
Bitcoin Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bitcoin" Showing 1-30 of 180
Behcet Kaya
“The eleven iPhones are set up identical to the Androids. But it’s a whole different scenario as far as the Bitcoin wallets. They all have currency in them, and none has been sent out. I labeled each one with the amount in each of the wallets. It comes to a total of more than four billion.”
“Four billion? Are you sure it’s not million?”
“I’m sure, Boss. Four billion in available cryptocurrency.”
Behcet Kaya, Uncanny Alliance

Simone Puorto
“There is a constant interaction and overlap between the physical, virtual, augmented, and mixed worlds.”
Simone Puorto

Simone Puorto
“The metaverse is not something to believe in. It’s not a religion; it’s simply a tool. I don’t “believe” in my refrigerator. I use it when I want a cold soda.”
Simone Puorto

Simone Puorto
“What Zuckerberg has in mind for Horizon is a dystopian advertising nightmare.”
Simone Puorto

Santosh Kalwar
“The global economic system must avoid being dominated by a single currency.”
Santosh Kalwar

Simone Puorto
“Metaverse Hype? Not sure. From the ashes of the dot-com bubble, the global e-commerce market has risen, worth five trillion dollars (as of 2021).”
Simone Puorto

Simone Puorto
“Mio figlio può giocare a Roblox con un amico che si trova in Australia e, il giorno dopo, tirare due tiri al pallone con il vicino di casa. Per lui, sul piano della realtà, le due esperienze hanno lo stesso valore”
Simone Puorto

Simone Puorto
“Il tratto centrale dell’essere umano è quello di innovare, di conoscere, di scoprire, di ribellarsi allo Status Quo. Alcune persone sono contente di credere che le ombre proiettate nella caverna di Platone siano la realtà, ma credo sia nostro dovere deontologico ed etico risvegliarle da questo tecno-torpore.”
Simone Puorto

Simone Puorto
“Credo che il tratto centrale dell’essere umano sia quello di innovare, di conoscere, di scoprire, di ribellarsi allo Status Quo. L'umanità nasce con il peccato originale. Prima di mangiare dall'albero della conoscenza eravamo semplicemente schiavi. Purtroppo, sembra che invece verso il superuomo Nietzschiano, stiamo tornando verso quei tempi bui. Alcuni imprenditori sono contenti di credere alle ombre della caverna di Platone, ma credo sia nostro dovere deontologico ed etico risvegliarle da questo tecno-torpore, anche se significa andare controcorrente.”
Simone Puorto

Simone Puorto
“Io sono un Miltoniano: meglio regnare in un Inferno di tecnoilluminati che servire in un paradiso di tecnoluddisti.”
Simone Puorto

Simone Puorto
“Ricordi il volto della cassiera che ha scansionato i codici a barre della spesa che hai fatto al supermarket due settimane fa? No. E sai perché? Perché quello è un lavoro antiumano. Non evolveremo mai come specie fino a quando avremo i cassieri. Stessa cosa nel compartimento turistico. L’high-tech è percepita esattamente come l’opposto dell’high-touch ed è associata a un servizio inferiore. In realtà, Google offre spesso traduzioni molto più accurate della maggior parte dei camerieri stagionali sottopagati nei nostri ristoranti (e anche di molti nostri politici).”
Simone Puorto

Olawale Daniel
“Like any form of investments, crypto is not a get rich quick scheme, it helps you protect your money from inflation and generate generational wealth.”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“If Bitcoin was a ponzi scheme destined for failure, the government wouldn’t spend so much time, resources, and the almighty FIAT currency in discrediting a tech that is destined to succeed.”
Olawale Daniel

Simone Puorto
“Metaverse” is just an umbrella term for technologies that have been around for a long time.”
Simone Puorto

Simone Puorto
“The term «metaverse» is just a new, cooler name for what we know as «the Internet.»”
Simone Puorto

Simone Puorto
“Yesterday we used to book on paper catalogs. Today we do it on Booking.com, and tomorrow we’ll use Decentraland.

The Metaverse is not changing how we book or experience hotels and travel; it is simply changing the medium through which we do it.

It is like saying that since we switched from booking from telephone to email, we have dematerialized travel. It’s pure nonsense.”
Simone Puorto

Simone Puorto
“Any bad news for Zuckerberg’s Metaverse is pretty good news for the Metaverse.”
Simone Puorto

Simone Puorto
“Once you get kicked out from a centralized metaverse, it’s all gone. That would just be Web2 on steroids.”
Simone Puorto

Simone Puorto
“It is unlikely that there will be only one Metaverse, and it is more probable that there will be several specialized one, such as one for work, one for socializing with friends, one for dating, and more. As long as interoperability is guaranteed, I am pretty ok with that.”
Simone Puorto

