Dracula Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dracula" Showing 121-150 of 183
Bram Stoker
“Do not think that I am not sad, though I laugh.”
Bram Stoker, Dracula

Bram Stoker
“You are nearest and dearest and all the world to me. Our souls are knit into one, for all life and all time. - Mina Harker”
Bram Stoker

Bram Stoker
“There is a reason that all things are as they are, and did you see with my eyes and know with my knowledge, you would perhaps better understand.”
Bram Stoker

Krystal Sutherland
“Maybe Dracula wasn't a vampire, just a raging alcoholic who was constantly hungover.”
Krystal Sutherland, Our Chemical Hearts

Bram Stoker
“I am glad you found your way in here, for I am sure there is much that will interest you. These companions," and he laid his hand on some of the books, "have been good friends to me and for some years past, ever since I had the good idea of going to London, have given me many, many hours of pleasure.”
Bram Stoker

Elizabeth Kostova
“Looking down on their glossy heads, I realized that they were indeed threatened; they were simply unaware of it. We are all vulnerable.”
Elizabeth Kostova, The Historian

Bram Stoker
“his very heart was bleeding, and it took all the manhood of him, and there was a royal lot of it, too, to keep him from breaking down.”
Bram Stoker, Dracula

Elizabeth Kostova
“I felt sure…that these creatures were never threatened by the grimness of history, either.”
Elizabeth Kostova, The Historian

Bram Stoker
“I felt that it was getting very late indeed, but I did not say anything, for I felt under obligation to meet my host's wishes in ever way.”
Bram Stoker

Bram Stoker
“Does that city create its citizens, or is the city only a dream of its citizens.”
Bram Stoker

Elizabeth Kostova
“What sort of place had I come to, and among what kind of people? What sort of grim adventure was it on which I had embarked? ...I began to rub my eyes and pinch myself to see if I were awake. It all seemed like a horrible nightmare to me, and I expected that I should suddenly awake, and find myself at home, with the dawn struggling in through the windows, as I had now and again felt in the morning after a day of overwork. But my flesh answered the pinching test, and my eyes were not to be deceived. I was indeed awake and among the Carpathians. All I could do now was to be patient, and to wait the coming of the morning.”
Elizabeth Kostova, The Historian

Deborah Harkness
“According to human accounts, Dracula lived on for centuries – he may still be living. Are you sure he’s really dead?’ I asked. ‘I watched Baldwin rip his head off and bury it thirty miles away from the rest of his body. He was really dead then, and he’s really dead now.’ Gallowglass looked at me reprovingly. ‘You should know better than to believe these human stories, Auntie. They’ve never got more than a speck of truth in them.”
Deborah Harkness, Shadow of Night

Bram Stoker
“doors, doors, doors everywhere, and all locked and bolted.”
Bram Stoker

C.C. Humphreys
“In torment, there was release.
In the darkness, there was light.
In solitude, there were companions.”
C.C. Humphreys, Vlad: The Last Confession

Bram Stoker
“Quería decir que debemos tener un espíritu abierto, y no permitir que una pequeña verdad obstruya el curso de las grandes verdades, como una pequeña roca obstruye el paso del tren.”
Bram Stoker, Dracula

Bram Stoker
“There seemed a strange stillness over everything; but as I listened I heard as if from down below in the valley the howling of many wolves. The Count's eyes gleamed, and he said:-
'Listen to them- the children of the night. What music they make!' Seeing, I suppose, some expression in my face strange to him, he added:-
'Ah, sir, you dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter.”
Bram Stoker, Dracula

Donald Jeffries
“She laughed again. "You must go to the movies a lot. This is not Dracula, and the villain isn't Bela Lugosi. They took a good friend away from me, and they know I know. But, at any rate, I did try to find her boyfriend the day after she disappeared. I knew where he lived and I went there. His landlord said he'd left unexpectedly and he didn't know where he'd gone. Lucky for me he wasn't there, I suppose." She took another deep breath and squinted at her watch. "Oh, my Lord. I didn't realize it was that late. I really must be going.”
Donald Jeffries, The Unreals

