“When we treat sensuality as the extension or accessory which is used to contribute, in a secondary manner, to a woman’s feminine essence, we miss the core of what truly makes her soul and body come alive.”
Lebo Grand

“Sensuality is the core of what makes a woman’s soul and body come alive. When we treat sensuality as the extension or accessory which is used to contribute, in a secondary manner, to her feminine essence, we miss the biggest opportunity of knowing what it truly means to be alive.

Truth is, when a woman’s soul and body come alive, what it does is it gives meaning to life. Without that, life has no meaning at all, we’re just careening from wall to wall and managing to survive. The whole experience of life becomes depressing. This is why I’m working so diligently and passionately to help activate women’s sensuality, because without it we are just living corpses.”
Lebo Grand

Nanette L. Avery
“You're not getting old, you're getting better...Seniors Rock!”
Nanette L. Avery

Richard Osman
“There’s nothing that makes you feel more alive than the certainty of death.”
Richard Osman, The Last Devil to Die

Laura Nowlin
“I nod off after a little while. When I open my eyes again, it’s early afternoon and my room is warm. The cicadas are singing, and the wind is still rustling the trees. I stretch and turn over, and my eyes fall on my laptop. It’s been a long time since I have written [...] I walk across the floor, my bare feet feeling the sun-warmed wood under me, and I sit down. [...] I have a new vision, a new structure for the story. I’m ready to write something honest. Soon, the only sound is the clacking of my keyboard, and then that is gone too, and all I can hear are the voices in my head.”
Laura Nowlin, If He Had Been with Me

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