
Authorities Quotes

Quotes tagged as "authorities" Showing 1-17 of 17
“But psychology is a more tricky field, in which even outstanding authorities have been known to run in circles, 'describing things which everyone knows in language which no one understands'.”
Raymond Cattell, The Scientific Analysis of Personality

Louis-Ferdinand Céline
“Wherever you may be, the moment you draw the attention of the authorities, the best thing you can do is disappear in a hurry.”
Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Journey to the End of the Night

“How often do we hear from the local diocesan people—the bishop, the communications director, the victim assistance coordinator, and others—that this abuse is not restricted to clergy, but, rather, it is a societal problem? It does occur outside in the public realm. When was the last time you heard of a sex offender not being held accountable for his actions once caught? The Church treated the abuse as a sin only and nothing more. Out in society, sex offenders are not moved to another community quietly. “But protest that priests are 'no worse' than other groups or than men in general is a dire indictment of the profession. It is surprising that this attitude is championed by the Church authorities. Although the extent of the problem will continue to be debated, sexual abuse by Catholic priests is a fact. The reason why priests, publicly dedicated to celibate service, abuse is a question that cries out for explanation. Sexual activity of any adult with a minor is a criminal offense. By virtue of the requirement of celibacy, sexual activity with anyone is proscribed for priests. These factors have been constant and well-known by all Church authorities” (Sipe 227−228).”
Charles L. Bailey Jr., In the Shadow of the Cross: The True Account of My Childhood Sexual and Ritual Abuse at the Hands of a Roman Catholic Priest

“One clear-cut fact does, however, emerge: placebos, prescribed for a paranoid schizophrenic by his authority referent, had served to inhibit for approximately two or three months, not imaginary pains, but somatic ones. This finding is probably the most striking of all the findings reported herein for either Joseph or Leon. It demonstrates most dramatically the positive effects which can be achieved by suggestions originating with the paranoid schizophrenic's own delusional authority figures. This finding is all the more remarkable when one remembers that paranoid schizophrenics are typically negativistic, that, because they view other people with suspicion and mistrust, they resist suggestions that others make. But our data clearly suggest that paranoid schizophrenics are, like everyone else, quite capable of following positive suggestions when they originate with positive referents. In this respect, the major difference between normal people and paranoid schizophrenics lies not so much in the fact that the schizophrenics are less suggestible but in the fact that they have no positive authorities or referents in the real world; if they have any at all, these positive referents exist only in the world of their delusions.”
Milton Rokeach, The Three Christs of Ypsilanti: A Psychological Study

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi
“The word grows mad on the ferment
Of angry actions, the authorities can only inflict
Visible punishments. Now regard with the unpracticed
Inner eye the unseen presence of Judgement then
You will understand the nature of your soul's torment”
Rumi, Words of Paradise: Selected Poems

James Hauenstein
“Who is watching the Watchers?”
James Hauenstein

Anne Applebaum
“In many advanced democracies there is now no common debate, let alone a common narrative. People have always had different opinions. Now they have different facts. At the same time, in an information sphere without authorities--political, cultural, moral--and no trusted sources, there is no easy way to distinguish between conspiracy theories and true stories. False, partisan, and often deliberately misleading narratives now spread in digital wildfires, cascades of falsehood that move too fast for fact checkers to keep up. And even if they could, it no longer matters: a part of the public will never read or see fact-checking websites, and if they do they won't believe them.”
Anne Applebaum, Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism

Victor Hugo
“To ask pardon of the authorities is to recognise their right.”
Victor Hugo, Le Roi s'amuse

“When I was an authority on many subjects, I found myself subject to the authorities.”
Aegelis, Specks of Shadows, Flecks of Light

Enock Maregesi
“Watu wanaohatarisha maisha yao kwa kudharau sheria wakati mwingine hawatakiwi kudharauliwa. Ni sawa na mtu aliyepoteza kila kitu katika maisha yake. Wana uwezo wa kufanya chochote. Serikali ya Meksiko ilipokataa kukidhi matakwa ya El Tigre ya kubadili katiba ya nchi – kuondoa kipengele cha mkataba wa kubadilishana watuhumiwa na washtakiwa – ili akikamatwa asipelekwe Marekani ambako atafungwa na kufia gerezani, El Tigre aliilaani Serikali ya Meksiko. Kujibu mapigo, ya laana ya maluuni, Serikali ya Meksiko ikawakabidhi makamanda 7 wa Kolonia Santita kwa mamlaka za Marekani, na kuongeza juhudi za kumsaka El Tigre mpaka nje ya Amerika ya Kusini na Kaskazini. El Tigre, kuikomoa serikali na kuwalipia kisasi makamanda wote waliouwawa na kufungwa na shirikisho, akamuua Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali (PGR) na maafisa 7 wa Jeshi la Polisi la Nchi (PJF) kulinganisha idadi ya makamanda wake waliopelekwa Marekani – halafu 'akapotea', kabisa; baada ya kutangaza vita na Serikali ya Meksiko!”
Enock Maregesi, Kolonia Santita

“If the authorities under various false pretenses, continue curtailing the rights of citizens, so that they merely become serfs to a handful of multinational companies, a global rebellion of ordinary people against super capitalism is certainly not inconceivable.”
A.J. Beirens, Gesels van een imaginaire god

“Earthly authorities respect only visible and tangible forces”
Sunday Adelaja

“If you have problems with your earthly authorities it may be probably because you have not been praying enough for your leaders”
Sunday Adelaja

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Our world became full of scammers, and the authorities do nothing to chase them.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

David Omrai
“The established authorities seize control over you once you stop questioning what is true.”
David Omrai

“When I was an authority on many subjects, I found myself a subject to the authorities.”
Aegelis, Specks of Shadows, Flecks of Light