
Best Character Ever Quotes

Quotes tagged as "best-character-ever" Showing 1-4 of 4
J.K. Rowling
“Directly above them, framed in the doorway from the Brain Room, stood Albus Dumbledore, his wand aloft, his face white and furious. Harry felt a kind of electric charge surge through every particle of his body - they were saved.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Margaret Mitchell
“Rhett: 'Do you still want me to go to hell?'

Scarlett: 'Well, not as often as I used to.'

Rhett: 'Do it whenever you like, if it makes you happy.'

Scarlett: 'It doesn't make me especially happy,' said Scarlett and, bending, she kissed him carelessly. His dark eyes flickered quickly over her face, hunting for something in her eyes which he did not find, and he laughed shortly.”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Kristen O'Neal
“People definitely saw me throw a chair at the vending machine,' Spencer says. 'I figure we've got three minutes before security finds us.”
Kristen O'Neal, Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses

Tamsyn Muir
“The smooth claw of the finger joint felt cool against your mouth. Her head was quite close to yours. The lace nightgown gapped, somewhat, at the front. The Princess of Ida said, “I already know how I’m going to thank you,” and you were bemused. You absolute idiot baby, you were mystified. You were tired, and you were embarrassed, and you were riding high from the satisfaction of doing one half-perfect thing—of having committed a low miracle of your own devising—of, for a handful of minutes, being Harrowhark Nonagesimus again, the greatest necromancer produced by your dark and sacred Drearburh.”
Tamsyn Muir, Harrow the Ninth