Fred Saberhagen
“Really, it was my fickleness, I sometimes think, that they found unendurable. If I had restricted myself to only one of their sweet girls, and married her, and chewed her neck in private, I suppose I might, like any eccentric cousin, have been made almost welcome among family and friends in the circle of the hearth. But perhaps I misjudge what degree of eccentricity even an Englishman can
Fred Saberhagen

Christine Feehan
“Zev patted his sword. “No problem then. I can take on the entire Lycan world for you, with a kid no less, just so you can get your beauty sleep.”
“My lifemate is Tatijana and you see what she looks like. I can’t risk looking like I’m Dracula.”
Zev laughed softly. “I don’t know what that woman sees in you.”
“Quite frankly, neither do I.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Wolf

Bram Stoker
“En la vida hay tinieblas, mi niña, pero también hay luces. Y tu eres la luz de toda luz.”
Bram Stoker

S.C. Parris
“I do not know…who turned me, your Grace.”
His downcast gaze said it all: How terribly sad.
For she had known all her life as a Vampire it was most…disgraceful to never know the one who turned you; that was where a Vampire could find a sense of great peace amidst the life that was the constant need for blood. She had only passed by these remarks, this cloud on her person for being ‘Princess of the Vampires,’ Dracula’s special child…”
S.C. Parris, The Two Swords (3)

Bram Stoker
“A noi nobili della Transilvania non piace pensare che le nostre ossa riposino fra quelle dei comuni mortali. Non cerco allegrezza né letizia, né la luminosa voluttà del sole o delle acque chiare che tanto piacciono ai giovani e agli spensierati. Non sono più giovane, e il mio cuore dopo gravosi anni di lutto per i miei morti non è incline all'allegria. Inoltre, le mura del mio castello sono diroccate; molto sono le ombre e il vento soffia freddo fra le merlature e i battenti. Amo la semi-oscurità e le ombre e restare solo con i miei pensieri quando è possibile.”
Bram Stoker, Dracula

“With this and this - and he touched one of the canine teeth and that below it - the little children can be bitten." Unaesthetic as it may seem, vampires bite out of one side of the mouth, and one side only, which is only common sense. The upper canines in themselves are little more than daggers, useless in tearing flesh without employing the lower canines to help pin the skin together. Preoccupied with the erotic, the cinema necessarily rides roughshod over such technicalities.”
Clive Leatherdale

Bram Stoker
“Ningún hombre sabe, hasta que lo experimenta, lo que se siente que su propia sangre circule por las venas de la mujer que ama.”
Bram Stoker, Bram Stoker's Dracula