Simone Puorto
“DAOs can be the perfect solution to some of the pressing destination management problems we have today – for example, using NFTs to let different hospitality stakeholders decide how to run a populous tourism destination like Venice or Amsterdam more efficiently. You’re replacing the need for trust with cryptographic truth. It’s e-Democracy.”
Simone Puorto

Simone Puorto
“Roblox has 50 million daily users, including many young people who may not be able to book a hotel room themselves (yet) but who can influence their parents’ travel decisions.”
Simone Puorto

Simone Puorto
“At least for now, we should see the metaverse as a means rather than an end: To paraphrase Milton: "Better to advertise in Hell than to build in Heaven.”
Simone Puorto

“The Paisx GPL Interface triangulates prefix for suffix, implementing Rectangular Virtualization, while squaring off the base to derived like components Inna Pi Phi Xor Pipeline like Blockchain. Paisx or PiphiAISΦrtXor formulates the mathematical building blocks 11<1111<1, while emulating cognitive, affective, psychomotor domains, and managing knowledge reverse engineered by the inspiring videogame blizzard entertainment's Diablo. The open source code is so simple but complex that it puzzles the mind Inna ascii conversion cube, Pirandom > Circlet + Diadem × Ring > Itemizer + Abstracter. I developed this in knowing that the new web2.0 Metaverse is on the rise. We really needed to speed up the development of the videogame industry's storylines and graphics automation, while integrating the newer gaming experience with an option for block chaining new coins to invest in the marketplace.”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney Gero EagleO2

“It’s possible you may look back in the future and say I bought Bitcoin, I thank myself I did”
BBCD Satoshi, Buy Bitcoin, You'll Thank Yourself In The Future: A book about Bitcoin by BBCD Satoshi

Olawale Daniel
“When it is Bitcoin; bad or good news doesn't matter too much. Be the long-term HODLER. That is all that really matters in this game of risk and reward.”
Olawale Daniel

“We have seen the centralization effects of capitalism on Bitcoin today where the majority of mining power comes from organized operations and rarely from hobbyists in their bedroom.”
Joshua Dávila, Blockchain Radicals: How Capitalism Ruined Crypto and How to Fix It

Gianluca Gotto
“Ecco, è inutile che ti spieghi di cosa si tratti. Non voglio fare il fenomeno, non voglio dirti di aver avuto un’intuizione geniale. Ti dico la verità: sono stato maledettamente fortunato. Perchè, senza entrare nei dettagli tecnici, il Bitcoin è la valuta alla base di un sistema finanziario completamente opposto a quello tradizionale. Per questo motivo, quando lavoravo, dai piani alti ricevevamo regolarmente la direttiva di non parlare né tantomeno consigliare investimenti in criptovalute. Pensa che era vietato da contratto, detenere Bitcoin e simili. Si rischiava il licenziamento.”
Gianluca Gotto, La Pura Vida

Olawale Daniel
“In the bull season, you trade attention, not the fundamentals. Attention equals liquidity and it is your duty to follow the money.”
Olawale Daniel

Mohith Agadi
“Bitcoin is international waters.”
Mohith Agadi

“Regrettably, hackers are now focusing their efforts on Bitcoin, the virtual money that has completely revolutionized the financial industry. Because of its rising market value and popularity, Bitcoin theft is becoming a major problem for both individuals and companies. This is where SACLUX COMPTECH SPECIALST experience is useful. Getting back stolen Bitcoin is a difficult endeavor. Transactions with cryptocurrencies are by their nature complicated, requiring numerous addresses, decentralized networks, and sophisticated encryption techniques. These elements make it very difficult to track down and recover funds that have been stolen. But SACLUX COMPTECH SPECIALST is a master at negotiating these obstacles and uses creative tactics to track down the robbers. Cryptocurrency theft investigation calls for a certain set of abilities and knowledge. It entails looking for unusual patterns in blockchain transactions, evaluating them, and tracking the stolen money to different addresses. The staff at SACLUX COMPTECH SPECIALST use new technologies and methods to locate and retrieve Bitcoin that has been stolen. They have a thorough understanding of the inner workings of blockchain technology. The foundation of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, blockchain technology, is essential to recovery efforts. Investigators can track the flow of stolen money because of the blockchain's thorough audit record of transactions, which is made possible by its transparency and immutability. By using advanced technologies to track and analyze the movements of Bitcoin that have been stolen, SACLUX COMPTECH SPECIALST takes advantage of this technological advancement. One of the top companies for recovering Bitcoin that has been stolen is SACLUX COMPTECH SPECIALST. To help victims recover their priceless digital possessions, their team of experts combines their expertise in cybercrime and cryptocurrencies. SACLUX COMPTECH SPECIALST has established a brilliant reputation in the field thanks to its extraordinary skill and professionalism. With a staff of very talented individuals, SACLUX COMPTECH SPECIALST is well-versed in forensics, cybersecurity, and cryptocurrencies. They make sure their clients receive the best service possible by being committed to keeping up with the newest industry trends and approaches.”
Henry Benson 1826- Munn

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