
Dushawn Banks Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dushawn-banks" Showing 1-30 of 134
Dushawn Banks
“My advice to writers: Writing isn’t something that you think about, it’s something that you feel. There is no good moment to write because every moment is good for writing. You are capturing your current mood and feelings. It’s the perfect time to describe your joy, love, or pain. When it is time to create a character or essay you have an authentic place to pull from. Writing about the beach from your bedside and writing about a beach with your toes in the sand is a different level of poetry.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“As writers
sometimes we have the skill,
we are just missing the life experience.
They need to coexist to make a great story.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“As writers sometimes we have the skill, we are just missing the life experience. They need to coexist to make a great story.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“As a writer. God writes my story and I just copy him/her/it.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“In the face of death, What's on your mind? Me. What legacy am I leaving behind?”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Many people will read the same words different. In that lies the confusion and the beauty.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Be basic with anything. Not art though.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Different levels of growth are inevitable. Love and attachment are also inevitable. Therefore, conflict and heartbreak are inevitable as well. We all know that the world’s creations are destined for different heights so some will reach their limit of growth before others. We express our love, attachment, and heartbreak in different ways so on your journey you may reach conflict. At this point always understand that it is just a part of the process of evolution. We ask for one, but we can’t have it without the other.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Sometimes our new mindset doesn't align with our old lives. We've spent our whole lives conquering the wrong mountain and now we are so afraid to leave the top. Though our new mindset would no longer allow us to be happy on this mountain, we are still hesitant. We were taught our whole life that life is one mountain. One career path, one relationship, one purpose, and one box. We are so scared to be at the foot of the right mountain. So used to being Kings and Queens that we are scared to get back to the foundation of the pyramid; a place where if you tell your new peers about your past while going through your new mountain's challenges, they won't believe. Most of the time we aren't happy because we're trading social acceptance for peace. How ignorant are we to think that life is just one mountain? God may bless us with 70 years to be productive, but we want to lay down in 5. Don't be scared to be at the foot of another mountain; because when you stop growing you die.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Appreciate the jungle's beauty, but watch out for snakes as well. That's balance to me.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Everything is alive. Everything is a form of everything. A human body consists of many things and the same goes for the sky. A body contains water; a thing is named by its outer shell. A body doesn’t die; it’s shell just turns into another form. If a body is burned it turns into ashes, which turns into another form of life.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“As you exist in the world among other people you may experience hate. A lot of times people will hate you because you remind them of their insecurities. You remind them of what they don’t like about themselves. You remind them of what they dreamed to be or have. You may sit and worry about the uncontrollable; but think about this. How do you expect someone to like you when they don’t even like themselves?”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Hate is a form of hurt.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“We were created in the perfect balance of difference, so we have to stop getting emotionally attached to our gifts. We were taught that equal is a mirror, but it doesn’t have to be. It doesn’t matter to the bird that the fish swims to his dinner. It doesn’t matter to the fish that cheetah runs to her dinner. They all equally accomplished a goal in a different way. I don’t think that our creator intended for men and women to be the same, but I do think that there are many skills that we can learn from each other.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Many problems only continue to exist in perspective. Problems only burden us when we don’t know how to solve them. Let’s say that you are crying because your city’s water shuts off for a weekend. In another country water for a weekend is a blessing. They will kiss the ground and say, “God is real.” Every country won’t understand our problems like we may not understand another country’s problems. I stopped saying that I have problems because I don’t. I approach problems, but I don’t keep them with me.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Lies change, but truth is always there. Truth haunts us until we accept them.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“You are allowed to have an opinion on anything. Whether we should be allowed to have an opinion on everything is an opinion in itself. I listen to opinion, but I rather invest in fact.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“If we could trade lives with other people we would probably switch lives so often that we would soon get back to ours.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Prison is being stuck anywhere that you don’t want to be.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Helping other people will bless you; but taking on other people’s problems may kill you.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Living life to the fullest is about being able to experience everybemotion. Highs and lows make the perfect balance.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Living life to the fullest is about being able to experience every emotion. Highs and lows make the perfect balance”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Living life to the fullest is about being able to experience every emotion. Highs and lows make the perfect balance.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Every day we are faced with problems, but we only call them problems when we can’t solve them. Knowledge will fix anything. Knowledge of God. Knowledge of Self. Knowledge of Man. Knowledge of Nature.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“When I asked to get closer to God, I got closer to the woman. I said, “God I don’t want any amount of success if it doesn’t get me closer to you.” When I changed the way that I walked and talked, many people abandoned me; but right there was the woman. She supported every step of my growth. When I asked to get closer to God, I got closer to you. It was you that challenged me to be a great man. It was you that taught me how to love. It was you that gave me a story. It was you that helped me find my purpose. Though we have been through ups-and-downs, no amount of pain could make me ever stop loving you. As a writer, I’ve had people misunderstand my bad description of a woman. Yes, a woman isn’t singular. She is all that I described. What many fail to realize is that when you can love someone beyond the bad times, that shows a deeper level of love. I love you to that level. I hope that I gave you a million smiles for every one time that I made you frown. Thank you, for loving me. Thank you, for trusting me. Thank you, for believing in me. Thank you, for having faith in me. Thank you, for forgiving me. Thank you, for teaching me. Thank you, for supporting me. When I was younger, I didn’t understand why I’ve been surrounded by women my whole life. Now, as a man, I see where that experience helped me with success in relationships. The pillow of love from the women in my life made life easy.”
Dushawn Banks, Selfish

