
Familiar Quotes

Quotes tagged as "familiar" Showing 1-30 of 81
Chuck Palahniuk
“There's an opposite to déjà vu. They call it jamais vu. It's when you meet the same people or visit places, again and again, but each time is the first. Everybody is always a stranger. Nothing is ever familiar.”
Chuck Palahniuk, Choke

Shannon L. Alder
“What if you were wrong? What if everything you ever believed was a lie? What if you missed your opportunity because you didn't know your worth? What if you settled on familiar, but God was trying to give you something better? What if you decided not to go backwards, but forward? What if doing what you have never done before was the answer to everything that didn't make sense? What if the answer wasn't to be found in words, but in action? What if you found the courage to do what you really wanted to do and doing it changed your whole life?”
Shannon L. Alder

Vera Nazarian
“Whenever you go on a trip to visit foreign lands or distant places, remember that they are all someone's home and backyard.”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Gabrielle Zevin
“You know this girl.
Her hair is neither long nor short nor light nor dark. She parts it precisely in the middle.
She sits precisely in the middle of the classroom, and when she used to ride the school bus, she sat precisely in the middle of that, too.
She joins clubs, but is never the president of them. Sometimes she is the secretary; usually, just a member. When asked, she has been known to paints sets for the school play.
She always has a date to the dance, but is never anyone’s first choice. In point of fact, she’s nobody’s first choice for anything. Her best friend became her best friend when another girl moved away.
She has a group of girls she eats lunch with every day, but God, how they bore her. Sometimes, when she can’t stand it anymore, she eats in the library instead. Truth be told, she prefers books to people, and the librarian always seems happy to see her.
She knows there are other people who have it worse—she isn’t poor or ugly or friendless or teased. Of course, she’s also aware that the reason no one teases is because no one ever notices her.
This isn’t to say she doesn’t have qualities.
She is pretty, maybe, if anyone would bother to look. And she gets good enough grades. And she doesn’t drink and drive. And she says NO to drugs. And she is always where she says she will be. And she calls when she’s going to be late. And she feels a little, just a little, dead inside.
She thinks, You think you know me, but you don’t.
She thinks, None of you has any idea about all the things in my heart.
She thinks, None of you has any idea how really and truly beautiful I am.
She thinks, See me. See me. See me.
Sometimes she thinks she will scream.
Sometimes she imagines sticking her head in an oven.
But she doesn’t.
She just writes it all down in her journal and waits.
She is waiting for someone to see.”
Gabrielle Zevin, Love Is Hell

Ezra Taft Benson
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar His face is to us.”
Ezra Taft Benson

Shannon L. Alder
“When you’re in love with two people, always choose the second. The fact that you are constantly thinking of the second person makes it obvious that the first will never fulfill you, unless the second person did not fulfill you either. At this point, you have to choose the third person because God is getting a little tired of your inattention and indecisiveness, and is planning on sending a fourth person into your life just to slap you around with the bible for not entering the promised land.”
Shannon L. Alder

Sherman Alexie
“He looked into the crowd for approval, saw his mother and father. He waved and they waved back. Smiles and Indian teeth. They were both drunk. Everything familiar and welcome. Everything beautiful.”
Sherman Alexie, The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven

Sandra Barneda
“Los años te regalan la distancia para comprender que gastamos muchas palabras y solo vivimos unas pocas.”
Sandra Barneda, Un océano para llegar a ti

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“To take the ‘easy way’ is to walk a path that doesn’t exist to the edge of a cliff that does.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Try not to drive yourself crazy attempting to be completely original. People need at least a portion of familiarity in order to relate.”
Aegelis, Specks of Shadows, Flecks of Light

Steven Magee
“The USA I am familiar with is not a civilized society.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The Ivy League I am familiar with is riddled with incompetence.”
Steven Magee

Alix E. Harrow
“Movement startles him. Two figures have emerged, rather suddenly, from the mist at the end of the cobbled alley. A dog, heavy-jawed and deep gold, and a young woman.
She is tall and brownish, and her hair is braided and coiled in a fashion he has never seen before. She is dressed like some combination of vagabond and debutante- a fine blue skirt fastened with pearl buttons, a leather belt slung low over her hips, a shapeless coat that looks several centuries older than she is.”
Alix E. Harrow, The Ten Thousand Doors of January

