
Carrie Fisher Quotes

Quotes tagged as "carrie-fisher" Showing 1-21 of 21
“What you'll have of me after I journey to that great Death Star in the sky is an extremely accomplished daughter, a few books, and a picture of a stern-looking girl wearing some kind of metal bikini lounging on a giant drooling squid, behind a newscaster informing you of the passing of Princess Leia after a long battle with her head.”
Carrie Fisher, Shockaholic

“I could charm the birds out of everyone's trees but his”
Carrie Fisher, The Princess Diarist

“Years ago, there were tribes that roamed the earth, and every tribe had a magic person. Well, now, as you know, all the tribes have dispersed, but every so often you meet a magic person, and every so often, you meet someone from your tribe.”
Carrie Fisher

“I tell my younger friends that one day they’ll be at a bar playing pool and they’ll look up at the television set and there will be a picture of Princess Leia with two dates underneath, and they’ll say, “Awww—she said that would happen.”

And then they’ll go back to playing pool.”
Carrie Fisher, Wishful Drinking

“Unfortunately, it hurts all three of my feelings.”
Carrie Fisher

“I didn’t realize I actually had post-traumatic stress disorder at the time, but why would I think I had that? Anyway, how would I know which was post-traumatic stress, which is addiction, which is bipolar, which is Libra?”
Carrie Fisher, Wishful Drinking

“There’s no room for demons when you’re self possessed.”
Carrie Fisher

“Madonna has no equal at getting attention. She often seems to behave like someone who has been under severe restraint and can now say and do whatever she likes without fear of reprisal. She delights in being challenged, in telling more than she planned, in going further than she had intended. She will answer any question because she is genuinely interested in her own reply. A conversation or an interview then can become an opportunity for self-discovery, or just discovery. It's a hearty mix of self-consciousness and self-confidence. It's a type of courage, this free fall into the perplexing public now.”
Carrie Fisher

“--when men approach me to let me know that I was their first love, lets just say I have mixed feelings. Why did all these men find it so easy to be in love with me then and so complex to be in love with me now?”
Carrie Fisher, The Princess Diarist

“I'm sorry it's not Mark - it could've been. It should've been. It might've meant something. Maybe not much, but certainly more.”
Carrie Fisher, The Princess Diarist

“There are a couple of reasons why I take comfort in being able to put all this in my own vernacular and present it to you. For one thing, because then I'm not completely alone with it. And for another, it gives me a sense of being in control of the craziness. Now this is a delusion, but it's MY delusion and I'm sticking with it. It's sort of like: I have problems but problems don't have me.”
Carrie Fisher, Wishful Drinking

“When we talk it’s not merely idle chatter
We discuss things that really don’t matter
We talk of love and god and pain
To life’s never-ending song
We add yet one more refrain
And as the pace gets more and more frantic
The words get more and more pedantic
We leave no sophistry unturned
As our rhetoric becomes more intense
Using our very large vocabularies
To disguise our very common sense.
The words get longer and the plot gets thinner
Another discourse to discuss at dinner
There is no feeling we can’t analyze
Seizing each chance to intellectualize
Talking in the past and present tense
We’re making a lot more noise
And a lot less sense.”
Carrie Fisher, The Princess Diarist

“I can't remember events from yesterday, or earlier tonight when I put my credit cards away for safekeeping. Now for the life of me I don't know precisely what safekeeping is.”
Carrie Fisher, The Princess Diarist

Steven Wolff
“One year ago, just after Carrie Fisher's passing, I dedicated my Sci-fi Thriller The First Ones There to her. When you open the book, this is what it says... “Thank you for inspiring generations of women, young and old, that princesses can hold their own. Rest in Peace.”
Steven Wolff, The First Ones There: A Science Fiction Thriller

“But the main thing I've learned, I learned all by myself, no help needed. I learned not to get my tongue pierced. Because if you're getting it pierced for the reason why I think you're getting it pierced and you're not good at that thing to begin with, no little piece of jewelry is going to save the day.”
Carrie Fisher, Wishful Drinking

Steven Wolff
“One year ago, just after Carrie Fisher's passing, I dedicated my Sci-fi Thriller The First Ones There to her. When you open the book, this is what it says... “Thank you for inspiring generations of women,
young and old, that princesses can hold their own. Rest in Peace.”
Steven Wolff, The First Ones There: A Science Fiction Thriller

Ana Claudia Antunes
“Watching Carrie Fisher on what seems to be her last work, the British sitcom " Catastrophe" playing a crazy old mom makes me wonder how many talents are taken for granted just because they have aged. Just to quote her again, as if "they are disobedient kids" treated with so little respect and honor. In a culture that venerates the youth and degenerates everything that is somewhat "out of date" we can only wonder how the future will be. If the same ones that diminishes the old will themselves be older too. If they are lucky enough to reach a certain age and age well.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, The Tao of Physical and Spiritual

“Now in order to get a rewrite job, you have to submit your notes for your ideas on how to fix the script. So they can get all the notes from all the different writers, keep the notes and not hire you. That's free work and that's what I always call life-wasting events.”
Carrie Fisher

“It struck me today that the people that have had an impact on me are the people who didn't make it. Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Montgomery Clift, Lenny Bruce, Janis Joplin, John Belushi. It's not Making It to be Marilyn Monroe, but it is to me.

In our culture these people are heroes. There's something inside of that- a message that killing yourself like that isn't so bad. All the interesting people do it, the extraordinary ones. A weird, weird message. Most of the people I've admired in show business-comedians, writers, actors-are alcoholics or drug addicts or suicides. It's bizarre. And I get to be in that club now. It's the one thing I cling to in here: Wow, I'm hip now, like the dead people.

Romancing the stoned.”
Carrie Fisher, Postcards from the Edge

“Sometimes, though. I'll be driving, listening to loud music with the day spreading out all over, and I'll feel something so big and great- a feeling as loud as the music. It's as though my skin is the only thing that keeps me from going everywhere all at once. If all of this doesn't tell you exactly what I'm doing, it should tell you how I'm feeling when I'm doing whatever it is.”
Carrie Fisher

“P.S. That night in the emergency room, do you recall if I threw up something I needed? Some small but trivial thing that belonged inside? I distinctly feel as though I'm missing something.

But then, I always have.”
Carrie Fisher, Postcards from the Edge