
Branch Quotes

Quotes tagged as "branch" Showing 1-20 of 20
Vincent Zandri
“You fell off the tree of fucked-up-weird and slammed every branch on the way down.”
Vincent Zandri, Moonlight Falls

John Crowley
“There was after all no mystery in the end of love, no mystery but the mystery of love itself, which was large certainly but as real as grass, as natural and unaccountable as bloom and branch and their growth.”
John Crowley, Little, Big

Virgil Kalyana Mittata Iordache
“The love that I believe in is something that goes beyond the physical aspects of this world. The love that I believe is one that extends its energy and power through the beautiful souls that I encounter along the way, a love that can be seen in the eyes of a little dog or in the confusion of a cute lost cat who wants to be worshiped like a Goddess. This kind of love goes through a divine crafting of a person's inner self, through personal experience and thousands of years of tears and strength, that can only be seen in the familiar eyes of old souls, the eyes that recognize each other even after long times of separation, the eyes that find themselves familiar with places they have probably been to before, but that nevertheless bring great memories with every visit. This kind of love sees hope in the eyes of new-born children that know way much more than they are capable of putting into words and that bring with their innocence a smile on each person's face who'd wish they could start again. The love that I see when I look at you is a love which has roots deep inside each of us, but that needs care and light to grow and unfold its branches so that they can reach outside of ourselves and even further beyond the skies.”
Virgil Kalyana Mittata Iordache

Brandon Sanderson
“There was rarely an obvious branching point in a person's life. People changed slowly, over time. You didn't take one step, then find yourself in a completely new location. You first took a little step off the path to avoid some rocks. For a while, you walked alongside the path, but then you wandered out a little way to step on softer soil. Then you stopped paying attention as you drifted farther and farther away. Finally, you found yourself in the wrong city, wondering why the signs on the roadway hadn't led you better.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Emperor's Soul

Juliet Marillier
“The man journeyed far, and he heard and saw many strange things on his travels. He learned that - that the friend and the enemy are but two faces of the same self. That the path one believes chosen long since, constant and unchangeable, straight and wide, can alter in an instant. Can branch, and twist and lead the traveler to places far beyond his wildest imaginings. That there are mysteries beyond the mind of mortal man, and that to deny their existence is to spend a life of half-consciousness.”
Juliet Marillier, Daughter of the Forest


We grew up on the same street,
You and me.
We went to the same schools,
Rode the same bus,
Had the same friends,
And even shared spaghetti
With each other's families.

And though our roots belong to
The same tree,
Our branches have grown
In different directions.
Our tree,
Now resembles a thousand
Other trees
In a sea of a trillion
Other trees
With parallel destinies
And similar dreams.
You cannot envy the branch
That grows bigger
From the same seed,
And you cannot
Blame it on the sun's direction.
But you still compare us,
As if we're still those two
Kids at the park
Slurping down slushies and
Eating ice cream.

Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun (2010)”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi
“The flower that does not smile
at the branches withers.”
Rumi, Bridge to the Soul: Journeys Into the Music and Silence of the Heart

“We grew up on the same street,
You and me.
We went to the same schools,
Rode the same bus,
Had the same friends,
And even shared spaghetti
With each other's families.
And though our roots belong to
The same tree,
Our branches have grown
In different directions.
Our tree,
Now resembles a thousand
Other trees
In a sea of a trillion
Other trees
With parallel destinies
And similar dreams.
You cannot envy the branch
That grows bigger
From the same seed,
And you cannot
Blame it on the sun's direction.
But you still compare us,
As if we're still those two
Kids at the park
Slurping down slushies and
Eating ice cream.

Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun (2010)”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Al Álvarez
“Foolish man, what do you bemoan, and what do you fear? Wherever you look there is an end of evils. You see that yawning precipice? It leads to liberty. You see that flood, that river, that well? Liberty houses within them. You see that stunted, parched, and sorry tree? From each branch liberty hangs. Your neck, your throat, your heart are all so many ways of escape from slavery [...] Do you enquire the road to freedom? You shall find it in every vein of your body.”
A. Alvarez

Christina Engela
“Although a little noisy at first, in a bizarre twist of fate, electronic music became popular in France in the 1890’s before fizzling out in favor of Swing music – which somehow made an early appearance in the 1900’s. In another alternative timeline, the Beatles never existed and England invented popcorn and hamburgers in the 1840’s. Damn, that’s what almost happened last time again, thought Scrooby tensely, while maneuvering himself onto a stronger looking branch. Details, everything was about the details. Sometimes there was almost too much detail to keep up with.”
Christina Engela, The Time Saving Agency

Helen Bold
“As he watched the leaves dancing with the wind while the branches tilted to indulge their rhythm, Drake understood they were just the same. Life and the events it threw in their path were the winds trying to break them. Hope was the leaf that loved to dance and go where that led her. He understood that he needed to be the branch to anchor her but still let her dance.”
Helen Bold

Deyth Banger
“People a lot of times say that they live one life, say that we all live one... no you are in mistake so far
I can say that 10 games I have played in which I have died and reborn, then 197 books I have read, 6 more are waiting to be finished, 197 books = 197 lifes, so far!
407 films = 407 lifes so far 197 + 407 equal 604... Every dramatical moment in which you have survive like car crash or others such type are equal +1 life... so far it looks like I have lived a lot of. Every Year in the tree branch with the branch...”
Deyth Banger

Steven Magee
“If you want to make a name for yourself, develop new branches of scientific study.”
Steven Magee

Amy E. Reichert
“Eventually, Sanna and Isaac joined everyone at the table, not even noticing that the stick she'd laid on the counter, still poking out of its plastic bag, had burst into full bloom sometime in the last ten minutes.
Only Einars noticed the white petals with the soft pink blush and delicate yellow center that popped open when it had no right to. He turned to look at the large, happy family circling the turkey, laughing and smiling, bigger than they'd been in twenty years.
Happiness had returned to Idun's.”
Amy E. Reichert, The Simplicity of Cider

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“A branch that falls from a tree can only be a widow-maker if you’re under it at the point that it falls, and you were married before it fell. Otherwise, it’s just a happenstance meeting with a branch.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Stewart Stafford
“Cult Of The Elements Chorus by Stewart Stafford

The breeze began as hymns,
Spreading through the forest,
Slowly tipping, creaking limbs,
A cult of the elements chorus.

As bobbing boats at a marina,
Invisible H₂O, dialled up to seven,
a domino effect, calmly serene,
Swaying arms, raised to Heaven.

Whistling through the branches,
Trees rocked forward, fell, then,
came with uneasy, silent chances,
Until the zephyr whispered again.

© Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“Memories shake the bare branches so your heart can flower with the boughs of blossoms, the way the night is shaken to break open a dawn of light...”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

Emily Habeck
“Angela's jaw is a branch he can snap in half in his young, strong hands.”
Emily Habeck, Shark Heart

“One must have roots to bloom, sprout, grow, and branch out.”
Jeffrey G. Duarte