
Bosslady Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bosslady" Showing 1-30 of 31
Janna Cachola
“[Team player vs team builder]
Players focus on the wins and the loses.
Builders focus on the team and future of the vision.
Let's move our members from team player to team builder.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“Don't let people intimidate you into downgrading your goals. They intimidate only because they are intimidated by your goals.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“If you have a voice, use it.
If you have legs, stand up.
If you have feet, step up.
If you have eachother, fight together.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“It should never be ME against the world but WE against the world.”
Janna Cachola

Nino Cipri
“I guess I'm too much of a grammar nazi!" ... Ava wondered, not for the first time, why anyone would so proudly declare themselves to be any kind of nazi.”
Nino Cipri, Finna

Nino Cipri
“I understand this was a stressful shift for you," she said. "Why don't you take the rest of the day off? You've got some PTO saved up, I think.”
Nino Cipri, Finna

Janna Cachola
“Epic fails are just dramatic pauses to build up intensity of epic awesomeness emerging.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“If people aren't on board with your dreams, there is still that one man canoe. Sail on and slay on with it.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“When you turn your problem into passion, your solution becomes success.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“Leaders are readers and learners are earners.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“We as leaders are responsible for changes in our workplace, communities and homes beyond ourselves. We shouldn't just look at the bigger picture, as leaders we should also CREATE the bigger picture.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“Work is my vacation from worry of what to do with my life”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“If you have a vision and there is no job title for it yet. That's a vision right there!”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“Passion for what you do goes hand in hand with style.
You can say I'm a passionista”
Janna Cachola

“Don’t get me wrong. Government Contracting is difficult, but the help you give the government makes our country strong.”
Linda Rawson, The Minority and Woman-Owned Small Business Guide to Government Contracts: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started

“Woman are told they can’t start a business. They need more positive role models. Government Contracting can be a way to get started.”
Linda Rawson, The Minority and Women-Owned Small Business Guide to Government Contracts: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started

Janna Cachola
“Women shouldn't COMPETE against each other, we should CONNECT with one another. When we work together we experience what it truly means to win.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“Always wear an internal crown and have a queendom mindset. A queen is a leader and role model.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“There is no problem that passion and purpose can't solve.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“It's not about what you know, it's about what you do not know. Knowledge may be power, but the act of learning is even more powerful”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“There is no fierce without "I".”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“It is not enough to be approachable, you must also be approaching.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“If you can create a title for it, you can create the role to go with it. Be a visionary in your organisation.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“Bring your problems UPwards not OUTwards.”
Janna cachola

Janna Cachola
“Don't go home. It's either go hard or go harder.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“I'd rather apologise later than miss the opportunity to create excellence by waiting for permission.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“Ladies, its not harsh to be assertive nor is it bad to be a boss. You have standards they just need to learn it, if they don't like it thats their loss.”
Janna cachola

Victoria Aveyard
“Queen's cast shadows too”
Victoria Aveyard, War Storm

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