
Competitiveness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "competitiveness" Showing 1-15 of 15
Maureen  Brady
“In order to survive our youth, many of us became sensitized to which conditions we had to play to, to receive attention. No wonder we mistook this attention for love. We thought love came in finite quantities—it had to be competed for among siblings, or it had to be paid for with exacting dues.”
Maureen Brady

Donna Goddard
“Happy people don’t compare themselves with others. If they like something in another person, it inspires them to do something a little different in themselves. They don’t waste energy on jealousy.”
Donna Goddard, Nanima: Spiritual Fiction

Miya Yamanouchi
“Be that kind of girl who smiles when you walk past other girls instead of casting a dirty look. Don't buy into the notion of female competition that society so heavily promotes.”
Miya Yamanouchi , Embrace Your Sexual Self: A Practical Guide for Women

Rollo May
“The weight placed upon the value of competitive succes is so great in our culture and the anxiety occasioned by the possibility of failure to achieve this goal is so prevalent that there is reason for assuming that individual competitive succes is both the dominant goal in our culture and the most pervasive ocassion for anxiety.
Rollo May, The Meaning of Anxiety

“With experience comes resilience, and this is key in starting up. You need to be able to take a knock, get up and get on. Whether you’re trying something completely new or setting up in an industry you’ve worked in before, resilience gives you that competitive edge.”
Sheila Holt, Trust is the New Currency: How to build trust, attract the right partners and create wealth through business and investments

Michael E. Porter
“Strategy can be viewed as building defenses against the competitive forces or finding a position in the industry where the forces are weakest. P.35”
Michael E. Porter, HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy

Phil Jackson
“Kobe was hell-bent on surpassing Jordan as the greatest player in the game. His obsession with Michael was striking. Not only had he mastered many of Jordan's moves, but he affected many of M.J.'s mannerisms as well. When we played in Chicago that season, I orchestrated a meeting between the two stars, thinking that Michael might help shift Kobe’s attitude towards selfless teamwork. After they shook hands, the first words out of Kobe’s mouth were “You know I can kick your ass one on one.”
Phil Jackson, Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success

Donna Goddard
“Creative pursuits are most rewarding when seen as an ongoing way of being in the world. Creativity is an avenue for fulfilling one’s individual potential and a way of being of service to the world by sharing that which we love and feel drawn to. This removes the fuel from self-driven ambition and takes the steam out of competitive thinking. We lose our fear that we will not have a place and we lose the egotistical pride that, frequently, accompanies achievement. We do not cling tightly to that which is good. Nor do we overly grieve that which passes. We do not resent others’ successes. Nor are we afraid to pursue our own.”
Donna Goddard, Dance: A Spiritual Affair

Sukant Ratnakar
“Technology obsolescence is independent of technology adaptation. Even if we adapt to technology, it will still go obsolete.”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

Sukant Ratnakar
“It is difficult to make someone who is unaware of scientific developments understand the wonders of technology just as it is difficult to make a spiritually illiterate person understand the world of cosmic powers.”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

“Underachievers who consciously strive to bridge the gap between their current and desired conditions embody a growth mindset and competitiveness. They thrive on challenges, embrace experiences and adversities, motivated by the desire to improve and be better.”
Asuni LadyZeal

McKenzie Wark
“Even critical theory, which once took its distance from damaged life, becomes another game. Apply to top-ranked schools. Find a good coach. Pick a rising subfield. Prove your abilities. Get yourself published. Get some grants. Get a job. Get another job offer to establish your level in bargaining with your boss. Keep your nose clean and get tenure. You won! Now you can play! Now you can do what you secretly wanted to do all those years ago... Only now you can’t remember.”
McKenzie Wark, Gamer Theory