Karen Essex
“Lights like stars whirled past me from out of the darkness, and when I opened my eyes, I was lying on a bed covered in rich tapestry and piled high with pillows. The room was lit by candles in colossal iron holders that flickered on the walls. A great fire was ablaze in the hearth. I recognized the triptych of slender, arched windows, though I was seeing them for the first time from the inside. No longer empty, they were fitted with glass through which I could make out some of the stars that hovered over Whitby on a clear night.
We were inside the abbey, though apparently outside time. The room was warm and the roof intact, and he was lying beside me.
'Every moment that has ever existed in time is still here, Mina- every thought, every memory, and every experience.'
Now that I saw him in the candlelight, he was more beautiful than I had imagined. Skin marble white, paler than mine and glowing, and hair like the night sea's glossy waves. His face was long and angular with a strong brow, like the artist's renderings I had of the Arthurian knights. With his midnight blue wolf eyes, he stared at me, taking me in.
"Who are you?" I asked, my voice timid and feeble.
'You and I have gone by many names. It does not matter what we call each other. What matters is that you remember. Do you remember, Mina?'
His lips did not move, and yet I heard every word that he said, I wanted to ask a thousand questions, but one long and slender finger reached out and touched my lips. Locking eyes with me, he slid my nightdress from my shoulder. Shock waves rippled through my body as his finger followed the curve under my neck, dusting my chin, and slowly sliding to the other ear. Surely just one finger could not create this bedlam inside me.
'Ah, so you do remember.'
My heart palpitated wildly, but I was not afraid. Something familiar about him prevented me from fearing him, though I had witnessed how dangerous he could be on the banks of the Thames when he had thrashed my attacker.
"Yes, yes, I remember," I said. I would have said anything to keep his hand on me, to wallow in the wild energy he brought to my body, and to stare into the infinite violet blue of his eyes. Though I said nothing else, every nerve in my body begged him to keep touching me.
'What is your desire?'
I did not have the audacity to say the words aloud, but this being knew me and knew my thoughts. Our eyes were locked, and our minds were linked. I felt connected to him in a way that I had not known with another person. We were not one, but we were in harmony, as if we were both parts of the same symphony.”
Karen Essex, Dracula in Love

Bram Stoker
“Gerçek Tanrı tek bir serçenin düşüşüyle bile ilgilenir ama insan kibrinin yarattığı Tanrı, bir kartal ile serçe arasında hiçbir fark görmez.”
Bram Stoker, Dracula

Bram Stoker
“«Vieni, sorella. Vieni a noi. Su, vieni, vieni!» Impaurito io mi volgo a mia povera Madam Mina, e il mio cuore per felicità è balzato come fiamma; perché, oh, il terrore in suoi dolci occhi, la repulsione, l'orrore! E la convinzione, per me, che era ancora speranza. Dio sia ringraziato, non era ancora, non ancora, di quelle. Ho preso un pezzo dell'ostia avanzando verso di loro e il fuoco. Esse arretrano davanti a me, ridendo il loro basso, orrido riso. Io attizzo il fuoco e più non temo loro, perché sapevo che dietro nostre protezioni siamo sani e salvi. Esse non potevano accostare me mentre così armato, né Madam Mina mentre che rimaneva dentro il cerchio, che essa non poteva lasciare non più che quelle potevano entrare. I cavalli avevano cessato di gemere, e ancora giacevano a terra; la neve cadeva soffice su di essi, ed essi diventavano più bianchi e più bianchi. Sapevo che per le povere bestie era finito il terrore. E così siamo rimasti finché il rosso dell'alba è filtrato tra il biancore di neve. Ero desolato e intimorito, e pieno di tristi presentimenti; ma quando il bel sole ha cominciato a salire sull'orizzonte, la vita è in me tornata. Al primo venire dell'alba, le orride figure dissolvono nel turbine di nebbia e neve, spire di trasparente tenebra che va via verso il castello e sono perdute”
Stoker Bram, Dracula

Stephen         King
“-De acuerdo con la leyenda, las marcas desaparecen -dijo de pronto Matt-. Cuando la víctima muere, las marcas desaparecen.
-Sí, lo sé -asintió Ben, que le recordaba por el Dracúla de Bram Stoker y por los filmes de Hammer que hicieron famoso a Christopher Lee.”
Stephen King

Daniel Pennac
“L'immagine di Dracula è particolarmente calzante per la trasfusione di sangue. Sono su un letto di ospedale, riempito goccia a goccia del sangue di un altro. Avrei preferito filarmela durante la notte, dopo aver dissanguato tre infermiere, ma il vampirismo ha perso fascino da quando è stato legalizzato.”
Daniel Pennac, La lunga notte del dottor Galvan

Ilse V. Rensburg
“The wind picks up as if to match his mood, it twists my coat so that for a moment it resembles a saw-toothed cape flying out behind me. All I need now is a garish top hat and they can call me Count Dracula.”
Ilse V. Rensburg, Blood Sipper