
Corona Virus Quotes

Quotes tagged as "corona-virus" Showing 1-30 of 66
Michael Bassey Johnson
“The night taught me never to fear the dark times, by giving way to the dawn of a new day.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Abhijit Naskar
“A person in public without a mask during a pandemic is a walking septic tank.”
Abhijit Naskar

“Every right comes with responsibility. If you choose to go to work, church, gym, school, mall, club, park, tavern , to visit your friends, family or to go and buy alcohol, because it is your right. You also should know you are responsible for your own safety and other people safety. Whatever the outcome is. You should be held accountable for your actions.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Jamie Arpin-Ricci
“Here is a COVID-19 Commandment:

Great love has no one than this, to lay on one's couch without friends.”
Jamie Arpin-Ricci

“We are living in the world of pandemic.
Life is not the same as it was before.
We have to choose new ways of living.
Being ignorance or in denial won’t make you immune to the virus.
Choose to be responsible and always be careful. Watch what you do, where you go and what you touch. You can practice your freedom by choosing to be safe.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Been given preferential doesn’t mean you are important and others are not. Been made an essential on this lockdown doesn't mean you are excluded from being infected. Now people are competing to get infected by the virus. They are playing power games and trying to prove a point ,that they can reason and they can also get what they want. Meanwhile their lives are at stake here.

Its going to end in tears, not because of the lockdown being lifted, but because people don’t want to listen. People don’t want to do be told on what to do and people don’t want to follow orders or instructions on how they can save their lives.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“It is a shame that most Christians who fight for churches to be open during this pandemic. Are not doing it to worship God, because we can worship God everywhere, but they are doing it for their own personal reasons. Some can’t pray for themselves, or they are doubting their own prayers, because of their sins. They think if their pastor to do the prayer for them. Then they won’t be infected. Some they fear that they will die away from God, and they need to repent.Some don’t want to read the bible for themselves is too boring for them. They need someone to read it for them. Some are doing this for display. They want to be seen by others that they are Christians and are fighting for their gospel, and some pastors or bishops want just offering from the people .

I hope tomorrow we won’t be blame the devil for their actions, when they become infected, because the bible urges us to be wise. For those who will be going to church may God be with you, for those who wont be going . Never stop praying and worshiping God.

Matthew 6:5-6
John 4:24
1 Thessalonians 5:17-25
Ephesians 4:25-32
Colossians 2:5-8”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Donna Goddard
“One day the world stopped
because of the thing.
We knew it was there
and knew it was dangerous
because, you know,
it left bodies in the dirt.

We all stayed in –
couldn’t touch,
shouldn’t meet,
mustn’t dance.
God forbid
we kiss.

Eventually, the thing got tired.
Besides, it knew it wasn’t welcome,
even though, the grass grew better,
and the birds worried less,
and the air breathed deeper
as the humans breathed less.

We all stayed in –
couldn’t touch,
shouldn’t meet,
mustn’t dance.
God forbid
we kiss.

I hope we remember
what we once did;
blocking airways,
blocking enemies,
blocking friends.
Let things mend.

One day, the world stopped.
Another day, it started again
and acted like it had never stopped.
It does things like that.
I do hope we remember
that life is not long
and love is not free,
unless it is.”
Donna Goddard, Strange Words - A Book of Poetry

“People have been talking and warning other people about corona virus everyday, but some people don’t want to listen. Now corona virus will be speaking for itself. You will see the results on what it can do. I hope people will listen then and I hope it won’t be too late for them . Always remember. If your ear can’t hear it, then your body will hear it. If you can’t listen , then you will feel it.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The coronavirus caused countless damages to the world, but it also created some benefits: The world is now a more mysterious, more enigmatic place with all those masked people! As if the faces disappeared, only eyes remained! As if the tongues have disappeared, only the eyes speak telepathically! We, the people of the Earth, became an Alien on Earth!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Jamie Arpin-Ricci
“Here is a COVID-19 Commandment:

Greater love has no one than this, to lay on one's couch without friends.”
Jamie Arpin-Ricci

Abhijit Naskar
“If Covid19 makes you hateful towards China, remember this, when you hate a nation, you hate a people and when you hate a people, you lose the right to be called human.”
Abhijit Naskar

“If we die it will be , because of our mentality or our way of thinking more than the virus itself.

