Bitcoin Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bitcoin" Showing 91-120 of 180
Olawale Daniel
“In cryptocurrency investment, long term thinkers are less stressed.”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“Bitcoin has no physical form - it technically exists online as a complete digital asset. If you do see it, it is in the form of lines of code in an alphanumeric string. But the bottom line is, it is a store of value void of manipulation by government.”
Olawale Daniel

Abhijit Naskar
“Sonnet of Cryptocurrency

The reason people are nuts about cryptocurrency,
Is that they hear the magic phrase regulation-free.
But what they forget to take into account,
Is that it also means the user alone bears liability.
The purpose behind a centralized system,
Is not exploitation but to provide trust and stability.
Anything that is decentralized on the other hand,
Is a breeding ground for fraud and volatility.
Not every fancy innovation is gonna benefit society,
Innovation without accountability is only delusion.
Cryptocurrency can be a great boon to banking,
If it merges with the centralized financial institution.
Intoxication of tech is yet another fundamentalism.
Algorithm without humanity is digital barbarism.”
Abhijit Naskar, Hometown Human: To Live for Soil and Society

Mohith Agadi
“It is a very important and lucrative skill one can have that allows them to be able to see into the future and act toward it in the present.”
Mohith Agadi

Olawale Daniel
“In the next 5-10 years, digital assets (predominantly Bitcoin and few Alts) will prove to be a strong alternative currency of the world, if not entirely dethrone fiat currency.”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“Holding a Bitcoin today is like owning a Facebook, Amazon, or Apple stock positions in the early 2000's. Blockchain technology has a lot more on offer if you could just adopt it.”
Olawale Daniel

“Total circulation will be 21,000,000 coins. It’ll be distributed to network nodes when they make blocks, with the amount cut in half every 4 years. first 4 years: 10,500,000 coins next 4 years: 5,250,000 coins next 4 years: 2,625,000 coins next 4 years: 1,312,500 coins etc... When that runs out, the system can support transaction fees if needed. It’s based on open market competition, and there will probably always be nodes willing to process transactions for free.”
Satoshi Nakamoto

Olawale Daniel
“If you are thinking the price of Bitcoin is going up, you must also realize that the purchasing power of Bitcoin is increasing, hence you are guaranteed of freedom. You must decide not to allow the fiat currency to be your mental intermediary when thinking about the world.”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“You can't fight poverty by just printing more fiat into the circulation. Bitcoin prevents this kind of absurdity from taking place in the first place. If you mean well for the people, embrace a transparent financial system.”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“Only smart people understand Bitcoin and Ethereum, and that’s why most of the people in the world don't understand it, thus not involved in it.”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“Everyone gets Bitcoin at the price they deserve.”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“With DeFi, we are building the finance system of tomorrow that is more efficient, faster, more rewarding, and levels the playing field for everyone.”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“If the most powerful man in the world can be banned on social media, one thing that is certain is that the least powerful person in the world cannot be banned from buying Bitcoin. It is for everyone!”
Olawale Daniel

Brajesh Kumar Singh
“Work hard until you feel Bitcoin is cheap.”
Brajesh Kumar Singh

Olawale Daniel
“Once you cash out from the online estates (Blockchain projects like holding Bitcoin, mining, tokenization, crypto staking, etc., and Forex markets), offline real estate is the next big thing!”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“Fiat dominated banks refusing to work with cryptocurrency are like bookstores refusing to work with the internet. Only time will tell.”
Olawale Daniel

Byron Rizzo
“[...]este tiempo que transitamos también ha planteado la volatilidad de los medios de pago o monedas, encarnados en entes con un valor nominal de mercado tan inquieto como el mar. Bitcoin, Ethereum y otras monedas que jamás conocerán el formato moneda, por irónico que suene, son las representantes económicas de un período donde hasta el dinero puede pasar de valer a no hacerlo.”
Byron Rizzo, The Ephemeral Age: Keys to understand fast times and scheduled obsolescence

Olawale Daniel
“When it comes to early adoption, invisible technologies are often the hardest for humans to relate with. It takes a lot of time and stories to gain a narrative that becomes viable. This is blockchain technology's problem too.”
Olawale Daniel

Antony Lewis
“According to the Bitcoin Obituary website,16 Bitcoin has been declared dead over 300 times! But it lives on...”
Antony Lewis, The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains: An Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and the Technology that Powers Them

“Gold, paintings, or bitcoin are all examples of buying a bigger-idiot type of asset. You can be lucky and find a bigger idiot most of the time, but if you consistently play the same game, once in a while you will be the biggest idiot. You will find yourself holding
the bag all the way down to market bottoms.”
Naved Abdali

Olawale Daniel
“Bitcoin is not a trade, it is the exit from the traditional trade. Think long-term!”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“Bitcoin is not a trade, it is the exit!”
Olawale Daniel

“Bitcoin is the spark that has reignited brush fires of freedom in the mind of mankind.”
Miles Suter, Freedom Advocate

Olawale Daniel
“Bitcoin is up 60% on the year while the almighty GOLD is down by 11%, and yet still hate investing in BTC for the long run? Math doesn't lie, the media does!”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“Anything the government hates or ban, invest in it and spend time to understand it better. That could be your missing piece. Bitcoin is a perfect example of such!”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“Governments will buy Bitcoin when it is 10 times more expensive than it is today.”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“Stack more Bitcoins every time the market dips, that is your eleventh commandment.”
Olawale Daniel

“so therefore this is scarcity that humans can't fuck around with.”
Raoul Pal

Olawale Daniel
“There is one thing that you need to know about the negative market movement; the bigger the dip, the bigger the rip.”
Olawale Daniel