Indie Kindle ebook review group (for authors) - Take a review, leave a review

The mission of this group is simple. It's hard as an indie author to gain reviews and traction. Especially for Amazon Kindle books that rank by popularity. That is why this group was formed. Simply post your name, book title, ASIN, and perhaps a link to your kindle book. When you review an author's book from this forum, tell them, and that author should turn around and leave a review for your book. Simply follow the golden rule, leave a good review and an author will leave a good review for you. ...more
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This is a public group. Anyone can join and invite others to join.
Write good, helpful reviews. Do not …more

FREE on 18th & 19th Nov :: A thought-provoking short story
By Tarun · 1 post · 4 views
last updated Nov 18, 2019 01:32AM
Author looking for book reviewers
By Savannah · 13 posts · 103 views
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Check out my fantasy novel
By Viktoria · 1 post · 7 views
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Website to give get reviews
By Gaia · 6 posts · 31 views
last updated Jul 10, 2018 03:21PM
Update: how to get book reviews
By Gaia · 1 post · 12 views
last updated Jul 09, 2018 12:55PM
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