
Believes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "believes" Showing 1-30 of 72
Marie Rutkoski
“He'd believed it. She couldn't believe that he believed it. Sometimes, she hated him for that.”
Marie Rutkoski, The Winner's Kiss

Shannon L. Alder
“Truth and facts are woven together. However, sometimes facts can blind you from seeing what is actually going on in someone’s life.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Immorality is the word we use to describe people that are not sinning the same way we are.”
Shannon L. Alder

Rick Mave
“All religions that have been describing God, have been committing the ultimate blasphemy against God. How can you describe what you have never seen!!! How can you describe the unknowable!!! You can’t even describe what’s right in front of your own eyes. And you go on describing God!!! Don’t be so foolish.”
Rick Mave, Oblivion

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Most human beings strongly believe that money is way less important than the life of a human being, but in reality five hundred, fifty, or even five dollars are way more important to the lives of most human beings than the lives of most human beings.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Anthony Ryan
“Divinity retains the appearance of insight, when in reality it celebrates ignorance. Its tenets are so much clay, and when the clay sets, it becomes dogma.”
Anthony Ryan, Tower Lord

Simone Collins
“A person who becomes defensive or angry when asked to strengthen their beliefs by
questioning them is someone with an underlying fear that if they questioned their
beliefs, they may abandon them. Such people have only superficial faith.”
Simone Collins, The Pragmatist’s Guide to Life: A Guide to Creating Your Own Answers to Life’s Biggest Questions

“The best way to prepare for life is a
combination of formal traditional education, reading, seminars,
and workshops, coupled with experience as well as tapping into the knowledge of experienced people.”
Derric Yuh Ndim

“Personal growth is the most powerful force for change on earth. I believe that personal growth can help anyone change anything.”
Derric Yuh Ndim

“The most important thing
anyone who is looking at a career, especially students, can do is to
remember that strengthening and developing your employ-ability
is your personal responsibility.”
Derric Yuh Ndim

“All things are possible not only to God but also to the man who truly and firmly believes in Him”
Sunday Adelaja

Jitendra Attra
“If you believe you can: you might be wrong or right

If you believe you cannot: you are right”
Jitendra Attra, chakravyuh The Land of the Paharias

“The idea that “work” competes with “life” ignores that “life” is actually the intersection and interaction of four major domains: work, home, community, and the private self.”
Derric Yuh Ndim

“A client of mine once joked, “If your
employer likes you, the rest is history, the raise and everything
else will come.” That intangible attitude in the workplace is what
sets apart those who get promoted and those who don’t.”
Derric Yuh Ndim

“The difference between successful and unsuccessful people isn’t really about
resources that were available to them when they started out, Instead its their resourcefulness or personal initiative that makes the difference.”
Derric Yuh Ndim

Dada Bhagwan
“Physical pleasures are not associated with attachment-abhorrence; the belief in an opinion itself is attachment-abhorrence.”
Dada Bhagwan

Connie di Marco
“What was the appeal? Particularly from the very young? A need to belong? some twisted tribal urge? how easy it is for the power-hungry to seduce those who want answers. But were they that different from myself? We all want answers, we all want the "truth"--confirmation that the universe is a good place and that we're protected from harm. We all want to believe there is an order.”
Connie Di Marco, The Madness of Mercury

“The mentality of a believer is a mentality of a person who believes in the victory already provided by God even if it cannot be seen now”
Sunday Adelaja

Dada Bhagwan
“The whole world is immersed in ‘wrong belief’. Even though ‘belief’ is wrong, one truly believes it is his own, doesn't he? He believes it to be completely true, doesn't he?”
Dada Bhagwan

Harmon Okinyo
“The problem is that we treat our own beliefs as facts.”
Harmon Okinyo

“Believing or not your mother is the only one who believes in you, don’t get hurt by something spoken, but only you know what you are and what you will become.”
Alan Maiccon

Awdhesh Singh
“A person who takes responsibility of his life believes in the immutability of laws that govern this world. When we fail to achieve our desired fruit, it is because we failed to sow the right seed in the right soil at the right time.”
Awdhesh Singh, 31 Ways to Happiness

Awdhesh Singh
“An atheist is essentially a person who believes in a rational world that works on the basis of certain natural laws without any interference from any `Supreme Being` or God.”
Awdhesh Singh, Myths are Real, Reality is a Myth

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If God believes in you, then it doesn’t matter if anyone else does. And God has never not believed in you.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Santosh    Kumar
“If my soul tells me something and my heart believes in it, then I am bound to accept it.”
Santosh Kumar (San)

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