
Community Building Quotes

Quotes tagged as "community-building" Showing 1-30 of 60
Katherine May
“The loose communities that we find in spiritual or religious gatherings were once entirely ordinary to us, but now it seems more radical to join them, a brazen challenge to the strictures of the nuclear family, the tendency to stick within tight friendship groups, the shrinking away from the awe-inspiring. Congregations are elastic, stretching to take in all kinds of people and bringing up unexpected perspectives and insights. We need them now more than ever.”
Katherine May, Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times

“Sometimes, we get so caught up in the business of life that we forget to address the root causes of our problems. Taking a step back and confronting those issues can be the key to unlocking a more fulfilling existence!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“You are not given respect by default, regardless of your professional position or title. It cannot be measured by the size of your paycheck. Respect is earned and reciprocated through the actions you take!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“Limiting our gaze solely to the perceived opposition blinds us to the broader tapestry of humanity, stifling understanding and perpetuating division. In embracing a narrow focus, we risk losing sight of the shared aspirations and collective progress we can achieve together.”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“When we succumb to the tunnel vision of perceiving only one group as opposition, we lose sight of the bigger picture and the complexities of our interconnected world. Such hyper focus blinds us to the shared humanity and potential for collaboration that exists beyond our self-defined boundaries. True progress arises when we break free from this narrow perspective and seek understanding and common ground among all, transcending the limitations of divisive thinking.”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“Perceptions may vary, and judgements may sway, but facts endure guiding the way!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“To survive, we cling to all we know know and understand and we label it reality.”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“A setback is merely a delay to our destination!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“Positive thought and forward action equals harmony!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“You will be what you will yourself to be!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“Unrest urges us into action, make sure its in the right direction!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“The key to success lies not in measuring the magnitude of one's suffering, but in the capacity to harness challenges as catalysts for personal growth, empathy, and the relentless pursuit of one's passions.”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“There will be a time when you will come to realize you were a big fish in a small pond and either suddenly or by choice you will discover the ocean. What happens next is up to you!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“In a world of masks, facades, and duplicated originality, authenticity is a rare and precious gift!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“While small wins mark progress, we must not overlook the necessity of identifying and rectifying poor behaviors.”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“Always staying low key, you'll see me when you see me, but when you see me you'll know it's me”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“Though culture and media often serve as mirrors to society, their acceptance does not serve as an alibi for poor behavior. It is our responsibility to question, critique, and rise above, not merely conform to flawed standards.”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“Be wary! Commercializing who you are may pave the way for a profound downfall. When you reduce your true essence to a marketable commodity, you may relinquish and diminish the beauty and authenticity that make you genuinely valuable and irreplaceable!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“Be benevolent, be selfless, be relentless!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“Never forget that the key to upholding our values is cultivating a heightened awareness. It sharpens our perception, allowing us to recognize situations that challenge our principles and respond in a manner that aligns with our deepest beliefs.”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“Fools often mistake disrespect for showmanship, thinking that arrogance and bluster will earn them admiration. In truth, they only reveal their lack of class and intelligence!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“Our lives are like books; we are merely characters in each other's stories. While we can impact each other's plotlines, respecting the authorship of each person's life journey is essential!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“In the landscape of leadership, true value is not revealed in the conveniences of time, but through the resolute spirit that confronts hardship, where the core of worth outshines momentary ease!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“In the quest for success, the most potent formula is transforming the steady rhythm of consistency into measurable units of achievement!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“In the intricate dance of life, trust orchestrates our decisions and actions, creating harmonious patterns of reliability and courage amidst the unknown!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“Expectations are like grains of sand in the hourglass of time; as they accumulate, they can either build the foundation for success or bury the dreams we once cherished!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

“Many say, "We march to the beat of our drum," yet no one bothered to ask who's the conductor!”
Erick "The Black Sheep" G

Mikaela Loach
“By going beyond solidarity, individualised lifestyle changes, I saw the incredible transformation that comes from building community power. By building this power, we can see that settling for just making better choices within a harmful system is not enough; it is only when we come together that we can transform the system itself.”
Mikaela Loach, It's Not That Radical: Climate Action to Transform Our World

“Everyone was a stakeholder and it elicited new behavior from the students. Mr. Hughes had tapped into the power of a common mission (the psychological term is superordinate goal) to make a group cohere and to help it chart a new course and a new identity. Instead of using a scapegoat and defiance of authority to declare their cohesion as a group, they used the superordinate goals provided by the teachers under the guidance of Mr. Hughes.”
Michael G. Thompson, Best Friends, Worst Enemies: Understanding the Social Lives of Children

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