Steven Magee
“The USA I am familiar with is ran by scallywags.”
Steven Magee

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The belief in the ‘easy way’ is one of the greatest pieces of fiction mankind has ever created.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“For something to become normal, it has to be made familiar, but at the same time it's worth accepting that there's something about the way we decide what's normal that has more to do with our own subjectivity, and that's something that no amount of exposure or empathy can necessarily undo.”
Alexa Tsoulis-Reay, Finding Normal: Sex, Love, and Taboo in Our Hyperconnected World

Reyna Favis
“While Lucas rested and Ron figured out how to use a kitchen garbage bag to keep his dressing dry in the shower, Cam and I retreated to the great outdoors.”
Reyna Favis, Soul Seek: A Zackie Story of Supernatural Suspense

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If you want to be comfortable with your thoughts, don’t ask me what I’m thinking.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Stewart Stafford
“People always think they know me from somewhere. That shall be my epitaph: "He hath a face familiar to many, known to few and now hidden forever.”
Stewart Stafford

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“A life of convenience is a life that we conveniently threw away.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Sarah Addison Allen
“Pigeon had been overbearing from the start, but it had always been a welcome balance to her father's disinterest, and Zoey had never before wished for a separate existence from her. But something had shifted, just slightly, in her relationship with her bird since she'd arrived on Mallow Island. Coming here was the last break from the only world she'd ever known, and only Pigeon was left. She was a childhood relic like a stuffed animal or a security blanket, and Zoey didn't want to say goodbye to her. Where would she go? Would she ever mean as much to someone else as she did to Zoey? But nor did Zoey know how to fit her into this life she had to forge on her own.”
Sarah Addison Allen, Other Birds: A Novel

ArunDitha (Deborah Emmanuel)
“In that moment I realised that the price of my freedom was the death of the familiar.”
ArunDitha (Deborah Emmanuel)

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Wolves if they put themselves in the skin of sheep only for temporary, when they get fully familiar with the behavior of sheep they will destroy them with their attacks.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“If wolves put themselves in the skin of sheep only will be for temporary, when they get fully familiar with the behavior of sheep they will destroy them with their attacks.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Sarah J. Maas
“A long table- longer than any we'd ever possessed at out manor- filled most of the space. It was laden with food and wine- so much food, some of it wafting tendrils of steam, that my mouth watered. At least it was familiar, and not some strange faerie delicacy: chicken, bread, peas, fish, asparagus, lamb... it could have been a feast at any mortal manor.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Ryszard Kapuściński
“The weather is like a slice of bread: familiar, an everyday taste, but without it...”
Ryszard Kapuściński, Busz po polsku

Daniel Ruczko
“The kiss is familiar yet foreign, a dangerous cocktail of past mistakes and future regrets.”
Daniel Ruczko, Pieces of a Broken Mind

“Light and smoke aside, all that remained on the sidewalk was a little red English bulldog. Other than the general doggish shape, that's where the similarities to any beast from this plane ended.
"Ferdinand!" I cooed and rounded Ryker to scratch the creature between the stubby horns on its head. He was happy to see me, and he drooled out a little lava while shaking his two stubby tails.
"What in the hell is that?" Ryker looked down at Ferdinand with disdain. "That has to be the most pathetic demon dog I've ever seen."
"Shh, don't listen to the big mean man," I purred at Ferdie. "And you're the best demon dog, you're the best boy and I'm going to find you a cheeseburger later.”
Sabrina Blackburry, Dirty Lying Dragons

“User comfort matters, and Bronva's design reflects this belief. Drawing inspiration from the familiar interfaces of Google and Bing, we provide a seamless transition for users. It's about offering a new, privacy-focused search experience without sacrificing ease of use.”
James William Steven Parker

Fran Lebowitz
“People fall in love because they don't know each other yet.”
Fran Lebowitz

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