
Clean Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "clean-romance" Showing 1-30 of 175
Diane Merrill Wigginton
“Didn’t anyone ever teach you to watch where you were going?” he teased.

“Didn’t anyone ever teach you to put your things away so that people didn’t trip over them?” she quickly fired back, irritated that he found the entire situation amusing. “And while we are talking, I truly need to know. Do you ever wear clothes?”
Diane Merrill Wigginton, A Compromising Position

Diane Merrill Wigginton
“I’ll say, G’day to you, Mr. Ryan!” Catherine said as she quickly closed the door in his face. “Oh, the arrogance,” she growled under her breath, leaning her back up against the closed door. “He thinks he’s so irresistible with his rugged good looks and sexy accent.”

“I’m standing right here, and I can hear you!” came Jake’s muffled words from the other side of the door. “Oh, c’mon love. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was offending you.”
Diane Merrill Wigginton, A Compromising Position

Annika Champenois
“I swear you sighed as you shut that door. He’s barely left, and you already miss him. It’s time to sharpen that pencil and write your romances, my friend.”
Annika Champenois, Walter Times Two

Annika Champenois
“Tell me about your family,” he said as soon as we had ordered our food and sat down.
“Tell me about yours,” I countered.
“I’m an orphan,” he lied.
“I’m a foundling,” I shot back.”
Annika Champenois, Artfully Annoying

Annika Champenois
“He grinned. I was beginning to realize he had a very limited repertoire of facial expressions.”
Annika Champenois, Artfully Annoying

Grace Hitchcock
“I must confess that you captured my heart the moment I first beheld you, and every moment I’ve spent with you afterward has only confirmed your kind, unselfish nature.”
Grace Hitchcock, Hearts of Gold Collection

Grace Hitchcock
“For her answer, she took a seat on his knee, wrapped her arms about his neck, and pulling him into an embrace, pressed her lips to his again and again.”
Grace Hitchcock, Hearts of Gold Collection

“She wanted to erase every memory of him from her head. She wanted to forget how right it had felt being in his arms and how her heart had raced when she thought he was going to kiss her.”
Joy Crain, The Cost of the Crown

“Just because he was a prince didn't make his life a fairy tale. And just because he wore a crown didn't mean he was entitled to a happily ever after.”
Joy Crain, The Cost of the Crown

Abby Greyson
“Being a bright spot in someone's day should be your goal. It doesn't have to be big - a smile or a hello will do.”
Abby Greyson

Mora Ash Wildes
“Kent smiled, and then took a huge bite, causing graham cracker crumbs to sprinkle all over his bare chest and to the ground...

Melted chocolate dripped down his wrist, and he ran his tongue over the trail it had left behind. Dana turned away quickly, finding the motion entirely too captivating and trying not to blush...”
Mora Ash Wildes, Bringing Back The Cowboy

Jen Turano
“I’m twenty-three years old and have been out in society for five Seasons, both winter and summer. It would be next to impossible to convince anyone I’m anything other than peculiar." To Spark A Match by Jen Turano 2023”
Jen Turano, To Spark a Match

Dani Pettrey
“She pressed her back against the boulder as heavy footfalls approached. Closer. Closer...”
Dani Pettrey

Dani Pettrey
“She straightened. "Sorry. I didn't mean to chill you."
Chilling him was the last thing she was doing.”
Dani Pettrey, One Wrong Move

Madisyn Carlin
“Put me down or I’ll stab your leg.”

“First, don’t threaten someone saving your life. Makes me less inclined to help. Second, do you really think you, a Leorin, can intimidate me? You’re like a gnat, cub. A very annoying, hairbrained, numbskulled gnat.”
Madisyn Carlin, A Silent Hope

Amelia  Rose
“Yet no number of evil deeds could be excused by anything in the Good Book.”
Amelia Rose, Indian Bride for the Trusty Miner

Annika Champenois
“Walter got up and caught her hands. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to upset you. And I didn’t mean to upset you. In the past. Or the future. I guess I’m really gonna mess things up.” He frowned. “Well, in the future, I’m gonna go to the past and mess things up. Which I already did.”
She stared at him and squeezed his hands, not sure if she did it for comfort or to punish him in some small measure.”
Annika Champenois, Walter Times Two

Annika Champenois
“She nearly swallowed her tongue as the jogger approached. It was Walter. Exquisite brown hair, kind-looking, oblong face, damp polo shirt. Walter.”
Annika Champenois, Walter Times Two

Annika Champenois
“How had we gotten into such an easy banter? If I didn’t stop this, I might give him the wrong impression. Again.”
Annika Champenois, Artfully Annoying

Berlyn Hayes
“One of these days you're going to get seriously hurt, and I'll never forgive myself if I'm the one who hurts you.”
Berlyn Hayes, Heirs of Secrets

Berlyn Hayes
“Seriously, Kas, learn to take a joke."
"Someone hurting you is never a joke.”
Berlyn Hayes, Heirs of Secrets

Berlyn Hayes
“Forgiveness unlocks your soul, rendering you strength you never thought possible.”
Berlyn Hayes, Heirs of Secrets

Berlyn Hayes
“What's the point of forgiveness if it's one-sided and if the other person doesn't deserve it?”
Berlyn Hayes, Heirs of Secrets

Berlyn Hayes
“Because forgiveness isn't about deserving. Everyone qualifies for it, despite the terrible things they do.”
Berlyn Hayes, Heirs of Secrets

Annika Champenois
“Um, how did it go?”
I put my hands on my hips and huffed. “Just great. He plagued the life out of me while I spewed insults at him. I made an enemy of another waiter and estranged myself from a new restaurant, and Croft picked food out of my hair.”
Annika Champenois, Artfully Annoying

Madison Sheldon
“My fairytale life may have crumbled, but we can create a new story on our terms. With our imperfections, with our differences, with acceptance, and with our love." ”
Madison Sheldon, When the Fairytale Crumbled

Charlotte Brentwood
“I love you, John.” It was the only time in his life he’d heard that sweet utterance. Those four little words were to be the making and undoing of John Barrington: the source of his greatest happiness and deepest sorrows.”
Charlotte Brentwood, Heart of a Gentleman

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