Behaviour Quotes

Quotes tagged as "behaviour" Showing 31-60 of 372
Steve Goodier
“Many folks pray, "Lead us not unto temptation." But the problem is ... we honestly don't need leading -- we can find the way there ourselves. And even enjoy the journey.”
Steve Goodier

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Not everyone is the same، prior of all, consider the behaviour and personality.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

“Your inability to understand someone's behavior does not define their character.”
Shiva Negi

“A growth mindset offers a new perspective on self, fostering a positive and productive outlook on one's potential and influencing behaviour towards others.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“By emphasizing effort over intelligence, a growth mindset propels individuals to explore, pursue their desires, and ultimately find their purpose, acknowledging their infinite potential.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“A growth mindset reframes challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning, steering individuals towards the discovery of their life's purpose.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“Prioritizing effort over intelligence, a growth mindset propels individuals to explore, pursue their desires, and ultimately find their purpose, acknowledging infinite potential.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“A growth mindset introduces a fresh perspective on self, cultivating a positive and productive view of personal potential that extends to interactions with others.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“With the belief that there are no limits to what one can achieve, individuals with a growth mindset prioritize self-fulfilment over the approval of others.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“With a growth mindset, respect for others emanates from self-respect.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“Personal and professional success is influenced by how one interacts with others.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“Success and failure are not hereditary, but they can be influenced by the skills, talents, abilities, behaviours, motivations, associations, and mindset of parents, friends, and family.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“A growth mindset provides a new lens through which individuals view themselves, fostering a positive and productive outlook on personal potential and influencing their interactions with others.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“The belief in limitless possibilities directs individuals to prioritize self-fulfilment over seeking approval from others.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“Success in personal and professional realms is closely tied to how one treats others.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“To foster mastery and understanding of a concept, employ the Feynman technique. This involves simplifying and explaining complex topics using simple language, either in writing or by teaching others.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“While success and failure are not hereditary, they can be influenced by the attributes of our parents, friends, and family.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“To break free from wrong associations, identify the specific attributes needed for success, such as skills, talents, abilities, motivations, associations, and mindset, and actively choose a different path. A growth mindset can be very instrumental in making this choice.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“If those around you lack success, they may have the wrong attributes that lead to success, which can be passed on you through association. However, you have the power to reject this influence.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“Once you have a clear idea of who you want to become, commit to the process of reinventing yourself. It won't be easy, but with determination and a growth mindset, you can overcome obstacles and create a better version of yourself”
Asuni LadyZeal

“If you've learned the wrong things by association or developed skills, talents, abilities, behaviours, motivations, and a mindset that no longer serves you, it may be time to reinvent yourself and transform into a completely different person.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“A growth mindset is essential for maintaining motivation to learn and develop new skills, unlike a fixed mindset where one may assume they already know everything.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“A growth mindset keeps you motivated to learn and develop new skills, in contrast to a fixed mindset where you may assume you already know everything.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“By being selective about the people we invest our time and energy in, we can cultivate more profound, meaningful relationships with those who share our values, priorities, and interests and bring out the best in us.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“You should make friends with growth-minded people to use the growth mindset for personal and professional success.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“If we make friends solely based on people's looks and other unimportant criteria, it can be detrimental to our personal and professional well-being and happiness in the long run.”
Asuni LadyZeal

Rachel Aviv
“For a child, solipsistic by nature, there are limits to the ways that despair can be communicated. Culture shapes the scripts that expressions of distress will follow. In both anorexia and resignation syndrome, children embody anger and a sense of powerlessness by refusing food, one of the few methods of protest available to them. Experts tell these children that they are behaving in a recognisable way that has a label. The children then make adjustments, conscious and unconscious, to the way that they've been classified. Over time, a willed pattern of behaviour becomes increasingly involuntary and ingrained.”
Rachel Aviv, Strangers to Ourselves: Unsettled Minds and the Stories That Make Us

Lorrie Moore
“don’t mistake a lack of sophistication for sweetness”
Lorrie Moore, Birds of America: Stories

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Even in an environment designed to demonize you, don’t let their action detonate you. Strive to keep yourself calm and peaceful.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya, International Human Rights Art Movement Literary Magazine: 2023 Collected Works

Richard Templar
“Early in my career, observation of those around showed that there was a distinct set of behaviours that got people promoted.
If there were two people of equal ability, for example, and one dressed, thought and behaved as if they had already been promoted, they would be the one who got the next available job at that next level.”
Richard Templar, Templar: Rules of Life 5e