Adrasteia Turing
Adrasteia Turing asked Lynn Buchanan:

The Dollmakers says it's a stand alone book here on good reads, but the cover says "A novel from the fallen peaks." Is it fair to expect more books from the fallen peaks may happen one day?

Lynn Buchanan Yes, I have plans for more books set in The Fallen Peaks series! The Dollmakers itself is a standalone in the sense that I don’t plan on writing a direct sequel featuring the main cast of the book, but I have several more books written and/or planned set in the same world, in different countries, with new casts of characters interacting with the magic system of the world in different ways. There’s one character who’ll be in all the books (I bet you can guess who), and in general my plan for the series is to write it as a sequence of standalones, similar to the structure of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books, with each novel capable of being read independently, but with an overarching story/narrative laced throughout the series.

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