
Cozy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cozy" Showing 1-30 of 85
She craved a tall glass of the fresh-squeezed lemonade from the pitcher she’d left chilling
“She craved a tall glass of the fresh-squeezed lemonade from the pitcher she’d left chilling in the fridge. Two glasses served with a generous slice of pound cake with orange glaze icing sounded twice as nice.”
Ed Lynskey, Fur the Win

Lyn Key
“Nozy Cat lifted one sleepy eyelid, and his marble blue eye glared at her for interrupting his sacred nap. He wore a yellow collar with little red stars printed on it. His second eyelid also opened, and he gave them his irritated blue-eyed glare.”
lyn key, Nozy Cat 1

Betty MacDonald
“There’s nothing as cozy as a piece of candy and a book.”
Betty MacDonald, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Magic

Charlaine Harris
“I have lived one step away from losing my mind for years. I am quick and accurate in spotting unstable streaks in others.”
Charlaine Harris, Shakespeare's Landlord

Quote is taken from Chapter 1: A decade ago when Isabel’s husband Max had died,
“Quote is taken from Chapter 1:

A decade ago when Isabel’s husband Max had died, they’d moved in together and merged their possessions. Neither sister brought any fussy teapots, canaries, sachets, or doilies, but lots of other stuff had to either stay or go. Looking at the lime green armchair gave Alma the willies. Her suggestion to slipcover it in a more subdued color had garnered Isabel’s frosty stare, and Alma had dropped the matter.”
Ed Lynskey, Quiet Anchorage

Quote taken from Chapter 1 of The Corpse Wore Gingham: You love to figure out
“Quote taken from Chapter 1 of The Corpse Wore Gingham:

"You love to figure out things as much as I do,” Piper said.

“Like what?” Bill asked.

“You fix broken stuff,” Piper replied.

“Repairing a broken toaster or steam iron is far different than unraveling a murder mystery," Bill said.”
Ed Lynskey, The Corpse Wore Gingham

E.B. White
“At this season of the year, darkness is a more insistent thing than cold. The days are short as any dream.”
E.B. White, Essays of E.B. White

Sanober  Khan
“i want to
stay curled and cosied
and chocolated....forever
in my mother’s arms.”
Sanober Khan, Turquoise Silence

Mike Bove
“The good characters in my book are loosely based on folks I know. All the bad stuff is made up.”
Mike Bove, Willowtree A Bruce DelReno Mystery

Shelby Van Pelt
“How does it feel, you ask? It is comfortable. It is home. I am lucky. I am grateful”
Shelby Van Pelt, Remarkably Bright Creatures

Marilyn Levinson
“Brains and common sense. I had them both. Now to put them to work.”
Marilyn Levinson, Murder a la Christie

“One of the great things about reading , Charlotte reflected , is that it can take you away from whatever disaster your life is heading towards .”
Susannah Turner, Worth Fighting For

You’re a nosy sleuth like me because you can’t help it,” Alma said.
“You’re a nosy sleuth like me because you can’t help it,” Alma said.”
Ed Lynskey, Sweet Betsy

“I don't need a big house,... Just a cozy one. A fireplace in the living room, those two little square windows on either side.”
Brooke Lea Foster, Summer Darlings

Mark Schatzker
“Cinnamon, I realized, is the flavor equivalent of being hugged by your grandmother.”
Mark Schatzker, The Dorito Effect: The Surprising New Truth About Food and Flavor

The busy snoops like us can leave no stone unturned, Alma said.
“The busy snoops like us can leave no stone unturned," Alma said.”
Ed Lynskey, Sweet Betsy

Megan stepping back let her glance switch from Alma to Isabel and return to Alma.
“Megan stepping back let her glance switch from Alma to Isabel and return to Alma. No doubt about it, thought Megan. Created as much alike as any sisters ever had been, their resemblance started with their matching red-and-white polka dot blouses. Since she was a young girl, she had matched their eye colors to their different personalities.”
Ed Lynskey, Quiet Anchorage

Susan Branch
“England reminds me of a quote I saw on a packet of Swiss Miss instant cocoa mix: 'Like a basket of drinkable kittens, wrapped in a blanket, next to a fireplace.”
Susan Branch, A Fine Romance: Falling in Love with the English Countryside

Lindsey Lanza
“All I ever wanted was that cozy kind of love. The gooey heart, curled toes, crinkled eyes kind of love. The kind that feels like hot cocoa warming my bones. Summer rain, fluffy socks, s’mores by the fire. That small kind of love you get lost in from too much happiness to ever wonder what else is out there.”
Lindsey Lanza, A Little Magic

Meik Wiking
“Hygge has been called everything from “the art of creating intimacy,” “coziness of the soul,” and “the absence of annoyance,” to “taking pleasure from the presence of soothing things,” “cozy togetherness,” and my personal favorite, “cocoa by candlelight”
Meik Wiking

“My job, should I decide to undertake it, as it were, is to determine if the accident was by fault of impaired equipment or that of a preternatural event as the screaming boom operator would have one believe. I vote for a ghost. It makes things infinitely more interesting or my name isn‘t Beluga Stein, P.I. — Psychic Investigator. Part-time anyway. That is, when I‘m not teaching biology to a bunch of undergrads who know everything about libido except how to spell it. So my ballot is cast for a ghost.”
Wendy W Webb

Virginia K. Bennett
“Solving a murder requires a real whisk-taker.”
Virginia K. Bennett, Much Ado About Muffin: The Mysteries of Cozy Cove

G.G. Collins
“Locking up, anyone left in the building? Last one out is a dangling participle.”
G.G. Collins, Editor Kill Fee

Jane Austen
“And whose very snug-looking place is this? said Charlotte as, in a sheltered dip within two miles of the sea, they passed close by a moderate-sized house, well fenced and planted, and rich in the garden, orchard and meadows which are the best embellishments of such a dwelling. (This is basically the description of my maternal great grandparents on Prince Edward Island who lived closer to the sea than two miles. <3)”
Jane Austen

Ellis Peters
“It was not far. Once away from the subdued lights of the buildings they were aware of the stars, snapping like sparks from a cold fire, in a clear black sky just engendering a few tattered snow-clouds in the east. In the garden, between the pleached hedges, it seemed almost warm, as though the sleeping trees breathed tempered air as well as cutting off the bleak wind. The silence was profound. The herb garden was walled, and the wooden hut where Cadfael brewed and stored his medicines was sheltered from the worst of the cold.”
Ellis Peters

Colin Walsh
“Girls were pure different from fellas. They lit the room with candles, got extra pillows and cushions from upstairs. Big bags of M&M's and Maltesers. Popcorn with lashings of butter.”
Colin Walsh, Kala

“Of course I love you, Naomi. I never stopped.”
Sarah Hogle, You Deserve Each Other

shreya sophie k.
“winter is the footsteps we leave behind in the snow; footsteps that show where we’ve been and where we’re going.”
shreya sophie k., poetic insomnia

Morgan Stang
“A book is the bare minimum needed for reading. But to do it properly you need these items as well. They help enhance the activity.”
Morgan Stang, The Bookshop and the Barbarian
tags: cozy

J.R.R. Tolkien
“So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their ending!” said Bilbo, and he turned his back on his adventure. The Tookish part was
getting very tired, and the Baggins was daily getting stronger. “I wish now only to be in my own arm-chair!” he said.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

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