Some think the virus infect certain type of people and it will never infect them.
Some of us think the virus is a hoax and people are paid to talk about it . When they try to warn us.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The truth is even thou you see some people recovering from the corona virus. You don’t know if your body can handle it. So the safest way is for you to avoid getting it . Stay home or move with caution.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“If we are going to die from Corona, It will be because of our ignorance and foolishness. We don’t take things serious. We don’t follow the rules on how to save ourselves from corona. We think Corona is a scam. We are doing the things that we were told not to do ,to avoid the spread of corona. We think we are right by doing wrong things.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Steve Maraboli
“Shout-out to everyone who won't be going back to "normal"! Those who will refuse to allow the nonsense they used to. Those who will set new healthy standards. Those who will let go, forgive, and move on. Those who will finally act upon their goals and dreams. Those who will never again shrink themselves for those who refuse to grow. Those who will fall back in love with life. Those who will come out of this chaos stronger and more baddasss than ever!”
Steve Maraboli

Thomas Merton
“The whole business was so completely unthinkable that my mind, like almost all the other minds that were in the same situation, simply stopped trying to cope with it, and refixed its focus on the ordinary routine of life.”
Thomas Merton, The Seven Storey Mountain

Andri Snær Magnason
“Molte persone hanno avuto negli ultimi mesi la sensazione di vivere un'apocalisse, ma occorre ricordare che il significato della parola greca apokálypsis è «rivelazione». In questo senso i fatti recenti sono stati un'apocalisse: hanno rivelato la nsotra vulnerabilità, lo smog, le nostre catene di distribuzione, la competenza o incompetenza dei governi, le disparità e i privilegi. Ci hanno mostrato che la salute non è una questione individuale, perché la salute di ogni individuo del pianeta è legata alla salute di ogni altro individuo del pianeta ― e che la salute di tutti dipende a sua volta dalla salute degli ecosistemi della Terra.”
Andri Snær Magnason, Um tímann og vatnið

“I would personally like to thank God for protecting me, my family, my friends and You ,during this Covid 19 pandemic .
Psalms 23:4”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Salman Ahmed Shaikh
“Corona Virus has once again reminded us that the world at the level of viruses and bacteria may operate on survival instincts alone where survival of the fittest is the only moral code. Human body structure might have evolved to be in the present form, but the Ultimate Creator has given us the human soul and spirit which has consciousness like animals, but also has conscience. To focus attention on consciousness alone is to live with survival instincts and ignore higher morals. To act on goodness suggested by conscience requires looking beyond animal instincts and embrace goodness as a habit and wilful choice. Accountability in life hereafter urges that and promises cause and effect in moral matters.”
Salman Ahmed Shaikh, Reflections on the Origins in the Post COVID-19 World

Salman Ahmed Shaikh
“The medical cure for Corona Virus can be sought keeping in view the viral behaviour in bio-chemistry. But, the cure for purifying human soul lies in looking beyond viral, bacterial, cellular and animal behaviour and paying attention to goodness in behaviour urged by the conscience in human soul.”
Salman Ahmed Shaikh, Reflections on the Origins in the Post COVID-19 World

Salman Ahmed Shaikh
“In the Godless worldview, the battle of survival ends with destruction eventually for Corona Virus, bacteria, other unicellular organisms and multi-cellular organisms like animals and humans the same way. Humans having consciousness and conscience may define their personal meaning of life by themselves as to how best to spend few million breaths under the sun in maximizing self-pleasure. But, the life ends without due justice for many people who are killed, robbed and discriminated against and it ends without due punishment for many people who cause these crimes. Some are lucky and some are unlucky in the mortal combat of survival of the fittest.”
Salman Ahmed Shaikh, Reflections on the Origins in the Post COVID-19 World

