
Business Success Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "business-success-quotes" Showing 1-21 of 21
Pooja Agnihotri
“Always remember that you’re in this business because of your customers. If they are not there, you will stop existing as well. So, start learning more about them. Don’t remain strangers.”
Pooja Agnihotri, Market Research Like a Pro

Stewart D. Friedman
“Being able to shift in light of new information and in light of new opportunities is a skill. Practicing will make you a more confident leader of change, now and in the future.”
Stewart D. Friedman, Total Leadership: Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life

“A diligent hawker today, can be a great tycoon tomorrow”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“With experience comes resilience, and this is key in starting up. You need to be able to take a knock, get up and get on. Whether you’re trying something completely new or setting up in an industry you’ve worked in before, resilience gives you that competitive edge.”
Sheila Holt, Trust is the New Currency: How to build trust, attract the right partners and create wealth through business and investments

Stephen Asbury
“Information about the future is much more valuable and interesting than information about the past.”
Stephen Asbury, Health & Safety, Environment and Quality Audits

Stacey Kehoe
“Marketing is a never-ending story. It’s about perpetual motion where innovation plays the lead role.”
Stacey Kehoe

Jay Allyson
“Everyone needs a strategic reset from time to time in order to take things to the next level.”
Jay Allyson, LEVERAGED CONSULTING IN THE DIGITAL AGE: How to Build and Grow a Successful Service Business in an Increasingly Competitive Marketplace

Victor Kwegyir
“Advertising may be the only way customers form their first impressions of your business well before they ever buy from you”
Victor Kwegyir, Quotable Quotes For Business: Lessons For Success

“You cannot change the power of the wind, but you can set your sail in a way that will compel you to your port much more quickly and accurately. Business success is a process. Converting prospects takes time and the continual practice of planting wheat is always a challenge in a world where taking time and exhibiting patience are passing away. It is always a good day to make a change.”
Chris J. Gregas

Germany Kent
“There is a direct connection between finding your passion and reaching your potential.”
Germany Kent

“Ideal methods of sales prospecting generates business growth.”
Wayne Chirisa

“Customer Experience Design CX is one of the most important facets of business yet most businesses allow customers to wait 30 minutes on hold to speak to an operator in another country and then wonder why their sales, profits, and market share are decreasing?”
Peter Hanami

Germany Kent
“In order to be successful, a new business strategy for growth has to consider old models of performance that didn't work out.”
Germany Kent

“Apparently, some businesspersons believe their success depends on the 'happiness' of their little CEOs. Newsflash: Real success is in the boardroom, not the bedroom.”
Don Santo