
Commission Quotes

Quotes tagged as "commission" Showing 1-14 of 14
Fred Allen
“Advertising is 85% confusion and 15% commission.”
Fred Allen

George Schiaffino
“You need to have a Why
Having a “Why” whatever it is, becomes food. It makes your dreams become more urgent.”
George Schiaffino, Making Millions by Helping Millions

John R.W. Stott
“Unless some people are commissioned for the task, there will be no gospel preachers; unless the gospel is preached, sinners will not hear Christ’s message and voice; unless they hear him, they will not believe the truths of his death and resurrection; unless they believe these truths, they will not call on him; and unless they call on his name, they will not be saved.”
John Stott

“Every 'Born again' Christian is already called to be a Minister of God (By Commission, Matthew 28:19) and a Royal Priest (By Calling, 1 Peter 2:9).
The only thing left now for us Christians to achieve in this small life is,
To become A Compassionate individual (1 Peter 3:8),
An Effective Disciple (John 8:31,32) and
A Better Christian (Philippians 1:9-11).”
Santosh Thankachan

Christina Engela
“I can't imagine why a media company views a law preventing the commission of hate speech as a restriction on media freedom, but it is probably similar to how some religious folk view hate speech as being essential to religious freedom.”
Christina Engela, The Time Saving Agency

Steven Magee
“When I was commissioning a brand new solar photovoltaic utility site, I came across metal tubes installed into the fuseholders that were marked up as 100 amp fuses on the diagram. Needless to say, it had already gone on fire.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Public Utility Commission (PUC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) complaints are rarely upheld. It is estimated that less than 5% of complaints are successful and that the actual number may be below 1% in some cases.”
Steven Magee

“Let Christ’s great commission become yours”
Sunday Adelaja

“When people find their calling and receives their commission, enemy will appear to hinder the fulfillment of this commission”
Sunday Adelaja

Eraldo Banovac
“In reality, commissions rarely solve complicated problems. Therefore, the following question arises: what is worse – to establish a commission knowing it cannot solve a complicated problem, or to believe that the commission will truly solve such a problem?”
Eraldo Banovac

“Parrying a blow before it strikes,
Giving a commission to one who is skillful.”
Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms

“Every sin of commission has its root in a sin of omission”
Varma Jampana

“Discipleship is not about making Christians fit for eternal life. We must see discipleship as equipping people to accomplish their Genesis Commission mandate. Discipleship is about equipping people to be God’s representatives and stewards in this life as we advance the Kingdom of God.”
Curtis Ferrell, The Way to Discipleship: Thinking Well About the Kingdom of God

“When employees are at odds over commission allocation, as a leader, an optimal /highly effective strategy entails meticulously assessing the quandary, proposing a transparent and collaborative resolution, securing consensus, meticulously documenting both the agreement and its implementation, and then enacting the solution with precision. Conflict resolution transcends being merely an art; it is equally a science. It aims at circling things out and putting the matters into perspective for the next move and it's purpose is to bring clarity to the situation and lay the groundwork for the next stage of the task or a new assignment.”
Henrietta Newton Martin- Author Strategic Human Resource Management - A Primer