Salman Ahmed Shaikh
“A human child requires nourishment and care to sustain itself. This experience of being dependent for our survival needs gives us a chance to not forget our fallibility and weaknesses despite our strengths and superior ability in youth. Sometimes, a virus creates havoc in our routine life. It makes us understand that despite having consciousness, superior intellect and accumulated knowledge passed over from generations to generations, we are still fallible and vulnerable. We are not God nor can we be. Pandemics and natural calamities invite us to ponder that if life is going to end from one reason or the other, then what is the purpose and meaning of life. If we have been created by the Ultimate Creator, then what is the purpose defined for our lives. The purpose of life defined by religion is not constraining when we look at life in far future. We have this ability to reflect on the far future. Good morals and virtuous lives using our free will can enable us to achieve what we want to achieve in this world without success, i.e. everlasting life, peace of mind, no regrets of past, no vulnerabilities and no constraints of nature. It is up to us whether we look into the far future for which we have the ability or succumb to our survival instincts and perish as another life-form.”
Salman Ahmed Shaikh, Reflections on the Origins in the Post COVID-19 World

Salman Ahmed Shaikh
“We are experiencing one of the most significant pandemics in recent history. Corona Virus can transmit from one person to another person. To avoid exponential growth in the spread of Corona Virus cases, social distancing is suggested. Father of Monetarist School of Economics, Milton Friedman said that one thing which a person can always be sure of is that everyone would put his or her self-interest before others. Apparently, it is realized by governments that this is perhaps not the right thing to expect and put faith in at the moment. Private choices in pursuit of self-interest and invisible hand were deemed to be less reliable in current situation. Lockdown was considered necessary by governments in everyone’s individual and collective interest. Things do not work out randomly. They have to be worked out.”
Salman Ahmed Shaikh, Reflections on the Origins in the Post COVID-19 World

Salman Ahmed Shaikh
“After the lockdown, when markets become less active, the subject of mainstream economics faces another tough ground. There are millions of poor people who do not have work. When lockdown happens, a great many people find resource markets stalled where they used to get income. More than ever, such crises necessitate the flow of resources from the haves to the have-nots. But, frozen goods and resource markets cannot help much, especially the poor and vulnerable people. That is where, pro-social behaviour and beyond-market distribution of resources is necessary. However, mainstream economics treats altruism as ‘impure’. It looks at altruism in the paradigm of pursuing self-interest.”
Salman Ahmed Shaikh, Reflections on the Origins in the Post COVID-19 World

“Dr. David L. Katz, President of the True Health Initiative, asked on March 20 if our fight against the corona-virus was worse then the disease (167). Could there not be more specific means to combat the disease? What about all the collateral damage?”
Dr. Karina Reiss

“Choose to appreciate. Appreciate what you have, life , everything and everyone around you, because in these pandemic days we are losing everything. We are losing our companies, jobs, education, money, houses, cars , family, partners, friends , freedom, social life and our lives.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Avijeet Das
“We cannot expect to have smooth sailing in the ocean of life. Tough times forge men and women to build strength and character.
Then with the renewed toughness, one can navigate the turbulence in the ocean of life.
So, don't you dare think of giving up. This too shall pass. And you will do just fine. Keep going!”
Avijeet Das

“You can choose to take the Vaccine, or you can choose not to take the Vaccine. The choice is yours, but don’t go around forcing your choices on to others. You have every right to choose what you want, but every right comes with responsibility. You are responsible for your own safety and safety of others. Whatever the outcome is. You should be held accountable for your actions or choices and don’t choose to hate on others for making different choices than the one you made.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The most bad thing about Corona virus now. It is that .It is making all the bad and evil people rich. Which means bad people won't allow good people to find a cure or wont allow Covid to end. They will do everything in their power to make sure that Covid continues forever , because it is making them more richer.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

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