
Carrie Quotes

Quotes tagged as "carrie" Showing 1-30 of 38
Stephen         King
“People don't get better, they just get smarter. When you get smarter you don't stop pulling the wings off flies, you just think of better reasons for doing it.”
Stephen King, Carrie

Stephen         King
“But sorry is the Kool-Aid of human emotions. [...] True sorrow is as rare as true love.”
Stephen King, Carrie

Stephen         King
“True sorrow is as rare as true love.”
Stephen King, Carrie

Stephen         King
“She knew with suddeness and ease that this moment would be with her always, within hand's reach of memory.

She doubted if they all sensed it - they had seen the world - but even George was silent for a minute as they looked, and the scene, the smell, even the sound of the band playing a faintly recognisable movie theme, was locked forever in her, and she was at peace.”
Stephen King, Carrie

Stephen         King
“They had become a fixed star in the shifting firmament of the high school's relationships, the acknowledged Romeo and Juliet. And she knew with sudden hatefulness that there was one couple like them in every white suburban high school in America.”
Stephen King, Carrie

Stephen         King
“Your pimples are the Lord's way of chastising you. Now eat your pie.”
Stephen King

Stephen         King
“Но едва ли някой въобще някога открива, че действията му истински, действително нараняват други хора ! Хората не стават по-добри, те стават просто по-умни. Когато станеш по-умен не спираш да късаш крилцата на мухите, просто си измисляш по-добра причина, за да го правиш.”
Stephen King, Carrie

“She crawled into her bed and curled into a tiny ball. She was suddenly aware of how small the space was that she was occupying compared to the largeness of the world. With a heavy pain in her chest she closed her eyes. She no longer resisted sleep for she knew that her dreadful nightmares were unavoidable. It was about time she got used to them. She held onto the image of Will’s face as long as she could, desperately hoping that some of his goodness would carry on into the night.”
Julia Barkey

Stephen         King
“The Black Man grinned at her with his jackal mouth, and his scarlet eyes knew all the secrets of woman-blood.”
Stephen King

Stephen         King
“Her hands were to her face but she could see through the prison of her fingers could see them how they were beautiful wrapped in light swathed in the bright angelic robes of Acceptance”
Stephen King
tags: carrie

Stephen         King
“- No tienes por qué estar nerviosa eres cómo
- ¿Quién?
- Galatea. Leímos algo sobre ella en el curso de Mr. Evers. Una chica desdichada que se convirtió en una hermosa mujer y nadie la reconoció.
Ella pensó un momento.
- Quiero que me reconozcan - Dijo finalmente,
- Te comprendo. Vamos.”
Stephen King, Carrie

Stephen         King
“At sixteen, the elusive stamp of hurt was already marked clearly in her eyes. (pg. 14)”
Stephen King, Carrie

S.A. Hunt
“Look, the witches were one thing—she’d been fighting monster-faced hags for a couple of years at this point, gnarled old witches and chubby-cheeked bohemians that could Force-throw furniture like Carrie, fill your car with snakes, and turn themselves into raving gorgons.”
S.A. Hunt, Burn the Dark

Stephen         King
“High school is hell; the further down the ladder you are, the more like Hell it becomes. For kids like Carrie, it's really like the ninth circle of Hell.”
Stephen King

Stephen         King
“Cogí el cuchillo nuevamente cuando tenías tres años y otra vez mi flaqueza pudo más. Y ahora el demonio ha llegado a casa.”
Stephen King, Carrie

Stephen         King
“Podia, podia ser, podia estar... Viva.”
Stephen King, Carrie

Stephen         King
“Jesus me observa da parede,
O seu rosto fria pedra,
Se ele me ama
Como ela diz,
Por que estou tão infeliz?”
Stephen King, Carrie

Stephen         King
“As pessoas não vão se tornando melhores, apenas mais espertas.”
Stephen King, Carrie

Stephen         King
“Orou, mas não obteve resposta. Não havia ninguém — ou se havia, seja lá quem fosse, estava recuando diante dela. Deus desviara dela Seu semblante.”
Stephen King, Carrie

Stephen         King
“El tiempo pasaba. No importaba. Macbeth había asesinado el sueño y Carrie había asesinado el tiempo. No estaba mal. Una buena comparación.”
Stephen King, Carrie

Stephen         King
“Cuando te vuelves más listo no dejas de arrancar las alas a las moscas, simplemente se te ocurren mejores razones para hacerlo.”
Stephen King, Carrie

Stephen         King
“La gente no mejora, sólo se hace más lista. Cuando te vuelves más listo no dejas de arrancar las alas a las moscas, simplemente piensas en mejores razones para hacerlo.”
Stephen King, Carrie

Steven Wolff
“One year ago, just after Carrie Fisher's passing, I dedicated my Sci-fi Thriller The First Ones There to her. When you open the book, this is what it says... “Thank you for inspiring generations of women,
young and old, that princesses can hold their own. Rest in Peace.”
Steven Wolff, The First Ones There: A Science Fiction Thriller

Georgette Heyer
“Of all the abominable abbreviations I think Carrie the most repulsive!”
Georgette Heyer, Frederica

Stephen         King
“Ridică-ți covorul subconștientului și strecoară dedesubt tot gunoiul. Pa.”
Stephen King

Stephen         King
“No one was there – or if there was, He/It was cowering from her. God had turned His face away, and why not? This horror was as much His doing as hers.”
Stephen King

Desirée de Fez
“Aunque fuera por contraste, siempre le agradeceré a Carrie que me hiciera naturalizar la regla desde el primer día, despojándola de tópicos y tabúes.”
Desirée de Fez, Reina del grito: Un viaje por los miedos femeninos
tags: carrie

K.J. Dell'Antonia
“She shaded in more of the tornado, a little fiercely, then turned back a few pages and let herself be pulled into the world of Carleen, the least popular chicken in her high school, pecked down by plumper hens and scorned by cocky roosters.
Carleen's story wasn't hers. Amanda had been quite well liked in high school---mostly because she stayed resolutely in the middle of the road, dressing like everyone else, doing the things everyone else did. Amanda had made those choices thanks to Mae, who had already made all the mistakes. Unlike Mae, Amanda did exactly what was expected of her and not anything more. She was a good girl.
Carleen was not a good girl. She was the dark chicken of her small town, pulling the other chicks in with her schemes and plans when they were young, then finding herself alone as a teenage chicken with a lot to prove and only her mysterious telekinetic powers, powers the others in the flock didn't share, to do it with. Carleen had been thoroughly rejected and cruelly humiliated by her peers, and would continue to be until she allowed the forces within her to burst free---at prom, of course, in homage to Carrie, one of Amanda's favorite books---and annihilate the chickens around her in a rampage of oil and flames.
Carleen, Amanda thought, would end her prom night with a fried chicken dinner.”
K.J. Dell'Antonia, The Chicken Sisters

Kristen Ashley
“She was going to have a beautiful life.”
Kristen Ashley, Ride Steady

“People don't get better, they just get smarter. When you get smarter you don't stop pulling the wings off flies, you just think of better reasons for doing it.”
Stephen King
tags: carrie

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