Dushawn Banks
“[fictional speech]
As a woman. And as a woman in psychology, I’m expected to absorb the problems of the world. My super power is taking the world’s negative energy and giving that energy back to the world in a new positive form. With great power comes great responsibility. With great responsibility comes a strict commitment. So I’ve committed every day to keeping the world calm. I wake up and pour into the world. Wake up pour into the world. Wake up again and pour into the world. A process I love, but then I come back with an empty cup. So I have to refill, and repeat again. Super woman! We are super women in psychology. But what happens when the world has drained out all of our power? How do we recharge? We know how to pour into the world, but have we forgotten about ourselves? Are we allowed to put our pitcher down and pull out our glass? Are we allowed to be selfish? I want to challenge what we think about the word selfish. I want to change the way that we think about caring for self. As we know it today, the word selfish means being devoted to or caring only for oneself. In other words committed to self care. So if the definition only means this, where did the word go wrong? Being selfless, self....less, is defined alongside words like noble, charitable, and generous; while self interest is looked down upon. We can be self interested without the expense of hurting others. If indeed we change the world by changing ourselves then it is productive to the world to be selfish. If we are constantly meeting the demands of the world, are we satisfying ourselves? I agree that as a society it is more beneficial for the majority for everyone to work together, but the world also works on balance. I want everyone to go out into the world and uplift it, but I also want everyone to put that same amount of energy into themselves. Our place that we call home should be a place where we can be selfish. A place that we can have full peace and not worry about the politics of the world. A place that we are held to our own standard and not the standard that the world sets for us.
[time passes]
Ladies, you are beautiful. You are strong. You are intelligent; and you are committed. You are the foundation of the world and everything enters through you. You are the nurturers. You are the healers. You are the teachers. Your job is much more greater than your career in psychology. You are magic. While letting the world borrow some of your magic, don’t forget about healing, nurturing, teaching, and providing for yourselves. Thank you.”
Dushawn Banks, Selfish

Dushawn Banks
“In a room full of nothingness, I’m still happy with you.”
Dushawn Banks, Selfish

Dushawn Banks
“Happiness is not a thing that you attach to a goal and postpone for tomorrow. You have to learn how to find happiness in today.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“Real love is reassuring. Real love is having the comfort of knowing that in your darkest hour someone will love you the same. I was away from real love for some time and became dependent on self-love to keep me sane. It wasn't until real love came back around that I noticed that it was missing. It was that family love that, even though I said I was okay, knew what I needed all off of intuition. I've had people love me in my success and turn their backs on me in my momentary failures. I've worked very hard in order to impress the social standards and did all of this just for my familv to still love me for me. When society asks, "How are you doing?", they usually mean your accomplishments. When real love asks, "How are you doing?", they usually mean your soul. Real love is addictive. I hope you find it. Love is forever.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Dushawn Banks
“To have someone that inner-stands us is soulmate levels of knowledge. To be inner-stood is soulmate levels of pleasure. Innerstanding is such a privileged view of someone.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

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