
Batman Quotes

Quotes tagged as "batman" Showing 1-30 of 212
Frank Miller
“The world doesn't make sense until you force it to.”
Frank Miller

Alan             Moore
“If I have to have a past, then I prefer it to be multiple choice.”
Alan Moore, Batman: The Killing Joke

Grant Morrison
“Enough madness? Enough? And how do you measure madness? - The Joker”
Grant Morrison, Batman: Arkham Asylum

Grant Morrison
“Adults...struggle desperately with fiction, demanding constantly that it conform to the rules of everyday life. Adults foolishly demand to know how Superman can possibly fly, or how Batman can possibly run a multibillion-dollar business empire during the day and fight crime at night, when the answer is obvious even to the smallest child: because it's not real.”
Grant Morrison, Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human

Neil Gaiman
“You don't get heaven or hell. Do you know the only reward you get for being Batman? You get to be Batman.”
Neil Gaiman, Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?

“Don't talk like one of them. You're not! Even if you'd like to be. To them, you're just a freak, like me! They need you right now, but when they don't, they'll cast you out, like a leper! You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve. -The Joker”
Christoper Nolan

Gail Simone
“If you need to stop an asteroid, you call Superman. If you need to solve a mystery, you call Batman. But if you need to end a war, you call Wonder Woman.”
Gail Simone

Frank Miller
“Ladies. Gentlemen. You have eaten well. You've eaten Gotham's wealth. Its spirit. Your feast is nearly over. From this moment on...none of you are safe.”
Frank Miller, Batman: Year One

Alan             Moore
“How can two people hate so much without knowing each other?”
Alan Moore , Batman: The Killing Joke

Grant Morrison
“I run blindly through the madhouse ... And I cannot even pray ... For I have no God.”
Grant Morrison, Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House on Serious Earth

“Dan: 'Ah, well, I hope this didn't have anything to do with me.'

Ellen: 'No, not unless you played Cat Woman in Batman.”
Ellen DeGeneres

Frank Miller
“I'm the goddamn Batman.”
Frank Miller, All-Star Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder

Mark Millar
“I offered them Utopia, but they fought for the right to live in Hell.”
Mark Millar, Superman: Red Son

Frank Miller
“A gun is a liar's weapon”
Frank Miller

Grant Morrison
“Laugh and the world laughs with you!”
Grant Morrison

Cassandra Clare
“I’d suggest we go get milk shakes or something to celebrate, but this is kind of a scary neighborhood.”
“Shadowhunters don’t worry about scary neighborhoods,” said Dru.
“Have you learned nothing from the way Batman’s parents died?” said Kit, feigning shock.
Ty smiled. And for the first time since Livvy had died, Dru laughed.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Karen Marie Moning
“Ryodan says softly, “Holy strawberries, Dani, we’re in a jam.”
I look at him like he’s sprouted two heads. Holy strawberries? In a jam? Even Barrons looks stumped.
He continues, “But don’t worry. Holy priceless collection of Etruscan snoods—you really butchered that one, by the way—I’ve got it in the bag. How about this one: holy borrowing bibliophile, let’s book.”
Karen Marie Moning, Burned

Grant Morrison
“Then I reminded myself that all intelligent children suffer bad dreams.”
Grant Morrison, Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House on Serious Earth

Ben Aaronovitch
“Actually I'd always thought he sat in the library with a slim volume of metaphysical poetry until the commissioner called him on the bat phone and summoned him into action. Holy paranormal activity, Nightingale - to the Jag mobile.”
Ben Aaronovitch, Whispers Under Ground

Christopher Nolan
“Bruce Wayne/Batman: A hero can be anyone, even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat on a young boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended.”
Christopher Nolan

Frank Miller
“Alfred: Hmf. I suppose you'll take up flying next, like that fellow in Metropolis.”
Frank Miller, Batman: Year One

Frank Miller
“He's clearly a man with a mission, but it's not one of vengeance. Bruce is not after personal revenge ... He's much bigger than that; he's much more noble than that. He wants the world to be a better place, where a young Bruce Wayne would not be a victim ... In a way, he's out to make himself unnecessary. Batman is a hero who wishes he didn't have to exist.”
Frank Miller, Batman: Year One

Frank Miller
“I always knew it would come down to you and the big blue school boy. Planet's too big for the BOTH of you. When it all comes down, I want a piece of him. A small piece, will do? For OLD TIMES, sake, you know..it still hurts when its cold.”
Frank Miller

Christopher      Nolan
“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
Christopher J. Nolan, The Dark Knight

Grant Morrison
“These characters were like twelve-bar blues or other chord progressions. Given the basic parameters of Batman, different creators could play very different music.”
Grant Morrison, Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human

Roshani Chokshi
“Who are you?" Aru grinned. This was the moment she had been waiting for all her life. In school, the teachers always asked instead: What's you name? Now, finally, she could say her dream response to Who are you? "Your worst nightmare," she said in a deep Batman voice.”
Roshani Chokshi, Aru Shah and the End of Time

Frank Miller
“I requested off this damn night shift four times now. Barbara needs me. Barbara and little James. So I hope it's boy, so what?”
Frank Miller, Batman: Year One

Travis Langley
“Fiction with its big question of 'what if?' is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Once upon a time, the ability to light a fire was fictitious.”
Travis Langley

“Madness is like gravity, all it takes is a little push.- The Joker”
Paul Dani
tags: batman

“Always be yourself! Unless you can be Batman, then always be Batman.”
Jayy Von Monroe

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