
Charity Work Quotes

Quotes tagged as "charity-work" Showing 1-30 of 43
Margaret Atwood
“She believed in public service; she felt she had to roll up her sleeves and do something useful for the war effort. She organized a Comfort Circle, which collected money through rummage sales. This was spent on small boxes containing tobacco and candies, which were sent off to the trenches. She threw open Avilion for these functions, which (said Reenie) was hard on the floors. In addition to the rummage sales, every Tuesday afternoon her group knitted for the troops, in the drawing room -- washcloths for the beginners, scarves for the intermediates, balaclavas and gloves for the experts. Soon another battalion of recruits was added, on Thursdays -- older, less literate women from south of the Jogues who could knit in their sleep. These made baby garments for the Armenians, said to be starving, and for something called Overseas Refugees. After two hours of knitting, a frugal tea was served in the dining room, with Tristan and Iseult looking wanly down.”
Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin

Germany Kent
“Today, somehow in some way, I will manage to help somebody who doesn't look or talk like me, someone who is in need and doesn't care about the outer me, someone who is hopefully able to recognize a sincere gesture of kindness and love.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Your giving does not have to reflect mine. Be your own kind of ripple. If you have some extra time, give it to a shelter. If you have a special trade, mentor or give advice. If you have a business, give free samples. If you have arms, give hugs. Just give in your own capacity, where you are and watch what a difference that one gesture can make. ”
Germany Kent

Elia Po
“The refugee to me is an ambassador. She comes with tales from an ancient, far-away world. The stories, the wisdom, is honed in adversity. My book, Adagio, comes in part from my experience of visiting refugees in jail, and advocating for refugees in my homeland of Italy. The words I write are not only mine, but a contemplation on the loss, grief and hope of those I care for. This is why I donate all my royalties back to refugee support charities. My poetry was written for them and it should return to them.”
Elia Po, Adagio for the Internally Displaced

Germany Kent
“Give back. Find a way to serve in your community by helping in some way to add value, bring joy, and have a positive impact on the lives of others.”
Germany Kent

Abhijit Naskar
“Purpose of charity is not to build a world of charity, purpose of charity is to end the need for charity”
Abhijit Naskar, Giants in Jeans: 100 Sonnets of United Earth

Germany Kent
“The longer I live, the more I learn about people. The more I learn, the desire and commitment grows stronger to be the change I want to see in the world.”
Germany Kent

M.J.  Grace
“But contrary to what others may think, Prince Charming learned that sometimes what may seem like a catastrophe of chaotic proportions might just lead to finding your happily ever after.”
M.J. Grace, Paperback Writers Anthology

Germany Kent
“It is in the pursuits for the good of humanity and through purposeful deeds and endeavors that you own your power and soar to extraordinary levels of living.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Even if you are retired, you still have a responsibility to be a servant leader in society. Your talents are needed in the community. Live on purpose. Thrive, give back, and make a difference where you are.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Some people get so caught up in making money that they lose their ability to make a difference.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“It's not many people who do selfless acts of kindness anymore. Change the game. Be the hero you can't find in society. ”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“The power of charity work is that it allows you to make a difference where you are, right in your community.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“If you're not volunteering your time, talents or resources to a cause to help in some way you have decided that you have nothing to give and that is false.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“When we all lend a hand in helping in the community we improve everyone's quality of life.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Setbacks and disappointments can make life seem meaningless. The way to overcome this feeling is to get busy helping out by making a difference in some way to take the focus off of yourself. ”
Germany Kent

Abhijit Naskar
“Sonnet of Charity

Charity doesn't end disparity,
It only postpones it.
Giving doesn't mean only giving,
It means lifting the fallen spirit.
With one hand help those in need,
With another treat their environment.
Don't just give money to the destitute,
Lift them up so they could help themselves.
The greatest charity in the world,
Is to help someone become self-reliant,
So that they do not need charity,
From anyone ever again.
Purpose of charity is not to build a world of charity,
Purpose of charity is to end the need for charity.”
Abhijit Naskar, Giants in Jeans: 100 Sonnets of United Earth

Germany Kent
“People are inspired by action. So, when it comes to charity work and leadership, leaders should always remember that it is a lot easier to encourage others on your team to join in on an effort if they see you doing it.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Be proud to support a cause that you believe is a worthy mission because your dedication to promoting civic participation helps the community.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Giving back not only changes you but changes the way others view the organization and its ability to attract people who want to make a difference.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Doing good in your community means you help out and show up with a positive attitude, lending a hand, you're behind the scenes rolling up your sleeves, and making things happen.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“One of the benefits of volunteering is the impact you have on helping others and serving in a capacity that could potentially foster relations to change lives and create brighter futures.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Align your brand with an important cause that you are passionate about so that you may effectively use your voice to raise awareness and be a change-maker to maximize advocacy initiatives in your industry.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“When you sign on to making a positive impact in your community, your story including your life experiences, skills and passions will provide inspiration to others.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Stay committed to changing the world, volunteering, and creating the good.”
Germany Kent

Carlos Wallace
“It's always more admirable to perhaps be seen giving than to purposefully giving to be seen.”
Carlos Wallace

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