
Blame Shifting Quotes

Quotes tagged as "blame-shifting" Showing 1-9 of 9
Erik Pevernagie
“If we feel we do not focus enough on our actual needs, we like to know the traps of our fake priorities and find out how to identify and avoid them. By stopping trendy causes and averting shiny object syndrome, we eschew misallocation of time and energy. If we take responsibility for our actions, we can avoid creating a culture of blame-shifting or missing out on valuable chances for better insight. (“Step on the gas”)”
Erik Pevernagie

Dana Arcuri
“After the fog lifts and you awaken to the truth about abuse, the narcissist and flying monkeys will minimize the facts about what took place. They will discredit you. They will undermine your own perception. They will accuse you of being insane. Even if you took the time to explain yourself, they will cast all blame onto you.”
Dana Arcuri, Certified Trauma Recovery Coach, Soul Rescue: How to Break Free From Narcissistic Abuse & Heal Trauma

Dana Arcuri
“Selective amnesia by harmful people is blame-shifting. According to FreeDictionary.com, “Blame-shifting is when someone shifts the blame from person to person.” The root of blame-shifting is when an abusive person fails to take responsibility for their cruelty.”
Dana Arcuri, Certified Trauma Recovery Coach, Soul Rescue: How to Break Free From Narcissistic Abuse & Heal Trauma

Jaco Strydom
“Entitlement is always bad,
but never as bad as when those in power cry victim”
Jaco Strydom

Frank  Sonnenberg
“Blaming others for your situation may make you feel good, but it won’t improve your circumstances one bit.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others

“Some of the valuable lessons you won’t learn in class or from people, but you will learn them from life. You will only learn them when you choose take accountability ,accept responsibility for the mistakes you make and don’t shift the blame. Life teaches, some of us learn in a hard way and others never learn their lessons at all, until death catches up with them before their time.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Sam Kean
“Ale jest też inny prawdopodobny powód odmowy trepanacji królewskiej głowy - ryzyko powikłań po takim zabiegu było wysokie, a winnym z pewnością byłby przeprowadzający go lekarz'.”
Sam Kean, The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons: The History of the Human Brain as Revealed by True Stories of Trauma, Madness, and Recovery